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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. My little boy Jake lived to 17 and a half, old age didn't get him in the end but my partner did when she accidently ran over him in the garage. He was a Dachshund and I can't bring myself to get another dog.
  2. At the end of the day, if there is a God and/or Jesus, don't sit back and let innocent people die ( especially in the middle east), start kicking some goals and waste some farkers. Amen
  3. Yes I was being very specific.
  4. Thanks fellas, mistake fixed.
  5. He is a SELF MADE millionaire which is a hell of a lot better than a millionaire who got their money on a silver plater. Of course self maid millionaires are clever, otherwise then wouldn't have made that much money. I'm never said he was great, I don't personally know him. He may well be an ass hole.
  6. I agree, it looks stupid, they think the general voter is stupid at times. Look at QLD, the voters were not happy with Labor so they threw them out and voted in Newman. Newman took things too far too quickly and he was out on his ear as well. They have to realise that the general voter knows that tough decisions have to be made but they have to be made over a certain time period. The advantage of Malcolm is that he is a self made millonair worth approx 190 million. He is a very intelligent business man who will be good for the country ( where as his opponent is a union theif and alleged rapist) no problem working out who is the best man for the job as Australia's Prime Minister between those two.
  7. Well that will be a waste of batteries.
  8. So where does this leave us in the aviation side of things ? I don't see any changes but it is good to see that Mr Skidmore appears to be cleaning out the cupboard at CASA which is great.
  9. I agree that Abbott was a dud, his captains call were stupid.
  10. I did vote for her when I was in the Air Force at Amberley. The first time she was elected. She tells it how she sees it. The Libs lead by the muppet Howard had it in for her because she said what other people thought, which wasn't politically correct.
  11. Keating ? Lol he is the joker who said " this is the recession we had to have", he had no idea imo. But each to their own.
  12. Sorry fellas but there are too many crooks in Labor, they will never get my vote. Liberal hasn't been getting my vote either of late. The Greens ? Never . Doesn't leave me with much. But I do like the policies of some of the other parties. At the end of the day my vote will not change anything, I am in a Gold Coast seat which is in the Liberal heart land. It has always been a Liberal seat and by a vast majority.
  13. Gillard was worse than Abbott. Actually they were as bad as each other.
  14. Australian politics must look like a circus to other countries. People elect a party with a particular leader and then down the track the leader is told to step aside for somebody else. This has now happen to both major parties. Vote 1 - LDP
  15. Sorry fellas I have just been caught up with the local Brisbane news where the local union corruption hearing have just started. I will cut to the chase, a Building union federation boss is under the spotlight for having his mega mansion built but the bills for work went to another project. Then I saw a boss of a major tiling firm who we used we I was a commercial pool plumber being interviewed in the hearing and when asked basically what is going on with the invoices, he had a blank err im in the $hit look on his face. Take it from me who worked on commercial building developement for 12 years. The whole Labor union/ building industry is corrupt to the core.
  16. I got the idea that Shorten has no idea, he may still be locked up yet. Time will tell.
  17. Shorten is too busy calling a little boy who drowned a girl. He has no idea.
  18. They're all as bad as each other. Vote Australian Sex Party
  19. They like to keep the general population in a total state of confusion.
  20. Looks like Abbott is rapping.
  21. But doesn't the above only cover a small portion of her time as a politician ? She was elected in 2007 or 2008 I think.
  22. It has been reported that the Greens tree hugger Sarah Hanson Young has spend ONE MILLION dollars on travel. She makes Bishop look like a saint.
  23. I never said ' take him through the window' , but they stuffed it up and killed a hostage. They should have been using H&K MP5's and not M4 Carbines. Better still, they should have stood down and handed resposibilty to TAG East the Commandos at Holsworthy. But this is only my opinion.
  24. There is a difference between storming a building and storming a building tripping over each other trying to get through the front door.
  25. But they let Monas slip through the cracks.
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