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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. On another tangent, how about some of the famous psychic's like Deb Webber. Who time and time again, contact spirits and get specific information that they could only have got from the spirit they are in contact with.
  2. Ahh, but some people do remember their previous lives, under hypnosis and there are also cases of children remembering.
  3. Who Is the other blonde who sits to the right of Mr Abbot and one row back. She looks alright.
  4. I dunno, Kevin was a jet setter, he wasnt known as Kevin707 for nothing.
  5. And Russell Crowe.
  6. Thats is great, we are propping up the economies of our little neigbours. And I wouldn't call them concentration camps. The last time I checked, they got fed and im pretty sure there is no Gas chambers. Ps- I have replied because I think FT said Gazza I assume he meant Dazza. If not, sorry Gazza, step in and reply, who ever you are.
  7. Well that is a better out come even if it was true which I doubt. Than the Labor policy which saw at least 300 people ( probably more like a thousand) drown at sea. Hey
  8. They definitely mustn't have had unions back then.
  9. We have a active freemason on here, but I wont mention his name. Hopefully he will read this and shed some more light on the freemasons.
  10. Just imagine that somebody who has been away for a couple of weeks and then log onto RF. It is going to take them a very long time to read this thread in its entirety.
  11. I did a bit of research this morning, the current technology in carbon dating suggests that the Australian Aboriginal has been in Australia for a least 60 000 years. They believe in multiple "gods".
  12. I never said I was a Athiest but I will say that I don't know what happens what we die . I do believe in spirits, pretty hard not too when I lived in a haunted house .I need more evidence to convince me of the jesus / god thing.
  13. I should have added my post was tongue in cheek being in the humour section. Being part aboriginal is true though. I just hope nobody points the bone at me.
  14. This thread has been entertaining but being part aboriginal it is always going to be nothing more than entertaining. Your prophet was alive what 2000 years ago ? Lol My relatives have been here in Australia for over 40000 years. You guys don't know jack $hit when it comes to religion. Or how the human race has evolved to where we are now .
  15. Why are we here ? Why do we inhabit the earth? Why do we exist? Why is there a universe ? Why don't I start another thread ?
  16. Some people can read a book and accept everything as gospel in it and some people need more evidence. Simply really.
  17. The greatest con man to ever live. ( The great Jesus conspiracy )Written by Anthony Horvath. Well worth the read.
  18. The same way as Nostradamus , some people are physic. And when exactly is old mate supposed to turn up. All I hear is that he is going to return but I wont hold my breath waiting.
  19. I dunno about this Jesus fella,I never met the man as he was before my time, about 1970 years before my time . But he does sound like a prophet who was also a bit of a conman and finally got nailed for it.
  20. I think reincarnation is just as plausible as going to Heaven.
  21. What I said previously about the house we lived in is 100 percent true. As I mentioned previously, have a open mind. I dont think life after death is black and white. I have no idea what happens, i have watch the TV show with the physic Kelvin Cruickshank and others like him. They have worked out stuff that they could not have possibly known without being some sort of physic. Whether this has anything to do with religion, I have no idea.
  22. But every single believer I have ever met, rattles off quotes from the scriptures,who is to say that the scriptures are actually true ? Who wrote the bible ?
  23. In a nut shell - christians cannot prove god exists and atheists cannot prove he doesn't exist.Lets just for a minute say yep he does exist, then why in gods name ( pardon the pun) does he sit idle & let innocent people die with examples like accidents, murder ,wars and let the bad arsxes live ? Not a very good god IMO.
  24. This could all be solved in a day or two if somebody could find the ark. I don't care which ark, either Noahs Ark or the Ark of covenant will do. Now is that too much to ask ? Oh no, hang on, I hope nobody used Noahs Ark for fire wood.
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