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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. It is also a load of b. Shit, but what more could you expect.
  2. Yenn

    What next

    We are seeing a never ending number of states that are run by dictators, who may or may not have ever been elected and we have a World body that has over the years been proved to be useless, the United Nations. What is needed is a World body to replace the UN. A body that is democratically run, without any veto powers and capable of stepping in with military force to safeguard small nations, or even large ones. The many nations in Africa that have had massacres of unarmed people could have been prevented by such a body. The Myanmar fiasco could have been prevented, as could the current current Russian war. Viet Nam could have been prevented, as could the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. Possibly the mistreatment of political or religious minorities could’ve prevented, but the UN we have now is a self perpetuating political being, with no redeeming features. Very much like our hand wringing, stupid oratorical prime monster.
  3. I see he is now giving advice to China, not to copy Putin. Just another attempt look good at home, while he does no good diplomatically.
  4. Those who live there probably have little chance to move out and also have censored news reports. There was a time when most countries had overseas news services, sending their propaganda or news to listeners in other countries. We dropped radio Australia many years ago, so Asia gets nothing from us and I don’t think that we broadcast to Europe. I remember hearing Lord Haw Haw during the war. As usual the people who suffer from sanctions are the poor. The rich may be slightly inconvenienced, but they will still be far better off than the general population.
  5. I pay no fees. Have been caught when the internet went down and shops could not handle cash, they didn’t know price.
  6. I hit the wrong button so read on from here. and Afghanistan. All of which were started on a foundation of US lies. Now when the US and all of the West should be aiding Ukraine we are wringing our hands and going to church to condemn Russia and nobody seems to see the similarity to Germany and Hitler in the 1930s. Some say that for the U S to put troops in would bring China into the conflict and start WW3, but to act like an old woman as we are doing is not going to prevent conflict. Putin will not hold back after taking over Ukraine, he will have other conquests, meanwhile China will be eyeing off Taiwan, knowing that the US is a basket case and N Korea will also have a go at removing all the Yanks lined up on its border. While scumbag plays it for all lots worth, we can rest assured that Australia is sucking up to the big bully who cares not one jot about us. All while we stop the French submarines, for god knows what and rely on military equipment that is only bolstering up US military business profits and doing us no good.
  7. Scumbags party made sure we joined the Yanks in Viet Nam, Iraque
  8. Is Putin putting his best troops into the battle, or is he using them as cannon fodder and keeping the tough ones to attack a weakened Ukraine? That miles long convoy should have had its head and tail smashed to stop it moving forward.
  9. Putin does not have to win a popularity contest with the world, he has to look good to Russians and for that he controls the Russian media.
  10. Scumbag has shown his support for the Ukraine by worshipping in a Ukrainian church. What the hell! He would have done better to talking to Biden to stop him telling Putin that the West was not going to put troops into the area. I said earlier that I would’ve surprised if Putin invaded, but that was the invitation too good to miss. What it shows is that the West cannot be trusted, us included. We are repeating the appeasement of Hitler. I hear that our schools do not teach history, but it is sad to see it being repeated. Where are our leaders? Hiding so they cannot be held accountable?
  11. To answer your question, think Afghanistan.
  12. Nev. The answer to your question is nothing.
  13. Yenn

    Australia Post

    I don't think that the Ellesmere I was stationed at is Ellesmeer Port, My first train journey when I was in the army was from Chatam to Blandford in Dorset, it only took about 6 hours.
  14. Ukraine is now wanting us to put sanctions in place before an attack by Russia. If that was done it would guarantee an attack as the big stick threat would no longer exist. This is looking more and more like a war of words, and in this case Putin has the dictionary.
  15. Yenn

