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I saw a short clip of a bloke in England being interviewed on the street. His comments were amusing: "Being British is all about driving a German car to an Irish themed pub with Belgian beer and then going home buying an Indian takeaway to sit on a Swedish sofa in front of a Japanese television to watch American shows and all the while being suspicious of anything foreign".9 points
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One good thing about getting old, we watched a disaster movie tonight for the second time and didn’t know how it ends.8 points
It's Europe's time to step up. We seriously have to reconsider both AUKUS (Awkers) and the 5 eyes partnership. What point is intelligence sharing with the US when we have a dictator-lovin' Putin puppet in charge? Plus his cabinet is comprised of arse licking sycophants. Definitely not trustworthy people. I think the global West has to face the sad fact that the USA is no longer a trustworthy partner.7 points
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Tell them it's a BAY and a PORT. The Gulf of America is between Trumps EARS. Nev7 points
When it comes to public toilets I can think 2 facilities that are unisex nearby. One is by the water near the pier. It is two long columns of cubicles with a long row of sinks. The other is in the arts centre. This facility is pretty swish. It is a large area of sinks, mirrors hand driers etc and around the outside of the walls are cubicles some marked unisex others marked male or female for those who care. As FH pointed out this is old news in many countries. I remember my father telling me that when he travelled to Japan 40 years ago. He was momentarily surprised when washing his hands at a sink that there was a young woman next to him putting on makeup. He had not realized at first that it was unisex and thought maybe he had gone into the wrong toilets, but he was fine with it. Whilst I can see that change causes issues that will need to be sorted such as sport, I can not see why people get so flustered by this. I have a neighbour who moved in about 5 years ago. This young woman seemed very reluctant to engage in conversation, That was fine, I am naturally inclined to chat to anyone. Gradually I noticed that they were transitioning. It did sadden me that this person probably thought due to our age that we might be hostile, nothing could be further from the truth. Four years later my wife and I are pretty good friends with this person. Their defining characteristics for us are their wit, intelligence and kindness. I don't give a toss what their chromosomes are.7 points
My 93 yr old Italian neighbour, Barney, has a Rheem instantaneous (natural) gas HWS. It stopped working, so he came over to see what could be done about fixing it. His English isn't good, and he has zero knowledge of the "computer world" - and he's deaf as a post, too - so it's all hard work for him. I told him he could call Rheem, they have their own plumbers and repair vans, but it would most likely cost between $400 and $500, even if it was a simple part. If it needed more repair, it might be cheaper to replace it (it's a 2012 model), which he understood pretty well. I told him Rheem take $200 deposit out of your credit card just to initiate a callout - and their minimum charge is $260. Of course, he doesn't have a credit card, he only uses cash at all times! - and when I said they would send him messages via his phone, he decided that wasn't the way he wanted to go (he has a cheap mobile, but hardly knows how to use it, and he only keeps it "for emergency"). So he said he had a plumber mate down at the Italian club, and he'd ask him if he could fix it. A week later, I asked how he was getting on with it. He said his mate looked at the unit, figured out it was "an electric part" that needed replacing, and it would take 2 weeks to get the part, and install it. I was surprised, I told him Rheem parts were easy to get, and Rheem will repair it in a day or two. He said, "I don't think my mate wants to repair it, would it be easier and quicker to get a new one?" (a new replacement gas HWS is $1350 for a basic installation here, and it goes up if any difficulties are encountered). I said, "Rheem will repair it for you quickly, and as I said, it will probably be $400-500, do you want me to organise it?" He looked relieved and said "Yes, I'll pay you what it costs, and pay you as well!" I said, "I don't need any payment Barney, but I'll get it organised for you". I rang Rheem and inquired about parts supply, and they said they can supply almost any part needed for nearly all Rheem HWS's in use, and the worst wait would be 2-3 days. So I got them to put me through to Rheem service, where the (older) lady was very good. She took all my details down carefully and read them back, and advised the $260 minimum and $198 up-front charge (which I knew about), and initiated a call-out. I got a text with the job allocation number within minutes, and the next text was advising the job would be done the following day. The following day I got a couple of texts advising the repairers timing of arrival, and he arrived pretty much on time, in the early afternoon. He quickly diagnosed the problem as a U/S igniter (about a $40 part) and he had one in his van - but the model of HWS Barney had was a bugger to work on, because it was older and the igniter was buried deep in the HWS. He set to, and had to undo about 50 screws and pull off part after