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Everything posted by eightyknots

  1. We may see the return of Pauline Hansen and the One Nation Party brand
  2. I fully agree. This has been the unofficial (and unwritten) Liberal Party policy for at least 25 years. Their ultimate aim is to see the National Party representation in Federal Parliament altogether destroyed.
  3. Or Joh(n) (Howard)?
  4. All those plasticers leeching into the water supply will do wonders for the millions of human beings who have to consume it. Don't be surprised if in a decade or so, the will be ball fishing: removing every one of them down to the last floating sphere in order to halt the slow population poisoning.
  5. That is one of them. Here is the lot: [ATTACH]47701._xfImport[/ATTACH] Source acknowledgement: https://owprince.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/ten-commandments-series-2.jpg
  6. I think Yenn is looking out of a different set of Windows: XL windows. Perhaps this XL? [ATTACH]47693._xfImport[/ATTACH]
  7. Roman Catholicism tried everything to keep the Bible away from lay people's hands, even to the point of burning the Bibles (as well as their owners at times) in order to keep people in the dark. GG is correct. It was the Pope of Rome who declared Galileo to be wrong, not other 'brands' of Christianity because Bible readers would have noticed that the Bible mentions a non-flat earth scenario: see Isaiah 40: 22. By the way, the "sun-revolves-around-the-earth concept was first propounded by a non-Christian: Plato.
  8. Here is an interesting question: how do you define "good" or "bad" unless you have a yardstick to do so? An ever-shifting situational ethics scenario cannot work to define something as definite as "good" or "bad". What is "good" with, say, radical Moslems (kill all who do not agree with Islam, etc.) will be seen as "bad" by Christians, Buddhist and Atheists. The only yardstick that has been around for a very long time is the Ten Commandments.
  9. Yes, an absolutely outrageous concept; I hope it doesn't grow to become to norm in any more places on this earth than it already has.
  10. That is interesting, because that is just what Jesus said (as recorded in Matthew chapter 7 verses 13 and 14): "Enter ye in at the strait (= narrow) gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it".
  11. Some people prefer darkness rather than light.
  12. Yes, Jesus' mission was to "go about doing good". He also told others to do this: "love thy neighbour as thyself". If you think about it that is a pretty high standard and it removes all self-centredness. Unfortunately, much of the current day church hierarchy have lost sight of Jesus' teaching in this area.
  13. Why not start a Recreational Flying Party ...the RFP? After all MAG (Motorists Action Group) got into the Senate without too much trouble. But, as we are too apathetic, no one will be motivated sufficiently to commence the RFP before the next election.
  14. I am not sure about Wikileaks, Julian Assange seems to be quite busy with other things at the moment. However, Wikipedia says that "the use of the word "squawk" comes from the system's origin in the WW2 Identification Friend or Foe system, which was code-named "Parrot".
  15. Like this instance for instance: Admiral Jeremiah Denton Blinks T-O-R-T-U-R-E using Morse Code as P.O.W.
  16. FT was having the last laugh when he started his morse messaging.
  17. I have a feeling, Don, that you haven't read the Australian Constitution lately. This is how the Preamble commences: "Whereas the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite in one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth under the Crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and under the Constitution hereby established:"
  18. ...or "see you later" when they really mean "hear you later".
  19. Perhaps they could have spelled it initially but, after an XXXX, another XXXX, another XXXX, another XXXX, another XXXX, etc, they forgot how to spell it.
  20. I might be a pedant here but is XXXX a spelling mistake?
  21. If everyone in society subscribed to these and adhered to them, the country would be a better place to live.
  22. It's more like, if you laugh at this you are in mortal danger
  23. About a thousand posts ago (is that one KiloPost?), someone changed their viewpoint by 180 degrees after watching a single SBS program ....that's all it took. As to whether anyone has moved from Atheism to Christianity since this thread started: it is most likely that they are doing what NomadPete suggested back in post No #1464, i.e., they're keeping it to themselves:
  24. The problem with "obeying the laws of physics" is that the laws of physics do not have moral facets. One of the Ten Commandments says that no one should steal. What do the laws of physics say about stealing? Nothing ...unless you consider being 'light-fingered' a transgression of the Law of Gravity. Another of the Ten Commandments says that no one should commit adultery. What do the laws of physics say about running off with someone else's wife? Nothing ...unless you consider being attracted to another man's wife a transgression of the Laws of Electric Charges.
  25. Like the Hunter Valley wines!
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