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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. And the renewal price has gone up or is going up very soon.
  2. Thankyou, I was sitting here wondering what they were on about .
  3. They sound & look like Russian's who like their Vodka.
  4. If I recall correctly, the minority party is in government at the moment. Nobody has to bag them, they do a pretty good job of $hiting in their own nest.
  5. Best thing that ever happened today for the Liberals is that Gillard is still in power of a government that won the last election by default after going to bed with a couple of dysfunctional independants.
  6. I do have a serious question about Julia. Why does she waddle instead of walking like a normal person ?
  7. Jeez you blokes are funny, nothing gets people's knickers in a knot more so than politics . They're all as bad as each other. Australian federal politics is a bit of a circus I reckon.
  8. I dislike banks because the tight ar*eholes wont pass on the full interest cuts when the reserve bank cuts rates.
  9. Seriously , why do so many brain dead pedestrians step out onto the road from behind vehicles ? Apart from the first bloke who thought he had a force field around him & stepped off the curb & onto the Zebra crossing without looking Left.All the others came into view a the very last split second from behind a vehicle or object that blocked the vehicle drivers view. I dunno about everybody else, but I trust no one, even if I am about to step onto a zebra crossing. As for the rest of the accidents, just so how many wankers are out on the roads around the world. Great Video Mark. It should be shown at a Prime time, time slot on TV.
  10. The worst thing when self employed was chasing money.I was lucky, I only had a bad debt of a few hundred dollars. A lot of pool companies went broke up here.I have two relatives who are both owed over $100 000 each, both in the swimming pool industry one a builder & the other a supplier. They will never get it back.
  11. Same here Mark. I had 2 sick days in the RAAF in 9.5 years. I probably had about 5 sick days off in 12 years when self employed.
  12. Yep I remember that well. 12 years of no sick leave or holiday pay.But I could take time off without asking anybody for permission.
  13. I dont write posts in my sleep, but very ocasionally I write a post when I am at work like now and I realy should be doing something else. Like err work.I have to ease into it as I have to work 14 days straight 11 hours per day.lol
  14. Small businesses are not rolling in it on the Gold Coast. Since the construction industry collapsed last xmas. I was doing well up until last xmas then everything stopped virtually overnight. Peeps up here are scared to spend any money. Hence why I am typing this at Brissy airport waiting to fly out to Roma for work.
  15. Me.But I dont need the Melbourne Cup as a excuse.lol Any excuse to have a beer/burbon is a good enough excuse.
  16. I loved the Deb Fake potato.It was so nice. I havent seen it for a long time but.
  17. I would hate to pay the bills of a V8 Race team.Looks extremely expensive.
  18. Yep, those Ford sierra's where great.
  19. Yep. They are getting closer to USA stock cars all the time. PS- Nissan will probably get banned again like they did back in the day .If they win too much.
  20. Yep you get a bonus point for being close enough.
  21. It will be good next year IMO when Nissan and the other car manufacturer joins. I know alot of die hards would like it the stay just Ford and Holden. But with the ever increasing costs involved in this type of motorsport.Other manufacturers will help with sponsorship etc. PS- look out holden/ford. The Nissan 5.6 Litre quad cam V8 ( fitted to the new Nissan Patrol.)The engine is having its engine compacity reduced to 5 litres (same capacity as current V8 race car engines) This will be a great engine once developed for the Nissan Race car.
  22. We have a Portfolio Loan with St George. Works well, in our situation. Everyone is in a different financial situation, with different needs. Maybe worth a look, though.
  23. I was begining to think that channel nine didnt relize that there was other sports other than swimming when it was on. I dont have pay TV. I was lucky enough to see some Double Trap shooting at my sisters place, as they do have pay TV.
  24. I had a few beers there when I was at Amberley.A long time ago though.
  25. LOL yep that has happened to me.I have had similar, but it was somebody wanting me to do a job.(not the one I mentioned earlier this arvo). I nealy hung up on a guy because I thought he was trying to sell me something.I guess i have to not jump the gun when people ring up.
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