part, panel after panel and bracket after bracket. After about 45 minutes, he had the igniter out. He said the current models were a doddle to repair the igniter, and he would've had it done in 10 mins, if it was a current model. When I asked him about the life of a gas HWS, he bluntly stated. "10 years!". So he reckoned this one was past its use-by date! - but it still looked O.K. and didn't show any signs of corrosion. He pulled a new igniter out of his van and had it in and finished about an hour and 15 mins after starting the job. He signed it off and left, and the HWS was working spot-on. I went to my computer and there was the bill! - $339.13 in total - and the money was already gone from my credit card! I went and told a grateful Barney, gave him the invoice (the job was booked in his name and he would need the invoice for any claims), and he insisted on giving me $340 plus $50 for my trouble - despite me insisting I didn't need any payment, I just wanted to make sure he could have a hot shower! I think he got out of it pretty lightly, cost-wise, and he would've almost certainly have been ripped off by private plumbers.7 points
The negative results of his actions haven't hit home yet, they are still living on euphoria. It's only been 7 days. Seeing all the pre-election crap and comments on Farcebook, they are expecting miracles. Give it 3 or 4 months and things don't improve the way they hope, eg. cheaper eggs, gasoline, groceries, etc., and the impact of his policies on the cost of medicines, education, etc. start to hurt, that euphoria will evaporate.7 points
Well, the daughter finished her A Levels (HSC/VCE equivalent) last year. She didn't quite do as well as she expected for one of her subjects, which was her best during the year. In fact, she scored a C (we still use the old letter system here). Bitterly disappointed, her school were fantastic. A little background, the examination boards here are.. privatised.. so any questioning of their results has two impacts - additional cost (less profit) and, if they agree (ie.e conceded, or admit they were wrong), reduced reputation with the government that pays them. She scored a C, and needed a high B or a low A with her other subjects to get into her chosen course. Her teacher was adamant she was at least a low A, and the examination board did concede that they were short staffed (aka didn't pay enough) and for my daughter's region, there was an inexperienced examiner. Our initial "review", which cost us £150 was immediately rejected. So we lodged a formal appeal. I aksed the school if there were others in her class, and she said all of them were poorly marked. I suggested a sort oif class appeal, but because they all got into their chosen courses, or went on to work or for their gap year, no one was interested. So we appealed. It takes some time and was something like £300, with a refind if the appeal is upheld. Designed to keep poorer people from appealing, I guess, we went with the appeal. After reading her paper, and the markers comments, they didn't tally, so I was confident it would get through - just by how much though, and would it be enough? My daughter, rather than travelling and taking a lesser course, decided she would sit a 4th subject. It meant doing a two year subject in one year, but because she was only doing the one subject, it was easy. But, it did cost as it was only available in that format at a private college. She has gone to the first term and then started th second. However, we got the results of her appeal, which I was minded to complain about because it only just took her into the B grade.. And her teacher from the original school is fantastic, called us, and asked if we wanted to challenge the appeal. At this stage, it would go to the local educational authoritym which is the government. My daughter decided to lodge her application for the course she wanted - Law at one of the Russel universities (sort of Ivy leagie of the UK and incudes Oxford and Cambridge - but her chosen university is neither of those). She just got the notice that shed has been accepted unconditionally, and is over the moon, as are all of us! BTW, she cose law all be herself. Both my partner and I agreed to not push or otherwise recommend either child into a vocation/profession - we would advise if they asked. And to top it off, she has just scored herself a temporary job at the local nucelar plant as well (security clearance permitting), paying almost average wage... Good on her.7 points
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Just got off the phone from my son in Sydney. He is a robotics/computer development engineer. He just received with his tech partner a $100k grant from a big Uni innovation fund to develop a new technology. Can't say what it is but will lead to very big things and hopefully a high tech development of world leading stuff. Just the bottom rung of the R &D bucket but a very important start. Meanwhile he is been head hunted by big venture capital and some dark box government stuff. I am absolutely stoked, all the hard years and effort, never fitting the mould of society and being outside the box. All those years of R/c cars and airplanes have paid off. I will take some credit in upbringing and 50% credit at least for the DNA. I can't say a lot about it, but he has many things all leading to a big future. My son the inventor, has a very nice sound to it. I am incredibly proud, he has overcome incredible health problems, obstacles and many years interrupted from education in a system that doesn't know what to do with a brainiac on the spectrum. He is going to change the world. You may never know but I will. Damn it feels great.7 points
