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dazza 38

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Everything posted by dazza 38

  1. We give them millions on foreign aid and the money ends being use on the military. Dont't give them one more cent.
  2. As my beer intake increases, my spelling decreases. But the trouble is, is that I posted that long before I had a beer. Lol I'm only human.
  3. I use a Oral B electric tooth brush and I think it is great and I just buy cheap Gillette Blue 2 razors. Those fan dangle multible blade razors are too expensive for me.
  4. Sure, I also remember when Batsman walked went they knew they were out. Theses days with so much money around in international cricket. The gentlemen game has changed some what.
  5. England still got flogged so it wouldn't have changed the our come of the game.
  6. Couldn't be any worse than the alternative.
  7. Please forgive me, it was 5.20 AM and I was on my iphone and it has a very small keyboard. Anyway back to work for me.
  8. Its all good, the smart ones on a ' average' wage salary sacrifice or negatively gear a rental property to get some of their hard earned tax back. People think that negatively gearing should be banned. Well if it was, there wouldnt be investers buying property for renters to rent. Then there would have to be even more housing commission houses built by the government via the tax payer. PS- I would love to stay and chat but I have to go on shift for the next 11 hours, so I can pay tax to look after the long term dole bludgers.
  9. They get rental assistance / housing commision homes like the ghettos in Villawood, health care cards all all other sorts of crap subsidised by the good old tax payer.
  10. The tax rates are easy to find, just google them.
  11. Maybe but it certainly wouldn't be for people living in Sydney. They simply couldn't afford to live on that wage. $71757 would be a entry level wage in the High rise Construction industry. Unskilled Labourers make more than that. PS- I have used the High Rise example because when I left the Air Force. I worked on High Rise Construction sites for 12 years.
  12. What i'm getting at is that every dollar earnt over $80 000 , it is taxed at 37 cents in the dollar. The average income earner is paying around $25 000 to $30 000 in tax. Which IMO is BS. Like I said above, welfare should be used for people who have worked and paid taxes but then for some unfortunate reason, have lost their job due to redundancies or medical issues ect, it also should be and is also used for genuine people to get by while they look for a first job, another job and retraining ect. It should not be abused by plebs who have never worked a day in their life, but are quite happy to punch out babies to receive more welfare.
  13. For clarity, when I say a over acheiver, I do not mean millionaires ect. I mean a person who is a wage earner, who has constantly tried to bettered themselves by doing work related courses and have been promoted through the years.
  14. As far as I am concerned, nobody is owed a living. No wonder we have so many plebs in this country who have long term unemployment as a career. I am talking about the plebs who leave school and at the age of 40 have never worked a day in their life and neither have their parents. The dole was designed to help out workers who have lost their job for one reason or another. No wonder we have to pay so much tax, we pay it so these jokers can sit on their ar$e at home or at the pub. Easy solution, dont give them money. Give them food stamps and pay their rent direct. Both Labor and Liberal are guilty of bending over and giving in to these scabs.
  15. I didn't say everybody is a dole bludger, but that doesn't change the fact that welfare is a privilege, not a right.
  16. Why should the over achievers who have worked hard to get to where they are. Be punished by paying a higher rate of tax than the under achievers who have done stuff all to make their own lives better. Nobody is owed a living in this country, welfare is not a right, it is a privilege.
  17. How ? By Labor spending money that we don't have and putting QLD into even more debt ?
  18. I still like him though.
  19. That photo could easily be taken out if context. Barnaby is just being polite in his meet and greet with the richess woman in the world.
  20. I just watched Q and A on the net. Barnaby for PM.
  21. I have always like Pauline, like her or hate her, she always tells it as she sees it. That is a honest trait. We need more people who call a spade a spade.
  22. On the news they are saying that it may be a hung parliament, there is still 600 000 votes to count and it could take up to Wednesday next week to count them all.
  23. Ouch, I hope the new government tighten the purse strings.
  24. It was a close election and it could have gone either way.
  25. Even though we dont see eye to eye, I do love you FT.
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