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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. I think a bloke called Indiana Jones and the Nazi's had something to do with the Ark or it's were abouts.
  2. You're missing the point. Who is to say that our date is correct and the muslim date is wrong ? Who is to say that christianity is the real religion and all the other ones are wrong ? BTW - carnt isnt a word and either is denigh. It is can't and deny
  3. What about 2014 AD ? . It is just a number, just like it is currently 1435 in the Muslim year this year.
  4. I would rather be a doubting Thomas than a gullible person who laps up the stories in the book of fairy tales, also known as the bible..
  5. The house we were in was a two story brick house built in the mid sixties. The only timber was the internal stair case and the 2nd story floor. Plus my dog didnt bark for no reason.
  6. It felt to me that it was somebody who was stuck in time and didn't realise they were dead. There is a shop here on the coast at old Burleigh Town which had a spirit/ ghost that was the ghost if a teenager who overdosed behind the shop. The little bugger was brushing past women in the shop giving them a bit if a feel up as the story goes. There were hundreds of complaints by women until they got in a expert who got the young bloke too pass over. It made the papers many years ago. Interesting, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't lived in a house with its own strange happenings.
  7. Anyway back to the thread. I guess when the Ark of covenant found, opened and the 10 comandments written in stone are found in there. I will start believing, I need concrete proof. Just dig up Mount Nebo until its found.
  8. When we moved out I said to Carolyn. " I hope this thing doesn't like us and comes with us to our new home. Lol
  9. Hi Bob, it was a interesting experience. It wasn't like the movies when the actors hear a ever so slight sound and say " what was that " and another actor says what was what etc. Or " did you hear that ?" etc. It was plain as day, very obvious when we heard footsteps etc. I know that many here are going to read my post and think BS. I typed my ghost post to show that I am a opened minded person and I have witnessed things that cannot be easily explained.
  10. Right o moving right along. I don't know what happens after death and I have never clamed to have any idea. But I will share a little story. No duff, this is exactly what used to happen. My wife ( ex) & I rented a RAAF married quarter in a Ipswich suburb back in the early nineties for approx 6 months before we bought a house in Karalee. It started off when I picked up the keys to move into the joint, the Sgt gave me a big box with about 50 light bulbs in it. Old mate you are going to need these as the wiring must be old and you will blow a few light bulbs. Ok i said. Yup we would blow around two a week but that wasn't the only strange thing to happen. The house was two story brick with the up stairs floor being Carpet over timber and vinyl over timber in the kitchen from memory. I will list strange stuff not any particular order - We would go to bed with the bedroom at the end of the hallway and there would be loud foot steps from someone walking up and down the hall way at night. Trouble was, is that we were the only people living there. The footsteps would stop outside our room, we were farking peaking when this happened. One night I was up late watching TV and the kitchen is beside the lounge room. I heard plain as day somebody start washing the dishes and placing them in the rack. I yelled out to young love not to do the dishes as I will do them later the noise was pissing me off as I was watching the TV. Err she yelled out from the bedroom that she wasnt doing the dishes. Other times light started coming out of the bedroom wardrobe in the middle of the night and you guest it, there is no light bulb in there. Most scary thing was our Dashound Jake, he would be sitting beside us up stairs and then all of a sudden he would go ballistic barking and looking up at someone or something, his hair would stand up on the back of his spine as he bailed up the ghost or spirit or what ever it was. He used to growl at them and his eyes would follow the thing around the room. He would bailed it up in the corner of the lounge room once and go absolutely ape $hit at it. Of course we couldn't see anything. We had a internal wooden stair case and the same thing, footsteps with nobody on it and Jake going ballistic. Funny thing is, the house felt homely. Anyway, we eventually bought our own home and moved out. I said to the Sgt in charge of housing, " this may sound crazy Sarg, but really weird stuff happenes in that house. " he said " well your not the first people to say that. We are handing it back to the owners .". I must say, we were glad to get out of the joint. These type of events would happen two or three times a week. We kind of got used to it.
  11. That certainly is not concrete proof.
  12. Can anybody here give me concrete proof that GOD ( i don't care which GOD, any one of them will do) created the universe including Earth ? And no, quoting from the bible isn't concrete proof.
  13. Actually it is course not coarse. And children are told that little miss riding hood is a fairy tale. The scary thing is, is that the are told that the religion jibberish they are told is actually true.
  14. Nope totally different, if children want to have any sort of quality of life. They have to learn to read and write or they will be left behind. Teaching them religious fairy tales isn't going to help them succeed in the real world.
  15. Children should have a choice when they are old enough to make that choice. Not brainwashed at primary school.
  16. Good to see this guy actually doing sonething about his reducing his weight
  17. I think Jesus better come back and check some of the spelling on this thread.
  18. And should be booked for impeding the flow if traffic.
  19. I have found that individual riders are normally pretty good. But it seems to become a whole lot different when they are in a large group of 20 plus. They seem have total disregard for other pedestrians and road users , running red lights, stop signs ect
  20. Many years ago I was on my way to Versace on the Gold Coast when we were building it. As many here would already know, the Gold Coast is a mekka for cycling because the terrain is flat and they ride in very big groups, around 50 riders or so in the group. To cut a long story short there is a tee intersection were the road beside beach in Surfers at the northen end tees into another road as you head north towards the Southport Spit.The beach road has a stop sign. So there I was in my ute driving along minding my own business when right in front if me, these knob jockeys ride straight through the stop sign in front of me. Well they obviously didnt know me very well because even though I had right of way, they honestly thought I was going to stop for them. Fark no, I wasn't doing that as I had right of way. Well you should seen the knobs going all over the shop avoiding me. Jeeez it was funny. Disclamer - they break a lot of road rules around the coast when riding in big numbers. They expect every body to get out of the way for them. But having said that, I always give them a wide birth these days, maybe I am getting soft in my older age. And most bike riders do the right thing.
  21. I gave you a optimistic purely because you mentioned a God and whether a god exists or not and creating the universe is pure speulation. Not everyone is brain washed when it comes down to religious fairy tails.
  22. I would realy like to believe in a "god", but which one should I choose ? There are so many going around. Maybe i should wait until one comes on special .
  23. Yup, couples have to stop breeding like rabbits.
  24. The climate is changing like it has since the beginning of time. But I am not going to lose any sleep over it.
  25. I know god is real because the easter bunny told me.
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