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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. I couldn't care less if we Pi$$ off the Indonesians . The should keep there gobs shut if they want to keep receiving the hundreds of millions of dollars we give them in aid each year.
  2. 319 posts, proves that this thread is popular and should stay. People can always skip over the thread if they don't want to read it or is not interested in it.
  3. Take the bloke out the back and hit him over the back of the head with a blunt instrument .
  4. Well that settles it then. We all have evolved from the banana.
  5. I would have thought that Humans and Chimpanzees sharing 98.5 percent of their DNA was enough proof that humans (and Chimpanzees) have evolved over time from the same common ancestor.
  6. I remember back in the day at school when we had to actually go to the library and research/read a Encyclopedia to find out answers to some questions. These days, peeps couldn't be bothered learning too much about science and history. They just Google.
  7. Does he ? What is his address ?
  8. This is a take off of Quentin Tarantino's movie Ingourious Basterds (sic).
  9. I also notice the "And" is used a lot to start a sentence. We were taught at school to never start a sentence with And.
  10. I'm not the best at maths either Lyle.
  11. Can I fly ? Yep, I can hold my own. And I have been flying long enough to nearly wear a R22 in the cockpit of a jabiru in the circuit at Caloundra a long time ago. Plus a Moonie and I nearly collided over Nth Stradbroke when I was flying a Piper Archer when the visibility was so bad that there was no horizon from burning sugar cane. Should we have been flying fark (sic) no it wasn't what I would call VMC conditions. Did it scare me ? Hell yes and I learnt from it. Did I stop to check that they could spell ? Nope. But that was in a aeroplane, this is sitting in front of a key board.
  12. I am sorry if this thread that I started has upset some people, I didn't mention anybody in particular. No body is perfect including me, but I have found that my spelling has improved over the years that I have posted on here and on Facebook. I think that, that is a positive. I honestly don't know why people who are not as good as other people with spelling, are getting the sh*ts (sic) when spelling is mentioned. In this modern era with social media, it is a good idea to know how to type and how to spell. There are spell checkers out there and you never know, people may learn something. I know that I have. Cheers
  13. Talking about Aussie slang. When I was working for BAE in England. One of my English course mates said to me " Why do all you Australians have letter O added to most of your names ". I said- What do you mean ? He said- Well you have Johno, Davo , Bretto, even Camo instead of Cameron. I said- I dunno.
  14. I don't understand the text type thing. I know they do it because it is quicker than spelling words correctly. But I don't understand what they are saying, I'm not sure what language it is, but it certainly isn't English . It all looks like gibberish to me.
  15. I swat flies.
  16. WTF is used extensively on forums. Mainly because What the f*ck (sic) is frowned upon .
  17. Just a typo.
  18. When this text speak first evolved I was thinking WTF ? Are these young people that dumb. I hate it, it looks so stupid. Example - I dunno M8 cus I can't spell. How hard is it to type in mate instead of m8, or cause instead of cus. It isn't that difficult . I am glad that text speak/spelling isn't used on this forum. PS- Hi Phil, you have mentioned above that some posters here do not have English as their primary language. I have actually found them to be very good at spelling. Better that some people who have English as the primary and only language.
  19. Either Moslem or Muslim are both correct . It is like Tyre /Tire or Licence/License. Gale force winds /Gail force winds. UK English and American English are always going to be mixed and matched. I do agree with Col. The English language is absurd. Look at they're, there, their as a example.
  20. I don't want to sound picky. But some basic words and aircraft names seem to spelt incorrectly. Or words that sound the same are spelt differently in Aviation. examples- It is Aircraft HANGAR not hanger HYDRAULIC not the 10 different ways I have seen it spelt here. TECNAM not Technam a classic, it is GAUGE not Guage as seems to be spelt incorrectly a lot. SENSENICH propellers- not I will guess what the spelling is. And this is just a small sample. This is Australia and we use the English spelling. It isn't that hard. If people are not that good at spelling, no problem. Use spell check. We haven't been taken over by the Moslems just yet. End of Rant
  21. You forgot the Kevin "I am hardly here in Australia" Rudd. I see that old mate is off to Papua New Guinea this weekend. Jeez, he has only been back as PM for 5 minutes and he has already gone to Indonesia last week and now PNG this weekend. He was hardly here last time he was PM . At least Julia hung around. Is he the PM or the Foreign minister. A bit hard to tell with Ruddy. I would hope that people would vote for who they feel is the best party, not the leader of that party. Actually they should be voting for who they feel is the best person in their electorate. PS- I reckon 34 Sqn would be pretty pissed off that they are carting him around all over the planet. The didn't have a good relationship last time he was PM. He has been known to treat them like crap like he has done to his own staff.
  22. But Ruddy isn't easy to get along with. Ask some of the people who worked for him last time he was PM. They hate his guts.
  23. I dunno what Kevy was trying to do when he posted a photo of himself showing that he cut himself shaving. It was a bit strange. It's like "Look at me everybody, I am useless with a razor "
  24. It would be nice. There was a fad a few years ago here on the Gold Coast were a lot of Guys put little engines on the push bikes. I think that they rode a lot of foot paths and the police had no other choice but to crack down on them. They could have easily ran into peeps walking.
  25. IRT the first post-No good here, the fun police will crack down on it. Too much fun. No mud guards, no lights etc.
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