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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. Yup Melbourne has a huge rent a crowd.
  2. I am starting to like windows 10 the mote I play with it.
  3. Don't blame me, I vote LDP.( well I would but we didnt have an LDP candidate.)
  4. Thanks Robbo, I will check that out.
  5. I better add, Itunes is installing but it wont run because it doesnt recognise a mobile media device. My IT Guy has been at uni so it will take afew days to fix it. But I have completed transferring all of my important data. So all we have to do is start again. One problem though, my windows product key sticker stuck under my Laptop is worn to the point that not all the numbers or letters can be made out.
  6. Maybe I should check that out?
  7. I downloaded mediamonkey but it said that it downloaded with parts missing because I dont have ITunes and I am trying to upload onto my Iphone 5, if I had anAndroid, it would probably be no problem . It found my itune files which is 6.2 gig worth on my computor . I also tried Phillips songbird, but similar problem.
  8. I don't know how anybody can afford to buy smokes these days. I think they are $24 a packet or something. Ridiculous and no I don't smoke, quit 3.5 years ago when they were around $11 a packet when bought in a carton.
  9. Yup ALL the politicians whether Liberal, Labor or from the rest have been ripping off the Australian tax payer. Labor ministers are just as guilty as the Liberal ones.
  10. I agree, he is very intelligent. I mean he has been a silly billy with some of his captain calls and they way he doesn't seem to take any advice from advisors. Also as an example, the way the gay marriage thing has been handled probably could have been handled a little better. IMO adults can marry who they choose, it their choice and nobody else's . But it isnt my decision, taking it to the voting people to decide is going to cost over 100 million which could be better spent elsewhere Ps- And get me started on the Adler shotgun debate where he has temporarly banned the import of an legal lever action gun.
  11. Yup, Abbot is a real silly billy.
  12. I have a IT tech who lives two doors down, he spent a few hours on it yesterday. There is a hidden file somewhere which is stopping the Apple mobile device from starting. I am currently transferring most of my files to one drive ( or what ever it is called) . Then he is going to wipe the computor and we will start again. He thinks Norton 360 is the cause. I don't use my lap top much. I use my Ipad. It isnt a simple fix.
  13. I haven't been able to load Itunes for a few months. To cut a long story short, during a windows update it stuffed itunes. I have tried to upload it and I end up with a Error 7 or 93. So I googled what to do and I uninstalled all the apple programmes in the correct order according to the net. Then tried to re install it. Same thing happens. Now it comes up saying some other crap and I have to reload itunes but it never loads correctly. It is doing my head in. P O S. So I upgraded to windows 10 and it still wont work.
  14. We had plenty of snow in QLD this winter, must be caused by global warming.
  15. Nobody tells me what I need to think. I am quite capable of making my own decisions thanks.
  16. All this talk is great but unless you're all prepared to give up your aeroplanes, cars, trucks , boats, motorcycles ect and go back to the horse and cart. I don't see the point.
  17. Abbott makes rule changes and decisions without consulting his own party. That makes him a dictator in my eyes. As a example, the temporary banning of the Adler lever action shotgun.
  18. We need peope like David to prevent Australia turning into a dictatorship.
  19. I'm so over both the Labor and Liberal muppets, especially with the travel rorts they all do. Time for a change vote - Liberal Democrat Party.
  20. It's all good Phil, the Australian cricket team have been an absolute disgrace. Not just the last test match but the previous one when Clarke won the toss and for some stupid reason, decided to bat on a green wicket. He is retiring after the next test, cant say I blame him. ( well more likely pushed).
  21. Yup pretty normal, when coming home to Australia from Saudi Arabia for holidays when I lived over there. As soon as we where in international airspace, a lot of Saudi women would get changed into western clothes. Some were quite attractive and some would have been better leaving their ninja suit on.
  22. Hi all, I don't want to sound like a anal retentive, but drivers don't lose points. They accumulate points. All drivers start on zero and every time they are booked the accumulate points. Eg - in QLD you can accumulate up to 12 demerit points before your licence is suspended. I actually knew a bloke who accumulated 23 points before the courts caught up with him. People don't start with 12 and go backwards. Cheers
  23. I agree and people who believe in fairy tales naturally spruce them up hence the reason Jesus is portrayed the way he is.
  24. Dr Edgar Mitchell ( astronaut) and other astronauts/ fighter pilots/ military personal have already came out and have told the world that UFO's exist. One Apollo mission was followed for a few days. Its all out there in web land if people are prepared to look.
  25. True, you're probably better off if you go running to get your rifle. Err, you do have a rifle don't you ?
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