If any of you ALP knockers can list me one (1) policy of substance that has been put forward by the Liberals, followed by an accurate description of how said policy is to be funded, then I will reconsider my views that you are all just a bunch of uneducated band-wagon jumpers that enjoy attacking personality traits such as the way a woman walks, talks or deals with members of their caucus that seek to step on heads as they clamber to the peak position (and fail embarrassingly) How about having a bit of respect? for a Prime Minister who has shown more balls than you and I in the face of unprecedented vilification, so vitriolic in nature, tha has led leaders of the past crumble to blubbering messes...... Since coming to power JG has introduced over 300 ground breaking legislation bills that will propel this nation into the future and benefit your children's children. Of course there will be criticism, in the same way that those who criticized medicare and the the space race. If any of you had half a brain you would study just what it is that this government is trying to achieve instead of this pathetic rhetoric spun by a CORUPT media, about the way in which a woman talks or walks, or how big her nose is, (or this tarago bul****) instead of thinking of the future of your country on a global scale - Take a second and imagine that your mother, father or wife was in this role, governing a nation, then think twice about what you write, then take a good hard look at your self........Be the change you want to see in this world. David Mason ,DhP,PoLQ2 1g2
BTW - Jules Loves WB503 Drifters! Spoke to her last night!!!!