Wow what a week. First Zak found images of a painting my Jane ( his stepmother )did of him as a 5 year old. Done in oils, it was a work of love during her first year of cancer. It was lost in the turmoil of life and death. Zak found it and we will have it replecated in oil paints. To see it again brought back so many great and not so memories. To see my little boy on canvas and now have him reach for the stars is humbling, and ecstatic. It's been a journey that would seem a fiction on paper but life is stranger and far more surprising. I know Jane would be just as proud.7 points
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Interesting comment on Facebook... "I'm surprised he didn't pretend to be dead for three days & then rise again."7 points
For the past couple of months I have been trying to get my WLA Harley running after having it sit for nearly two years. I had all sorts of problems - failed ignition coils, flooding carburettor bowls and grossly out of tune engine. I decided to throw some money at it, and was lucky enough to be introduced to a H-D mechanic who knows about real Harleys. I gave him the bike and let him loose. I got it back last week, but had all sort of trouble with the electrical system and could not start it. The problems related to the ignition switch. The mechanic told me to pull the switch off and clean the terminals, which I did. When I refitted it, all the pretty lights came on and I started the engine. BUT.... the generator warning light would not go out. I decided that instead of diving in at the most complex reason for that, I should take a hint from the cure for the switch and clean all the terminals associated with the generator and regulator. So with some steel wool and stiff brush, I polished the terminals and the posts. At one stage I was having difficulty refitting a wire to the regulator and I wondered if it wasn't supposed to go where I thought it did. It had come from underneath the regulator and I wondered if it didn't go on the terminal, but was an earth wire, connected elsewhere. Luckily I had written a detailed set of instructions for installing the regulator, so I was able to get the wire connected correctly. Once everything had been tightened down, I tried to start the engine. I turned the ignition switch and everything lit up. I started the engine and as the revs rose, the generator warning light went out. I'm trailering the bike in for a rego inspection tomorrow. I decided not to ride as I am so out of practice, although there would be not traffic to worry about. I'm hoping that the weather holds over the weekend so I can do a couple of runs back and forth for a few kilometres to get back into the swing of things. I'm so relieved that the bike is back in service. That makes me happy enough to now attack that bloody bathroom and get it finished.7 points
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Got a reply this morning. He has been working 12-14 hour days and hasn't had a chance to get on the forums. He says he's fine.7 points
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Back to the original thread subject - here's my "positive" report for this week. (SWMBO says I've been too grumbly and short-tempered this week. Might be, because I'm fighting to finish several projects). Thursday night, we went to the W.A. Gravity Discovery Centre, located about an hour N of Perth in the Yeal Nature Reserve, which is halfway between the coastal City of Yanchep, and the rural inland town of Gingin. The night Observatory tour we went on, is called the Adults Only Stargazing Date Night. The tour included dinner, and about 2.5 hrs of stellar and sky discussion and learning. We got there at 6:30PM for a supposedly 7:00PM dinner time, but we were told some people were running a little late, so the dinner start was put back to 7:15PM. We spent 45 minutes checking out some of the site attractions, such as the informative galleries. The whole setup is owned by the University of W.A. and comprises several display galleries as well as a "leaning tower", and the GDC Observatory - which is a retractable roof building housing several large telescopes - which we all got to peer through, to view some of the planets, and some of the more prominent and well-known stars. There were only 5 couples in the tour, and we got a nice meal from the little cafe, with the (pre-ordered) choice of chicken or steak, followed by cheescake dessert. Then we headed off into the darkness (aided by the tour speakers small red light, to ensure our night vision was preserved), to view stars and planets from the Observatory. He had a big green laser pointer which he used sparingly to point out the various celestial bodies of interest, and he waxed on comically for about a couple of hours, talking about star formations and collapses, the various features of planets, the research on Gravity Waves, and a host of other celestial and physics of the Universe that left our heads spinning. He reckoned he'd been doing this for 30 years, so he knew astronomy inside-out! Someone asked a question about satellites and how they affected sky-viewing. He got quite animated about this subject, and especially about Musks Starlink satellites (and he constantly referred to Musk as "Mush"! 