Right o moving right along. I don't know what happens after death and I have never clamed to have any idea. But I will share a little story. No duff, this is exactly what used to happen.
My wife ( ex) & I rented a RAAF married quarter in a Ipswich suburb back in the early nineties for approx 6 months before we bought a house in Karalee. It started off when I picked up the keys to move into the joint, the Sgt gave me a big box with about 50 light bulbs in it. Old mate you are going to need these as the wiring must be old and you will blow a few light bulbs. Ok i said.
Yup we would blow around two a week but that wasn't the only strange thing to happen. The house was two story brick with the up stairs floor being Carpet over timber and vinyl over timber in the kitchen from memory.
I will list strange stuff not any particular order -
We would go to bed with the bedroom at the end of the hallway and there would be loud foot steps from someone walking up and down the hall way at night. Trouble was, is that we were the only people living there. The footsteps would stop outside our room, we were farking peaking when this happened.
One night I was up late watching TV and the kitchen is beside the lounge room. I heard plain as day somebody start washing the dishes and placing them in the rack. I yelled out to young love not to do the dishes as I will do them later the noise was pissing me off as I was watching the TV. Err she yelled out from the bedroom that she wasnt doing the dishes.
Other times light started coming out of the bedroom wardrobe in the middle of the night and you guest it, there is no light bulb in there.
Most scary thing was our Dashound Jake, he would be sitting beside us up stairs and then all of a sudden he would go ballistic barking and looking up at someone or something, his hair would stand up on the back of his spine as he bailed up the ghost or spirit or what ever it was. He used to growl at them and his eyes would follow the thing around the room. He would bailed it up in the corner of the lounge room once and go absolutely ape $hit at it. Of course we couldn't see anything.
We had a internal wooden stair case and the same thing, footsteps with nobody on it and Jake going ballistic.
Funny thing is, the house felt homely. Anyway, we eventually bought our own home and moved out. I said to the Sgt in charge of housing, " this may sound crazy Sarg, but really weird stuff happenes in that house. " he said " well your not the first people to say that. We are handing it back to the owners .".
I must say, we were glad to get out of the joint.
These type of events would happen two or three times a week. We kind of got used to it.