I have noticed that their strong hold seats are the classic " dole bludger , single mother with multiple kids from multiple father seats. The leaders seat is Inala, say no more. I do say though, be responsible and keep the debt in check.
The lastest elections in Victoria and Queensland do show one thing. People are generally not loyal to one particular party like they were many years ago. The swings seen from one party to another in a small amount of time is massive. Who ever is in power for a 3 year term better do a good job or they will be out of a job come the next election.
I better add, I voted Family First. Not Liberal as my first preference as most here would think. Australia does need a 3rd large party IMO to keep the other two honest. I also numbered every box which there was five for my seat. I didnt do it by the how to vote flyers. I picked my own preferences from one to five.
God help QLD, I hope that the new Labor government is responsible , not like the previous Labor government under Bligh who put QLD into 85 billion in debt.
Yup I have decided to keep my iphone 5 which just ran out of it's 2 year contract. Telstra has told me to be careful of future updates as Apple are sneaky and remove some features on older phones during updates.
I have a 2003 KTM 640 Adventure and a 2014 KTM 1190 Adeventure, my partner says I don't need two bikes and keeps asking have I had anybody interested in buying my 640. Just between you guys and I, I havent advertised it for sale yet,
The best thing to happen up here in gods country was to put the Recreational Marine licence and Personal water craft licence onto the Drivers licence card.
I watched a doco on various designs and all of them failed one way or another due to the ocean destroying bits and pieces. Very maintenance intensive, like wind turbines, but the tree huggers would love them.
If people think that its unfair for police to shoot a pleb wielding a knife, they should watch some of the numerous training videos which so how fast and how quickly somebody can cover ground with a knife and inflict damage.
Gas is a lot cleaner than oil, OPEC have had it their own way for too long and they can stick it. We ( as in where I work ) already supplies gas to the domestic market. We will be fine mate. We have multi year contracts in place and are actually trying to keep a lot of our gas in the ground because it will be worth more in a couple of years time because of the contract price.
OPEC is worried because the americans are coming self reliant with both CSG and more to the point oil and Shale oil.
Maybe we will actually pay for oil (fuel) for what it is actually only worth and not get bent over a barrel like we are now.