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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. I think the members of the Indonesian government do what they do because their brains haven't fully developed yet.
  2. My grandmother and her sisters had to wear full lenght white gloves and wear plenty of white powder on their exposed skin when they were young. They also weren't allowed to go out it the sun much. They were half Aboriginal and were thrusted into the white mans world as children and they were supposed to forget about their Aboriginal heritage.
  3. My V6 Rodeo used more than my previous Holden VR V8 5 speed manual Ute. My 2.4 petrol Hilux ute did as well. My Patrol ute TD42T burns about 14.5 litres of diesel per 100 km.
  4. Yes in Silver. He has had it for a couple of years maybe its the older shape.
  5. I like Diesels, I own one. But a lot of modern diesels need DEF as well as a anti polution device. Which to me is just another expense. Apparently it isn't too bad with little engines as a full tank should last until the next service. But a lot of trucking companies are having a expensive time with their trucks. DEF- is diesel exhaust fluid which is injected down stream of the engine into the exhaust pipe. It is also known as adblue and other names. It is basically a urea/ammonia mix. It is a seperate system to a fuel system and has its own tank.
  6. With my motorcycles, I do not have a choice, I must use 95. If I use a fuel containing methanol , there is a really good chance thst I will burn a hole in my pistons.
  7. What done is done, and nothing is going to bring the two guys back. Unless reincarnation is real, death is pretty permanent. Regardless of whether the two guys should have been killed or not it doesn't change the fact IMO that Indonesian government are scum bags and they are only just slightly above the evolution chain than monkeys. I cannot believe that the western world turn a blind eye to the genocide going on in West Papua. The two Australians being shot is just a drop in the ocean compared to the atrocities going on with these clowns. I have never been to Bali or any other Indoneasian joint and I never will. Young Australians don't help themselves by acting like d!ckheads in Indoneasia either. End of rant.
  8. Isn't it ironic that the poppy fields in Afghanistan have been protected from being destroyed by coalition forces because drug exportation from Afghanistan is the countries biggest money earner.
  9. Everybody has choices in life mate, like taking drugs.
  10. You may want to let Doug Evans know this since he gave me a creative for my post.
  11. There is a lot of passionate and heated discussion about the events that happened this morning. We have to remember that there is two things guaranteed in life, death and taxes. I do think at the end of the day, it is a waste of life and death is so permanent. I do agree that drug dealers have to be punished but these events prove to me that the Indonesian government are no different than the barbaric ISIL. ( guys do some research on how the West Papuan people have been treated.) I know that drug dealers suppling hard drugs are indirectly murderers. And most criminals are always sorry when they are put into the back of a Police car. And yes there is a massive sign at the airport saying blah blah about drugs. But from all accounts these two guys have genuinely been reformed over the last two years. Just something to think about.
  12. Not exactly, Indonesia kill thousands of West Papuans every year. But that isn't executions, it is Genocide.
  13. I dunno, they have been murdering West Papuans for decades and nobody seems to give a toss.
  14. Well I reckon the $600 million we were going to give Indonesia in Aid, from the up coming May budget, should be reduced to zero. Not just because of this mornings event, but more to the point, I simply don't like the Indo government.
  15. Yep, I read it before.
  16. I agree druggo's AND drugs dealers are ALL responsible.
  17. Nobody puts a gun to anybodies head to make them start taking drugs.
  18. The only thing is, a lot of members had a couple of thousands posts before the " like " system was introduced.
  19. Like I said, the fire is in Hopeland NOT CHINCHILLA
  20. That has nothing to do with CSG, the fire is actually at Hopeland and it is located underground in the Linc energy coal gasification plant and it is totally different to CSG. The experts have been out there for weeks and the cannot pinpoint the cause.
  21. This happens naturally, there are local farmers who have said that this has been happening since they where young blokes well over 30 years before CSG ever existed. Samples of this has been taken by government departments. I know exactly where this is because I took water samples with a enviromental officer. You like spreading misinformation don't ya.
  22. Nope , wrong again. Some of our gas powers the gas turbines at the Darling Downs Power station and we also supply some gas to the domestic market.
  23. Do you want power mate ? You live in Toowomba yeah ? If it wasn't for us, you would be typing in the dark. Just sayin.
  24. Thanks Bex, yup concrete is still used but haters are going to hate. What jacks me off is when false information is spread around. Like that clown from Tara who calls himself Frack man.
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