    Australia Post

    Not sure what you are saying there jerry. Is British rail working well now? Are the trains on time and how expensive is rail travel. I remember when I was stationed in Ellesmere in Shropshire in the army, that I could not get home and back to Hastings in Sussex on a 48 hour pass.
  16. God put us here to feed the cancer virus. Without us there would not be enough food or the virus to survive and God believes in survival of his chosen race, ie The cancer.
  17. There is more at stake than tonnage of some of these crops. Wheat for example is used mainly for bread making and Aussie wheat has a high gluten content, whereas English wheat has less gluten and more gliadin, which makes it a poor choice for bread making. We used to produce at a maximum 2 tons to the acre of wheat on the farm I worked on in England and that was good going back in the fifties. World production of all crops has increased due to the overuse of artificial fertilisers, which has made the soil poorer, due to the lack of vegetable matter content in the topsoil. There is no doubt that the Ukraine is one of the worlds best agricultural countries. No doubt Russia would like to control it completely, but they could do what the USA and China do, which is just control where the profits go. That way the Ukranians do the work and Russia sits back in comfort.
  18. we may have only a few feedlots, but what proportion of our meat comes from them? The only one I have seen is massive and must have held thousands of head of cattle. The grass fed beef tastes better and is far less likely to be contaminated. I have heard that in the USA there are thousands of deaths each year from toxin infested ground beef which is used for hamburgers. Not a problem for me as I do not consider a hamburger to be food. I had one in about 1990 and thought it had to be the most overrated food since salmon.
  19. Those who practice religion are deluded or corrupt. The deluded think that anyone who does not follow their religion is a lesser person and cannot be trusted to behave properly. The corrupt ones think that they can do whatever they like and God will absolve them. Those who preach religion should not be trusted, just look at the crimes against children committed by those people. Our governments are aiding the corrupt religious people in that they allow religions to operate above the law and also to not pay taxes or rate, while at the same time ensuring that they will not be held accountable for their evil ways. I have known many good people who profess to be Christian, but they still seem to consider me a lesser person because I don't go along with their ways. Stupidity seems to be one of the requirements for religion. Why would people go and pray to their god, because he delivered them from a cyclone, for example. They don't seem to realize that the cyclone is the work of their god in most cases.
  20. Would not be a problem to us if we had a car manufacturing industry, but that has gone, so I will have to stick with my diesel burning 4WD instead of the new electric vehicle I would like.
  21. Yenn


    Wow. You got a refund from Telstra. That goes against all their previous records. My experience with them is that they will keep billing you for a service they are not providing. There is only one business with a worse record for false billing and that is BOC, which used to be CIG, the welding gas supplier.
  22. I don't see Aussie meat being a problem for UK farmers. At the moment we don't have enough cattle to eat off the grss we have. Due to several years of drought, the herd is so diminished that it is going to take several years before we see cheap meat again. The push now is to get the breeding herd up and running. In the meantime the grass is way too high and going to be a problem with fire in a few months.
  23. Yenn

    Australia Post

    Here we go again. Forget Christine Holgate and the fancy watches. It is reported that one staffer on Australia Post has been given $500000 over the last 3 years. Lucia Di Bartolomeo the chairman of the board, denied giving an average bonus of $168000 to those staffers who are on wages above3 to 4 hundred thousand dollars. He says it is short term incentives. Here are people getting incentives way above what the average person gets in a year and running a business that cannot even do its basic job, which is to deliver letters. How many of our letters have gone astray lately. in the last few years several letters sent to me never arrived and several I sent to others also disappeared. There is something very sick in our society when the rich want more and more and yet they still begrudge paying an honest wage.
  24. Yenn

    What about Joe?

    The USA has never done anything for anyone that didn't have an upside for USA. They have lied and acted treacherously since god knows when. They have started wars on a bed of lies and they have failed to end their warlike intent even 20 years after the end of hostilities. Putin is not wanting to end up where North Korea is now. Treated as a pariah, when there is plenty that should have been done to rectify the faults. He is wanting to even the balance and is not sorry if he makes the USA look foolish, because that is what is going to happen. Anyway tomorrow is the day. Haven't religions been down that path many times?
  25. Now hw and his mates want to be able to deport visa holders who have committed a crime. Now that is not such a bad idea in my opinion. Why would we let someone stay here if they commit a crime here. Send them back to where they came from. But that is not what they really want. They want the legislation to say that visa holders who have committed a crime with a penalty of greater than two years jail to be deprived of their visa, but they also want to deport those who are deemed to be a risk to the community. Now how do you define that? My guess is that it is defined by the minister for immigration or whatever, which means that anyone who the government doesn't like is out. Takes me back to Novak Dockovich. What a fiasco that was, ending up with Scumbag stating that Novak entered Australia without a valid visa, which was a lie. He had a visa and the courts accepted that.
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