Well how about this...remember I am in the IT business...had a phone call from a guy (Indian accent) saying he was from Optus Technical Support. I am with Optus so all ok so far...2 boxes checked (Indian accent and Optus).
He said that Optus had been informed from the telecommunications authority that a PC on my IP address had a virus. I asked what virus and he said the ramnit one. My ears pricked up because that is a pretty nasty virus. My mind was ticking over like it was on a dual core processor...2 different thought threads going at the same time...With all the protection that I have on my network how could that in any way be possible and Is this a scam?
He said he was ringing me as Optus had the files to disinfect my PCs and he would help me do it. He then asked what anti virus I was using to which I advised him that was my business and until I can verify the authenticity of the phone call I will not tell him. He then said that he advised me that the phone call was being recorded which Optus normally does. I said easy words to say.
I then asked him what was my Optus account number...he didn't know as those details were not passed to him and he was only there to help me.
I then asked him what is my IP address...he didn't know as that would come out in the disinfection process.
I then asked him for his name and phone number which he gave me as Dave and a 1300 number.
I then advised him that I was hanging up and would ring Optus Technical Support back using the phone number I have for them.
Before I called Optus Technical Support I checked all the devices on my network which has 2xPCs, 2xLaptops, 2xIpods, 1xIpad, 1xNetBook and 3xPhones and everything was clean.
I called Optus Technical Support using my normal umber and they have no record of the call to me and they also don't call their users but wait for them to ring Optus if they are having any problems...they did say that there is a bad virus going around today DNS Changer but that was all. I had already checked for the DNS Changer Virus so I knew I was ok with that.
So, just be careful out there and it may be just me but I am noticing so many scams around these days that it is getting very nasty out there.
Oh, if you want to check for the DNS Changer Virus, go to dns-ok.gov.au and see if you get the OK message...it is a Gov run tool so it is safe.