😄 ) He talked about how he'd set up cameras to take dozens and even hundreds of shots of the night sky - only to find in the morning, that his sky shots were criss-crossed with satellite trails! - which left criss-cross lines all over his great photos! He said, "about then, you start having homicidal thoughts (about Musk)". 😞 I was staggered to find out, that there's now around NINETY THOUSAND satellites in low Earth orbit! - as against perhaps only a couple of hundred, say 30 years ago. We had an absolutely PERFECT night - a perfectly clear sky, cool to the point of being chilly, no moon (moonrise was around 10:00PM as we finished up), and as dark as we could get, allowing for the fact we were just 70kms out of Perth. Naturally, the City lights glow was still pretty visible on the Southern horizon. All in all, we had a very enjoyable evening, doing something a little different. The Adults Only Stargazing Date Night is currently unavailable, we got the last booking date for the event, for the time being. I'm not sure when there will be another repeat of this event, they might be struggling to get staff to run it, as it appears they rely a lot on volunteers. https://gravitycentre.com.au/6 points
How do we treat the US? From my understanding: We allow them t have their bases here. We historically have a large trade deficit with them (in other words, they have a large trade surplus). That has only changed this year because their ultra wealthy see the writing ont he wall with Chump's policies and are going to a safe asset - gold - and are importing it from all over the world like crazy. We sell them aliminium that they did ot impose tariffs on previously.. but it was not dumped - it was sold at wither prevailing spot price or in accordance with futures or forward contracts (Vance lied when he said we sold subsidised goods); Unti Abbot clamped down on the car industry, we allowed the US car mnanufacturers to claim the 150% R&D tax deduction through transfer pricing R&D and not carrying out anywhere near as much as they claimed they did. Oracle, a large software company still claim their R&D centre in Aus, yet they don't do that much development there. AUKUS. Australia has signed up to $380Bn purchase of something like 8 subs, but have committed soemthing like 8bn just to prop up their ship building industry and we can't get anything back even if the US decide they don't want to supply us.. Most of our defence procurement is spent on the US We have sent troops to fight US wars that have no impact on Australia, and little in local geopolitics We have far more people move to the US for work - called the brain drain - we pay to educate them and the US gets the benefit of that education. And with all of this, we have lost our self-sufficiency in many ways. What does Australia get out of it? A promise (and increasingly unlikely to be honoured) promise that should Australia be invaded, the US may come to our rescue... So, tell me what else do we get from the US and what else do we do to treat the US so badly? So, I would argue we treat them very, very well.. using Chump's vernacular, we treat the US beautifully.. don't we? And they stick it up our arse.6 points
6 points
Do you believe in common decency and the right to NOT be invaded GON? The war is supposed to end with Russia withdrawing to it's OWN territory and paying reparations to Ukraine for the loss of lives and property. Any other way, and Putin will just do it again. To put it simply. Putin is that horrible bully who beats up other kids and steals their lunch money. Ukraine has stood up to him and punched him in the nose. The bully is surprised but still trying to use his bigger size to beat up Ukraine and not only steal its lunch money but also its bike. The other neighbourhood kids are standing round watching. Some, like Orban and now Trump, see personal gain in the bully winning. Other, more decent and intelligent kids, know that if the bully wins here then he's going to steal their lunch money eventually. The ONLY way they are all safe is to stand together against that bully, but Trump for base personal gain (and spite for Zelenskyy not doing him a grubby personal favour last time) has walked away from the other kids and is trying to help the bully win. Let me know if this is too complicated.6 points
BREAKING: Donald Trump's takeover of the Kennedy Center implodes in humiliating fashion as droves of talented celebrities abandon the legendary performing arts center in protest. Trump is radioactive with the people he wants to impress most... Actress Issa Rae announced on Instagram in a brief statement that she is cancelling her "An Evening With Issa Rae" event slated for next month. Tickets will be refunded. "Unfortunately, due to what I believe to be an infringement on the values of an institution that has faithfully celebrated artists of all backgrounds through all mediums, I’ve decided to cancel my appearance at this venue," she wrote. Trump made himself chairman of the center on Wednesday. Earlier this week he removed Biden appointees from the board and rammed in unqualified cronies including Second Lady Usha Vance and White House Chief of staff Susie Wiles. Mega-successful television producer and writer Shonda Rhimes — the woman behind hit shows like Grey's Anatomy, Bridgerton, and Scandal among others — resigned as treasurer of the center's board yesterday. She posted a quote from JFK on her Instagram: "If art is to nourish the roots of our culture, society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him." Legendary soprano Renée Fleming