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  1. He's trying to get a TAN!!!
  2. You mean they had CASA way back then???????
  3. But, why does he need glasses? His retina is invisible, thus photons pass through, thus he is blind, so WHY THE GLASSES??? PLEASE EXPLAIN!
  4. On our recent trip to Seattle, we were introduced by our hosts to Walmart Bingo !! Walmart Bingo To play walmart bingo, all you have to do is google "walmart bingo". find the playing card, and print it. You then go to walmart and attempt to get a row horizontal, vertical, or diagonal! They have squares that say: - "rat tail" hair style - kid with no shoes - unattended crying children If you see them, cross it off!
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prester_John OR http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12400b.htm
  6. And thus, with just the merest innuendo, and slightest push in the right direction, a new conspiracy theory sees light of day. hehehehehehe love it
  7. Welcome back Gnu. But seriously, WTF are you talking about?
  8. here ya go GG ( and turbo could have a quick read as well) - proof of DNA transfer across multi-cellular organisms. I know its not in the Bible ( or indeed any religious text, probably), but please read it, and understand that it doesn't conflict with your religious views. This is just the way the world is. Confirmation That Photosynthesizing Sea Slugs Steal Genes From Algae http://io9.com/confirmation-that-photosynthesizing-sea-slugs-steal-gen-1683702602
  9. what a fowl comment
  10. Perhaps you mean Onion Gravy?, and remembering my mum's gravy, it could congeal and bind just about anything in the known universe. Maybe you're on to something there
  11. Gravitons Nev. It's gravitons all the way down
  12. Can we clear up some definitions being thrown around here please? The word THEORY According to the National Academies of Sciences, "some scientific explanations are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them. The explanation becomes a scientific theory. In everyday language a theory means a hunch or speculation. Not so in science. In science, the word theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature supported by facts gathered over time. Theories also allow scientists to make predictions about as yet unobserved phenomena". Laws of Science Laws differ from scientific theories in that they do not posit a mechanism or explanation of phenomena: they are merely distillations of the results of repeated observation. For example, Newtons 3 laws of motion. Newton didn't invent gravity, but be posited a theory of gravity to explain observations. His laws are a mathematical description of observed behaviour. As to whether laws are discovered or invented, go talk to a good scientific philosopher. I personally think laws are discovered, but the maths behind them is an "invention". Boyle's Laws describe gaseous behaviour, but gases were behaving this way since the big bang, hence the 'discovery' of the law was possible. The invention (for want of a better term) component was a mathematical method of describing the law. And of course, new theories and laws pop up all the time, which is where the religious brethren amongst us differ from those of a scientific bent, in that the bible cant change, no matter what the evidence, or the use of Tony Abbottesque verbal gymnastics. Hey by the way Turbs, where is this proof about evolution being wrong that you promised?
  13. ah sorry i couldnt reply earlier, I was laughing so hard at the purile rant in that link. I think one of the real problems god-botherers have, is that they can only view things from a god-centred point of view, and are forever worrying about their karma point totals. They just DON'T GET IT that an atheist doesn't care at all about such things. Play your heaven and hell routines, your fear of divine retribution amongst yourselves, and that's altogether fine. But I personally couldn't give tuppence about such nonsense.
  14. yeah, but I think you'll find in this particular case mentioned by Turbs, the politicians (or politically inspired) ruined a rather co-operative spirit that existed around Solomon's temple / Herod's temple / temple of the mount / wailing wall etc up until the 1920's . Just look at Ariel Sharons little "private" jaunt to the wailing wall (I'm just a private citizen, he said, whilst surrounded by 1000+ police bodyguards) . The last 100 years disagreement is more political based, but draped in religious overtones
  15. and what did Dear Leader Kim Il Abbott spend his entire time in opposition doing, I wonder. Do ya think he was tagged Dr. No for the very reason you mention?????? ahhh I can hear the chickens coming home to roost already.
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