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Everything posted by eightyknots

  1. This looks like a screen shot from something you have gleaned from the internet. You read some weird stuff, FT!
  2. I think the government should spend a billion dollars developing lunacy cells, a photo-voltaic alternative which will be able to capture moonlight for night time electricity consumption.
  3. There was no one with a notebook writing down observations of evolution taking place many years ago. No observations in science means it will stay a theory of evolution. When people start to make statements about the theory of evolution as if it was a fact, it indicates that they have taken it on board as a belief. Passing a theory off as fact becomes faith in evolution.
  4. Details on this thread: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/a-new-oz-engine-on-the-way.63583/page-18
  5. That's an interesting conclusion in that article: There is a very thin line between being a None and a nihilist; after all, if your whole identity is based on not believing in something, then why give a damn about anything?
  6. Let's start with Vice President Al Gore.....
  7. Huh?
  8. I suppose you put this in aviation laughter because there is no theology section in this forum?
  9. This is in a country town in NZ at 2.00 am: Broadband Speed Test Results Test run on 29/09/2014 @ 10:57 PM* Mirror: Optus Data: 13 MB Test Time: 10.01 secs Your line speed is 11.3 Mbps (11303 kbps). Your download speed is 1.38 MB/s (1413 KB/s). We are about 2.5 km from the telephone exchange. *It shows about 11 pm because in addition to the 2 hour difference with eastern Australia, we are already on daylight savings time here in NZ
  10. I agree, this thread would be far more edifying if the items described in the thread title was adhered to.
  11. Another best seller is Wind in the Willows. Do people really believe that badgers and otters talk?
  12. I am not sure how 40% of Americans believing the Noah's ark event has anything to do with 31,000 scientists signing a petition. The petitioners want to dispel the claim of a Consensus Science or “settled science” in favour of the theory that global warming (and the climatic effects supposedly resulting from this) is just incorrect. Over 31,000 scientists who are prepared to sign this means there are a significant number who don't subscribe to Consensus Science on this matter. Noah's ark is completely irrelevant.
  13. How about the 31,487 American scientists have signed a petition (including 9,029 with PhDs) all claiming that there is no scientific evidence of human induced global warming. See: http://www.petitionproject.org/
  14. I went through a similar experience in New Zealand. I ended up ditching the off-peak and going to a single tariff as the combined electricity consumption is cheaper that way.
  15. I have had Philips branded LED lamps above our kitchen bench for nearly four years. They were very expensive (being very new technology then) but they have been without any faults so far.
  16. It is a pity that some form of this plan was never implemented, even if it was done in stages to ascertain the effectiveness. I think that, with sufficient environmental mitigation, this concept plan is still viable and is worthy of further investigation ...and hopefully implementation.
  17. This seems to me that all the Australian "Grey Nomads" who have sold their house and travel the country in the motor homes are beyond the law. They don't have an address!
  18. That doesn't sound right. The Electoral Roll is a publicly available document.
  19. Some words in our language which sound the same but are spelled entirely different (even Gnarly gets a mention ): byte, bite, bight seen, scene hear, here sense, cents, scents their, there, they're feet, feat ate, eight err, heir, air wheel, weal, we'll you, ewe isle, aisle, I'll ale, ail gnu, new, knew
  20. Quite a few people were taking a spell from the main topic :cheezy grin:and the thread was in danger of evolving into another topic altogether . [The last time this thread was On Topic was at post #143] .
  21. Words That Are Misspelled One of them actually is “misspelled” - those who fall afoul of the word usually leave out one of the “S” letters. Should you use the “i” or the “a”? Suffixes (endings on words) in the ‘ble’ category can be confusing. “Acceptable” is only acceptable if it’s spelled with an “A” before the “ble,” not an “I.” Do you know the difference between “conscience” and “conscious”? These are called homophones; that is words that sound alike but have different meanings. A “conscience” is what bothers you when you don’t memorize your spelling words. If you don’t get it, well, maybe you aren’t “conscious”!
  22. Give it a few million years of evolution, and all will be clear
  23. "The vast majority of the scientific community and academia supports evolutionary theory as the only explanation that can fully account for observations in the fields of biology, paleontology, molecular biology, genetics, anthropology, and others ... There is a notable difference between the opinion of scientists and that of the general public in the United States. A 2009 poll by Pew Research Center found that "Nearly all scientists (97%) say humans and other living things have evolved over time – 87% say evolution is due to natural processes, such as natural selection. The dominant position among scientists – that living things have evolved due to natural processes – is shared by only about third (32%) of the public." Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Level_of_support_for_evolution The stark facts are that many scientists have not looked fairly at all theories. Instead, one theory has been given the status as "the only explanation" for the origins of life. That sounds like a belief system to me.
  24. Humans are linked to chimpanzees – by a common designer. I understand that bananas have 90% the same DNA as chimpanzees as well. By the way, humans have 46 chromosomes and the chimpanzeess have 48. Perhaps we are more closely related to the tea tree which also has 46 chromosomes.
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