resigned as artistic advisor to the center and while she avoided naming Trump, she praised David M. Rubenstein — the center's former chairman who was ousted. Singer and songwriter Ben Folds stepped down from his role as advisor to the National Symphony Orchestra, which the Kennedy Center oversees. "Given developments at the Kennedy Center, effective today I am resigning as artistic adviser to the N.S.O. Mostly, and above all, I will miss the musicians of our nation’s symphony orchestra — just the best!" Folds wrote on Instagram. Adam Weiner of the band Low Cut Connie has also canceled an appearance at the center next month. "Upon learning that this institution that has run nonpartisan for 54 years is now chaired by President Trump himself and his regime, I decided I will not perform there," he wrote on social media, adding that friends and fans were going to be "directly negatively affected by this administration’s policies and messaging." This is the kind of rejection that infuriates Donald Trump more than anything. He has long wanted to be accepted by America's cultural elites. Instead, they see him for the cruel, fascist, incompetent failure he truly is.6 points
I think you're missing the point. Regardless of who owns the factories, they're employing Australians. If Trump puts tariffs on Australian goods then the price goes up in the US, which means it either gets passed to the consumer or they stop importing as much. In either case demand for Australian products goes down and that could lead to a loss of Australian jobs. That's why Albo will talk to him. Hopefully he understands that when dealing with vindictive bullies of limited intellect, crawling will not work, so he will be respectful but firm and clearly put Australia's case forward.6 points
I don't give a toss whether he's the world's richest man or not, and whether that wealth is tangible, intangible or he shits diamonds. The point is that he is an unelected and uncontrolled private citizen with access to virtually all US government data. He has massive conflicts of interest, zero oversight, and has proven to be untrustworthy in his market manipulation already. He's not a public servant and neither are his employees who he's sending into government offices. Despite having no "need to know" he and the other private citizens are accessing private and restricted data. To be honest I think Musk is actually more of a risk to democracy than Trump.6 points
Well... In the interests of the population of our country, I'd like to see political action on the following:- 1. Transparency by all political and business players. 2. Accountability - a transparent Anticorruption watchdog that has teeth & allows public scrutiny. 3. A stop to foreign ownership of domestic property. 4. A better system of making big business pay their taxes. 5. A future fund similar to Norway's. 6. A ban on political parties. Democracy can be served better if each elected member is permitted a conscience vote. 7. Cease using taxpayers money for political advertising. 8. Bring back old fashioned boring but factual reporting and investigative journalism by our ABC. Am I sounding grumpy enough yet?6 points
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I see lots of comments on Facebook from people who believe that Trump will save them from the financial problems they are facing, in other words, they voted through their pockets. Unfortunately for the Dems, a number of worldwide circumstances (Covid, Middle East wars, etc.), have caused inflation, and they are blaming the Dems for these effects. I think, when they realise that Trumps policies will increase these problems, not reduce them as he promised, those who jumped ship may change their mind at the midterms. Trump cannot be removed at the midterms, but he may lose control of the House, and possibly even the senate, which will tie his hands. I doubt they would use the 25th Amendment to get rid of him, as that would put Vance in charge. From Wikipedia: Midterm elections historically generate lower voter turnout than presidential elections. While the latter have had turnouts of about 50–60% over the past 60 years, only about 40% of those eligible to vote go to the polls in midterm elections. Historically, midterm elections often see the president's party lose seats in Congress, and also frequently see the president's opposite-party opponents gain control of one or both houses of Congress.6 points
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On the subject of positives, I've been in salvager's heaven this last week. I just have to make sure I use all the gear so it doesn't turn into a hoarder's nightmare. I answered an ad on Facebook Marketplace for some secondhand bricks. They were solids, from the old local brickworks when they were operating. Solids are like hen's teeth now; brickworks that still make them often only do it to order and they are very expensive. I rolled up at the renovation site and picked them up, about 200 of them. The people doing the renovation are a nice young couple and it turns out they are house flippers. They usually end up with heaps of building demolition material that goes in the bin skip and would prefer it if someone could use it instead of throwing good material away. As it is, they found the right bloke for that. I went back in today for a couple of loads. I ended up with 100+ split face retaining blocks (retail $6 each) and a pile of good fill for the driveway holes and a few sheets of non structural ply. The second trip was more driveway fill plus a couple of 3 metre long 6x3" hardwood beams that had been used as lintels and a whole bunch of hardwood 3x2" short studs. They're only 2 metres long but will be ok for jack studs and the like. Tomorrow I'm going back for another short 6x3" beam, some more ply, a hardwood bench, some treated pine posts and there's heaps of pallets there if I want them. It might be ongoing as they do two or three houses per year. It's mutually beneficial; I get good recycled building material for free and they get the site cleaned up.6 points
