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How Australia Perfected Solar Power and Then Went Back to Coal
eightyknots replied to Downunder's topic in General Discussion
It's all about marketing Don. Global warming appeals to a smaller subset because it indicates a particular direction of predicted temperatures. However, many of the activists reside in temperate climates such as the USA, Canada, northern Europe, etc, and to them a bit of "global warming" is not a scary proposition and almost seems welcome. So, a little rebranding was in order, hence the increasing shift to "climate change" in the last 12-18 months. Of course, if global warming did come along, there will be some positive changes. Higher carbon dioxide levels will benefit trees, grass and farmers' crops. Warmer temperate places requires less heating by coal or other energy means. That saying is a perversion of the saying that was originally coined to describe the bagpipes: "an ill wind that no one blows good". Me too! That is such a short-sighted thing to do but journalists imply this a number of times every year when recording anything of an extreme weather event, whether wet or dry, cold or hot. Air bubbles, trapped in amber, have been analysed and in some instances have shown carbon dioxide levels ten times the current rate. Can you imagine how lush the vegetation would have been then? No wonder we have so many good coal seams around the world. I would like to add to this 'a fleet of electric light aircraft'. I look forward to the day when battery technology has been developed to the point where it can safely take a light plane for a 4 or 5 hour endurance. Another advantage is that electric motors are lighter. -
How Australia Perfected Solar Power and Then Went Back to Coal
eightyknots replied to Downunder's topic in General Discussion
Woolly Mammoths are still being discovered in buried ice, along with evidence of large forests in ice: I am sure that the world used to be a much warmer place. The Romans grew grapes just south of Hadrian's wall, just below the current Scottish border. Again, evidence that the world has become a cooler place. A bit of global warming would not harm the planet despite what all the doom sayers say to gain government grants to support the "Climate Change Industry" of which they are a part. Global warming would only bring it back closer to where it was in the past. -
The point of this video is to expose the hollowness of Dawkins' claims that there are Christians out there who don't know the first of the 66 books that make up the Bible. When he was questioned about the name of Dawkins' own 'bible', he did not know the name of that either. If you find it so bad that this is published on youtube, why did you not find it strange that Richard Dawkins made a big deal of the fact that there were those who did not know one of the books of the bible?
Here is the question for those who 'believe' in Darwinism/evolution: Where is the evidence? Not, “Where is the interpretation?” I know textbooks are full of evidence of change, but fail to mention the genetic direction of that change (genetic change is always for the worse; there is always a loss of genetic information in change). Please put aside religious implications and answer the question about the evidence: 1. Where is verified evidence that the mind boggling complexity of life has come from non-life, despite chemical laws of equilibrium going the wrong direction? 2. Where is verified evidence that natural selection processes increase genetic complexity over time leading to new physiological features? Please respect those who do not believe that a frog does not turn into a prince, even if you give it a few million years. Please respect those who do not believe in someone else’s “god” (the god of evolution) who uses death, suffering and waste to make something good. Please respect those who love true science, which requires operational evidence, not conjecture. Please respect those who love the God of the Bible, which unashamedly requires faith. One does not contradict the other: each keeps to its own sphere.
The first chapter of the bible doesn't have a "name" as such. The first book is called Genesis. Even if only a number of them know the name of this book, they are aware of the contents. By the same token, Richard Dawkins, no doubt, is well aware of the contents of Charles Darwin's book but he also didn't know the name of Darwin's book on evolution:
Yes, it happened exactly 1348 years ago.
Post 661 has just been posted. If this thread keeps expanding at this rate, we'll soon be the runner-up to the Never Ending Story. Sorry Don, There are quite a number in inaccuracies in what you have written above. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to list them, but I thought I would just flag this for now.
