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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. If Scumbag changes I wonder what the change will be. Will he tell the truth for a change? Or is that too much to expect. Will he consider doing anything about the toxic environment in parliament house for women? Will he take the brakes off the federal police about the Btittney Higgins case, I am amazed that the federal police are going along with the politicians, rather than doing their job.
  2. Read The Australian and you will see what the LNP want you to see. You will also be able to read the most ridiculous letters to the editor. It really appears that the Australian voter is non compos mentis. A woman the other day on local radio says she is voting for Clove Palmers party because she wants freedom. Would that be the sucker vote?
  3. Define spirituality. My definition is the belief in something that is unbelievable. I have never found anyone who can argue that there is something to believe in, at least something that we can influence or be influenced by. My belief is in mother nature.
  4. What is Putins aim. Do you think he is trying to win a war against Ukraine or is he really trying to demolish Ukraine. Look at the damage he has done. He may not be in a winning position, but I reckon he is happy to see all the damage and we all know that Russian soldiers are just cannon fodder to the generals and pollies. He is also stopping the agriculture business of Ukraine and that bodes poorly for a lot of people who have relied on Ukraine for their food supply. All in all I reckon Putin is doing what he wanted to do and has the world scared stiff that he will go nuclear if cornered. Biden should be telling the world, that if Russia launches a nuclear missile, the USA will not hesitate to retailiate. Maybe that would make the Russian generals bring the situation to something approaching sanity.
  5. There may be s lot like Barney, but I reckon you need to understand the language before you become an Australian. You cannot become a French or Japanese citizen without being fluent in the language, as well as living in the country.
  6. It is a good thing that the most informal votes come from migrant suburbs. If the voter cannot understand English they should not be allowed to vote. At least if they stuff it up it is as good as not being allowed to vote.
  7. I can still remember the start of the film "And God Created Woman", at least that's what i think it was called. Bridget Bardot was magnificent, but later pictures show her as completely gone to pot.
  8. I agree that the system of compulsory voting is wrong, but it is not really compulsory to vote. You have to get your name crossed off on the electoral roll, that is all. What you do with the voting papers is up to you. My son told me that he once put the paper straight into the waste paper bin and one of the officials chatted him about it. He just asked what law he had broken. I consider that anyone who has no interest in voting should not be required to vote, and we would then have a much better government As far as defence spending goes when did we ever have a contract deliver on time and on budget? The LNP are spruiking that the Aukus agreement is a plus for their planning and foresight. Just conning the voters into accepting that their piss poor planning when the ordered the French submarine was something to be overlooked. They could have changed the order to a French nuclear powered sub, with none of the animosity coming from France. I surely would like the French President to have a vote in the Scott Morrison electorate.
  9. Coal was cooked to produce coal gas when I was a kid in the UK. Now all the gasometers have been demolished and I doubt that anyone knows what coke is. The think it comes in a red can. Coal gas powered many cities and coke was a good fuel, unless you pissed on the fire and then the stench was pretty awful, but only a squadie in the army would do such a thing. I used to fill up the coke fire in the workshop when we arrived for work, pour in half a litre of petrol, with a trail of petrol round the corner. Light the fuel and it was roaring away merrily when we went into the workshop. Try that with coal or wood and the petrol burns instantly without necessarily lighting the fuel.
  10. So Labor brought in th old age pension. Who did away with it? Result being massive super schemes awash with money and also awash with highly paid directors and CEOs. My knowledge of Albanese comes from the ABC and SBS news mainly, combined with an historical memory of Albanese in years past when he was useless.We have a clash here in Flynn electorate with the Sitting Qld member, up against the present city mayor of Gladstone. The Qld member is a climate change denier and has done little in the state parliament. The mayor is well liked and does get things done, although I cannot go along with the councils handling of rural weed problems, which the mayor does nothing about. The one thing that must happen is that Scott Morrison must go because he is a liar and rorting the taxpayers money, also he has surrounded himself with a like group of people.
  11. The one thing that is immediately apparent about this election is the poor quality of the candidates, at least at the top level. Morrison is a liar and cannot be trusted and his team are all picked for the same attributes. Albanese just looks like a looser, he has no saving graces and appears to be relying on Morrison losing the election. Maybe I am wrong, but it is time for Labor to start pushing the point that LNP cannot be trusted and that they have failed on just about everything that they say they have accomplished.
  12. I see that in the news today is the fact that N Qld and Cairns in particular are going to have many more and more dangerous cyclones due to global warming. What I don't understand is that since global warming has been a big topic, this prediction keeps popping up, but the actual figures show that N Qld is getting less cyclones and they are not more severe. In fact there is more damage being done by tropical rain depressions than by cyclones. I am not a non believer in climate change but I do get fed up with all the spurious arguments put forward by the professional climate change believers.