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Today would have been my late wife's 80th birthday. Happy cake and flame day, Irene.6 points
My Daughter gave us our first grandchild today, so it's a wonderful day for my wife and I. Welcome to the world Harrison.6 points
It beggars belief that in a country of well over 300million people, the two running for President are geriatric white men, one a criminal. Is this the best they can do? It's a failing of both parties. The Republicans because they decided to race for the bottom, but more importantly the Democrats because they didn't plan for a replacement for someone whose age cohort is usually found in nursing homes. Why didn't they make an agreement with Joe that he would serve 1 term, then endorse a younger candidate to run in 2024? Is there NO Democrat suitable?6 points
I wonder if such longevity is a gift or a curse. My Mum is 98 and still mentally acute. However, she is outliving the people she has known for years. I see her in her room in the aged care facility, still able to sit and read the paper, or keep up her interest in horse racing by watching it on the TV, as well as other programmes she enjoys. But I don't see the active lady of a couple of decades ago. She was always on the go. Now she can barely move around her room, and has to be wheelchaired from there to the dining room. She doesn't even like it when she has to be taken out of the facility for health care like seeing the podiatrist. One good thing that the recent inquiry into aged care resulted in was the requirement for aged care providers to allocate more time for interaction with residents. Luckily her facility has a great group of staff who actually have a passion for caring for the residents.6 points
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Stolen from Facebook…… ‘The young woman who submitted the tech support message below (about her relationship to her husband) presumably did it as a joke. Then she got a reply that was way too good to keep to herself. The tech support people's love advice was hilarious and genius! The query: Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slowdown in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as: NBA 5.0, NFL 3.0 and Golf Clubs 4.1. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and House cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do? Signed: Desperate The response (that came weeks later out of the blue)… Dear Desperate, First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an Operating System. Please enter command: I thought you loved me.html and try to download Tears 6.2. Do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. However, remember, overuse of the Tears application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0, or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download Snoring Loudly Beta version. Whatever you do, DO NOT, under any circumstances, install Mother-In-Law 1.0 as it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources. In addition, please do not attempt to re-install the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0. In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Cooking 3.0. Good Luck Tech Support6 points
EVs have been driven across the Nullabor, and all around and across Australia. There are plenty of you tube clips and documented road trip data to show this. It is true that the public charging network is poor but it is improving. It doesn't bother me much as I've only done 2 long trips in 6 months. I charge the battery at home from solar power so my driving costs virtually nothing, though public chargers can be expensive. Then so is petrol & diesel & it gets dearer the further away from main centres you go. A company in Darwin is building modular charging stations that can be delivered on the back of a truck anywhere in Australia with 2 to 4 charging stations and a mini solar farm to keep the batteries full. The cost is miniscule compared to establishing a petrol station and the fuel does not have to be continually transported there. The anti EV lobby is a bit like the anti horseless carriage lobby of the late 19th century. There were no petrol stations when the first cars hit the road. Fuel had to be bought from a pharmacy. ICE car production won't disappear till the mid 30s & then ICE cars will continue to operate for 10 or so years after that. Things will change as they always have though some will have to be brought in to the future kicking and screaming. The writing is on the wall. In the last 300 years humanity has used up most of the fuel it took 4.5 billion years to amass. Now there are over 8 billion of us. Changing how we inhabit this planet is not an option if we are to survive at all. It won't bother anyone reading this as we will all be dead. People being born now are the ones who will have to fix what we have created. I hope they can.6 points
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