Hi Don, There is pretty solid evidence the Marco Polo really was in China and saw those things which were recorded for him by his scribe. The only way these things could have been written is if someone was actually there for some time and experienced those things for themselves. Archaeological evidence also supports Marco Polo's account in many areas. See http://newobserveronline.com/marco-polo-did-go-to-china-new-research-shows-and-the-history-of-paper/ for a summary. Another source is: http://www.alphagalileo.org/ViewItem.aspx?ItemId=119306&CultureCode=en
I should also have added that Marco Polo (a medieval 'tourist' or 'explorer' from Venice who visited China a little over 700 years ago, in the 1200s) came back and told many things to a person who wrote down his adventures and observations. This is what was recorded: Leaving the city of Yachi, and traveling ten days into a westerly direction, you reach the Province of Carajan* which is also the name of its chief city…Here are seen huge serpents, ten paces in length, and ten spans in the girt of the body. At the fore-part, near the head, they have two short legs, having three claws like those of a tiger, with eyes larger than a fourpenny loaf ** and very glaring. The jaws are wide enough to swallow a man, the teeth are large and sharp, and their whole appearance is so formidable, that neither man, nor any kind of animal, can approach them without terror. Others are met with of a smaller size, being eight, six, or five paces long; and the following method is used for taking them. In the day-time, by reason of the great heat, they lurk in caverns, from whence, at night, they issue to seek their food, and whatever beast they meet with and can lay hold of, whether tiger, wolf, or any other, they devour; after which they drag themselves towards some lake, spring of water, or river, in order to drink. By their motion in this way along the shore, and their vast weight, they make a deep impression, as if a heavy beam had been drawn along the sands. Those whose employment it is to hunt them observe the track by which they are most frequently accustomed to go, and fix into the ground several pieces of wood, armed with sharp iron spikes, which they cover with the sand in such a manner as not to be perceptible. When therefore the animals make their way towards the places they usually haunt, they are wounded by these instruments, and speedily killed. The crows, as soon as they perceive them to be dead, set up their scream; and this serves as a signal to the hunters, who advance to the spot, and proceed to separate the skin from the flesh, taking care immediately to secure the gall, which is most highly esteemed in medicine. In cases of the bite of a mad dog, a pennyweight of it, dissolved in wine, is administered. It is also useful in accelerating parturition, when the labour pains of women have come on. A small quantity of it being applied to carbuncles, pustules, or other eruptions on the body, they are presently dispersed; and it is efficacious in many other complaints. The flesh also of the animal is sold at a dear rate, being thought to have a higher flavour than other kinds of meat, and by all persons it is esteemed a delicacy.*** Source: "The Travels of Marco Polo, volume 2, http://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/12410/pg12410.html * This is now modern Yunnan on the edge of Burma. ** or actually 'pane da quattro denari' *** Dinosaur dinners must have been really tasty, and the medicines pretty good. No wonder dragons were hunted to distinction after Marco Polo's visit. It is very likely that the dragon that Marco Polo saw and described was a dragon (dinosaur) of some kind, now extinct of course. This is one of the twelve animals in the Chinese calendar. The next Year of the Dragon is 2024.
There is a simple explanation for this: Leviticus 15: 19 was part of the ceremonial law that was abolished in New Testament times. Once Jesus had come and gone, the ceremonies that pointed to him were no longer of any use. Leviticus 18: 22 still applies because this relates to the ongoing precepts of the New Testament and therefore are still in force.
This is plausible and possible, especially if this was a creature never before encountered. Believe it or not, there were tourists in the ancient world, although travel agents did not yet exist . For instance, Herodotus, a Greek historian often referred to as the Father of History, did a bit of travelling around. He visited Egypt and won over the friendship of the local priests. He persuaded them to allow him to view the mummification process. Herodotus recorded the process and, if it wasn't for him writing these details, we would not have known how this was done.
Only God, a wonderful designer who created all the laws of physics and chemistry, the motions of galaxies (and the millions and millions of stars, planets and moons that make up these galaxies), as well as the tiniest parts that make up everything we can see, touch and hold with the building blocks (atoms) which themselves are composed of a nucleus and electron(s) orbiting around them. It takes a huge leap of faith that all this came (a) without a designer; and (b) from nothing. For instance, if the big bang caused the whole universe to come into being from a piece of matter the size of a basketball, where did this matter come from? Ultimately, for me, it is easier to believe in God making all this "by the word of his power", all from nothing ....rather than that everything came from nothing without any designer.
They believe that dragons (now usually known as dinosaurs) existed because many Chinese have seen them in the past. Just because they have been hunted to extinction doesn't mean that they didn't once exist in the past. The Chinese chose twelve animals, then visible for all to see, to construct their calendar. The dragon (dinosaur) has now become extinct but remains in the calendar. If the tiger* became extinct in, say, 2035 the tiger would remain in the calendar (without being removed) just like the dragon has stayed in there. There is plenty of proof that the dragon existed in all forms of art. No photographic evidence exists because the dragon (dinosaur) became extinct before cameras were invented in the 1800s. * The tiger and dragon are in the Chinese calendar. Here is a full list of the twelve animals included in the calendar: Rat. Ox. Tiger. Rabbit. Dragon. Snake. Horse. Sheep. Monkey. Rooster. Dog. Pig. [ATTACH]47485._xfImport[/ATTACH] This 1100 year old artwork dating from the Liao Dynasty (source: s8int.com) shows two dragons that represent ceratopsian dinosaurs
Being religious (i.e., going 'through the motions' of religion) is different from being a believer. A believer has internal peace because she (or he) knows that they are forgiven because Christ died for them so that the believer won't be punished. Additionally, they live a life of peace in this world too. The gospel is simple and straightforward and does not need a PhD to understand or work out.
It looks like it's time to pick up a bible and read it, Marty. I think the atomic number for silver is 47. That is the average age when a number of men start to see silver coloured hairs for the first time.