  13. The idea that super funds should be told where to invest is ridiculous. The aim of a good super fund is to make money from its investments, to be able to pay super to its clients. When the government brought in a mandatory percentage of pay having to be put into super,, it caused a massive influx of money onto the market. Unfortunately some companies seem to think that the money is there to pay the directors, but most are trying to do the tight thing. It is companies like AMP that I would not trust.
  14. I saw a pig and it was confirmed by the fact that the feet looked like trotters, then it took a lot to see it as a dog and realize that they were really paws, or should that be pause, pours or even pores.
  15. Yenn

    Quickies part 2

    Red. You're reading an optimistic newspaper.
  16. I have a dam to the East and another to the West of the house, within 50 metres. Very few mossies and those we do get com from a bucket under a down pipe. I have an old copper sitting 15m away which never has mossies in it, it seems the copper kills them and the birds seem happy to dink it if the adjacent pottery bath is empty. What I find keeps the mossies away from is to associate with people who smother on the aerogard, I don't get bitten, but they still complain that they are getting bitten. I reckon the mossies go for those who feel most vulnerable.
  17. The whole question is one of political correctness. We have a rainbow coloured industry that it is becoming illegal to even question. Why should we not question the advisability of transgender people playing sport. Who cares if their unable to stand up to a bit of questioning. We have had the same for many years with anti semitic sayings being outlawed, even though many of the Arabs are semites.
  18. Took me about 5 seconds to see 808 2up from bottom and 3 from right, so I stopped looking then.
  19. I worked on tanks in the fifties and saw some of the effects of armour piercing against them in WW2. That made me certain that I would not want to go to war in one and while tanks have improved I think missiles have improved even more. To see a hole in the side of a Churchill tank and the insides demolished by ricocheting metal makes for sobering thoughts about tanks.
  20. I am going to be an optimist for a change. Labor will win because in the last two weeks of campaigning they kept bringing up the failures of the LNP present government, The poor position of Labor is due to them not wanting to use their big guns until the LNP have little time to counter them. As I said I am being optimistic and if I took my usual position I would say once again Labor grabs defeat from the jaws of victory. There is so much ammunition out there for the Labor party, but it seems only Penny Wong can see it.
  21. Sometime the ground is so hard that you cannot scratch a hole and putting blocks under a wheel lifts that side, which may make it hard of access.
  22. You can buy a pretty good camper for a reasonable price. I have a Jayco Penguin which has done nearly 100110km around the country, A lot of that on dirt roads and also 4WD tracks, still in good nick, but i did have to remanufacture the awning when it got damaged in the aftermath of a cyclone. I could have bought spares, but cheapskate me had to make the needed pieces to repair it.
  23. If it goes to the point that Russias forces are depleted, then what? Putin is not going to back down, he is mad enough to use the nuclear option. We can only hope that some of the Russian generals have enough sense to stop him. The one thing that this war has pointed out is that the USA is a toothless tiger. Biden caused Putin to go ahead and he is equally responsible for what has happened. The USA and also Australia have been at the forefront of several wars that should not have happened, such as Viet Nam. Afghanistan and Iraq, but in this case they have taken the cowards way out. Gutless.
  24. Why is there no mention of the real problems that the voters want government to fix. Neither of the main parties want to go anywhere near climate change. It seems that they are copying our Qld premier and spruiking "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs", while at the same time agreeing that we have a less than 4% unemployment rate. Even with that low unemployment rate LNP are handing out money to the poor hard up population. What happens to the wages those 96% of workers are getting. Security of the nation is a no no except for LNP boasting about what it will have achieved by about 2040. No mention of the billions of dollars wasted. Are the majority of the population struggling to survive? Retail spending would suggest not. Are pensioners living below the bread line? Not where I live, most of my pensioner friends seem to think the government is just trying to buy their votes. How did the federal government handle Covid? Answer is they didn't, they dodged every time a decision had to be made and our state governments stood up to the challenge. They couldn't even get the supply of vaccines sorted out. I know that was all a failure by the LNP, but Labor is keeping very quiet about it. LNP ill win, because they can con enough fools into voting for them, but also because from every angle I look at it, Albanese doesn't want to win. He would be very happy to be leader of the opposition for another term and point out how LNP won by corruption.
  25. So will the owner, occupant of an autonomous car be responsible for an accident caused by his car? If that is the case would any sane person buy an autonomous car? I wouldn't.
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