Science and history books almost universally claim that dinosaurs were made extinct 65 million years ago ...often said to have happened because of a meteorite landing. Why this wiped out dinosaurs and not the many thousands of other species has never been properly explained. Many text books also claim that humans go back no more that a small fraction of this 65 million year period. For this reason, these authors say, humans and dinosaurs could not, and did not, coexist. Have these authors ignored the evidence from around the world? Firstly, there are concurrent footprints in the same strata. See post # 256 for just one link to such evidence. Here is another stone found near Fort Worth, Texas where a human must have walked first followed by a dinosaur: [ATTACH]47464._xfImport[/ATTACH] There is further compelling evidence around that suggests that people and dinosaurs lived at the same time. This evidence is found in ancient art. What's even more interesting is that this art evidence is found in different regions in the world, from different cultures and geographic localities. It would impossible for these people to collude in their various forms of art. They did not have digital cameras -or even film cameras- so they just carved or drew what they saw in their environment. One of the things they saw was the dragon or terrible lizard or, as they have been known as for the last century or so, the dinosaur. They just reproduced it in art form. What better proof exists that dinosaurs and human beings coexisted? Here just a few of the many, many examples that exist today: 1. This Ica stone shows a person with a dinosaur. This is from South America, from the Incan civilisation. [ATTACH]47465._xfImport[/ATTACH] 2. Another such ceremonial Burial Stone from the Nasca culture, dated 100 BC to AD 800. This stone was sent back to Spain in the 1580s: [ATTACH]47475._xfImport[/ATTACH] 3. Cave art found in Kuwait: [ATTACH]47466._xfImport[/ATTACH] 4. Clay figurines buried at the foot of El Toro Mountain on the outskirts of Acambaro, Guanajuato, Mexico: [ATTACH]47467._xfImport[/ATTACH] 5. Pictograph found at Lake Superior Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. This drawn creature looks like a stegosaur: [ATTACH]47468._xfImport[/ATTACH] 6. Ethiopians are pursuing what appears to be some type of dinosaur. This was depicted by a Greek artist (hence the Greek writing): [ATTACH]47469._xfImport[/ATTACH] 7. Buddhist temple in Cambodia -Ta Prohm- showing a stegosaurus, carved about AD 1200: [ATTACH]47471._xfImport[/ATTACH] 8. An ancient baptismal font in a 12th century church near Lagan, Sweden. There is clearly a dinosaur like creature carved in that: [ATTACH]47472._xfImport[/ATTACH] 9. A Babylonian cylinder seal from about 600 BC, showing a dinosaur and a man together: [ATTACH]47473._xfImport[/ATTACH] 10. This was found in the tomb of a fifteenth-century bishop at Carlisle (Richard Bell). There were dozens of living creatures depicted including this dinosaur: [ATTACH]47474._xfImport[/ATTACH] These ten examples should demonstrate that humans are very likely to have seen dinosaurs (or as they were known back then 'dragons' or 'terrible lizards') and recorded them in their art, as they saw it. They couldn't all make this up in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa, North America and South America, anywhere between 5 and 25 centuries ago and -from their imaginations- a bunch of dinosaurs. If dinosaurs and human beings existed side by side, it makes the fairy tale of dinosaurs being wiped out by a meteor of comet 65 million years ago sound rather hollow. It is very likely that dinosaurs became extinct very recently.
There are a number of pieces of evidence where human footprints and dino footprints are found in the same strata. Scroll down to near the bottom for a few examples: http://www.ancient-wisdom.co.uk/ooparts.htm
They probably took baby dinosaurs, elephants and giraffes on board.
How Australia Perfected Solar Power and Then Went Back to Coal
eightyknots replied to Downunder's topic in General Discussion
Did you change your mind after one SBS show? That's remarkable: I have seen a few SBS shows and it has never changed my philosophy on any position. -
How Australia Perfected Solar Power and Then Went Back to Coal
eightyknots replied to Downunder's topic in General Discussion
Which brings us back to "How Australia perfected solar power ....." -
I agree, the God of the Bible is clearly a different god than the one of the Q'uran (Koran). Their attributes are so different they cannot be the same god.
We simply would not believe you. There is no substantive proof there is even one Marine Todd in the way you have described him.
How Australia Perfected Solar Power and Then Went Back to Coal
eightyknots replied to Downunder's topic in General Discussion
You mean it is stuffed due to demand for coal dwindling (due to increased uptake of solar power)? -
There were in fact three popes simultaneously at one stage: Urban VI, Clement VII and Alexander V. Finally, in 1414 (600 years ago), they all stood down and a new pope was appointed: Martin V. Sadly, the Roman Catholic church officials were moved by politics.
I think F-T needs help. He needs someone to love him.