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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Notice that the woman we never heard of is suddenly in the limelight. Mrs Morrison. Her husband is pulling her into the fray, because he needs somebody who has no baggage to haul him out of the muck. It won't work. Even his own team are looking for ways out of the mess they are in and as usual they never learn from history. They held on to Little Johnnie for too long after his use by date sand he lost his own seat to a lady who had never got into politics until the election. Whoever is standing against him I really hope he wins, so we can get rid of the lieing ratbag who is just trying to do a Trump on the electorate.
  2. Yenn

    What about Joe?

    There have been problems with many people misinterpreting signals from Washington. The Kurds stand out well and the poms also. We have never seen or heard any evidence to show that Russia is going to invade the Ukraine, all we have is the say so of the USA and we have seen how good that is many times in the past. The Yanks only have one aim in life and that is to keep themselves at the head of the table. What we have now is the Yanks still saying invasion is imminent, but even the Ukraine does not believe it. If it does happen I will be very surprised, because I never believe what the US government says. If it doesn't happen the Yanks and Scumbag are going to say how clever they were to stop Putin. We have seen all this kind of thing in the past and are we going to fall for it again? Russia would not benefit from an invasion, it would not make Putin appear good in the eyes of the Russians, but he will look good when he can show that he has twisted the tail of the Western allies and all he has to do is declare that the war games are concluded and take the troops home.
  3. Ah Cuba and Russia. Both hated by the USA. Cuba because they threw the yanky landowner out and stopped their abuse of Cuban labour. Russia, because well it is Russia. Now Russia is going to invade the Ukraine, at least that is what the Yanks and Scottt Morrison say. This story has been going on for a couple of weeks or so and all that they have to go on is Russia conducting military exercises close to the Ukraine border. The USA would never do that sort of thing, nor would they mass troops near an enemy's border. Except for N Korea and no doubt others as well. I would have thought that if Russia wanted to invade Ukraine they should have done it a couple of weeks ago. The ground would have been frozen more than it will be next week, so their tanks and wheeled vehicles would travel easier. They would also have had an advantage in nobody beeing ready for them. Even some part of the USA thinks that the invasion is unlikely, but the government has made the prediction and has to hold on until it can say it was their action which stopped Putin. What really is happening is that Putin is pulling their chain. He has said many times that there will be no invasion and he can be proven correct quite easily by just taking all his toys and going home. Do the same next year and again make the yanks look stupid. Do it again and everyone will say the yanks are calling wolf again. Putin has to look good in the eyes of the Russian population and by making the West look stupid he is doing just that. I wonder how it would have played out if Trump had been elected for a second term?
  4. Scumbag is reported today as saying "don't blame me for the state governments controls during the covid pandemic" or words to that effect. For once he has not lied. We cannot blame him for what has kept our hospital system from failure. It is only since the states agreed to go along with his wishes that we have had a run on the hospitals. We have had absolutely no leadership from Scumbag and we have had a lot of complaints from him about what the states have done and in the case of WA are still doing. Funny thing he has agreed with what WA is now doing, but is keeping quiet about it. Just think what position we would be in if Scumbag had been running the country. He only wanted to lock down Pensioner homes and the people who worked in them. They are the centre of our problems now. The aged care minister says the homes have done well, but now they have the army in them helping out. Funny that the only places with problems are under the control if the Federal government.
  5. Marty you may be correct, but remember Donald Trump. Our voters are just like US Republicans as is the LNP.
  6. The foreign minister does look good in comparison with the rest.
  7. So that why he electrified the North coast rail line. The only electric trains running in Qld are the coal trains, out to the mines and the once a day tilt train. I have heard that the wires are coming to the end of their life, due to wear. i wonder what will happen when they collapse.
  8. If they had any intelligence they would dump their leader right now, but going on their past performance, they would then adopt Clive Palmer as leader.
  9. Scumbags latest is the apology, also followed by all the others, but Scumbag is the one in control, supposedly. He says he is sorry. I am disgusted. It has taken far too long to get anything said about the problem that the parliament does not comply with the laws that every other employer in the country has to. This bullying and sexual harassment should have been stopped ages ago, instead we are assured that something will be done. Of course it will not be done in this term of parliament and no doubt if the Lib/Nats win it will not be done next term.
  10. They are bitches.
  11. Nomad. Boyne smelter was probably in the design stages in 1969, but there was nothing on the ground until the mid seventies. The Gladstone power station was started in 1972 I think, but there was no connection to Boyne Island. That was back in the good old days when we used to get a wet at the beginning of the year. In the days when the Boyne and Calliope rivers used to cut the Bruce highway just about every year. Back before there was a bridge to Boyne Island and we used to go over the causeway to get to the island at low tide.
  12. Back in the days of the Lada there were plenty of Britiish cars on Aussie roads. I don't think any of those makes survived and having driven a Vauxhall in the UK I can understand why. There may be one or two, such as Aston Martin, but are any of them owned by Brits?
  13. Some time ago, I predicted on this forum the Scott Morrison would be displaced before the election. Now it seems that Dutton is being called upon to sort things out, especially as he is a Queenslander and they stand to lose out in Qld. Please don't take it that Queenslanders like Peter Dutton, because there may be a couple, but not many more. Scumbag is getting into more and more trouble, he has failed to deliver on his promises and also it appears that nobody trusts him. He must go for Libs to stand any chance of winning the election. I also predicted that Scumbag would pull out a big scare about China just before the election, but that is not going to work now with Putin stirring the pot. I used to think that Scumbag, Trump and Johnson were the three stooges, but Putin is similar and is playing those three and a load more. Todays news is that a Chinese Australian dual citizen is in strife in Hong Kong and our government is concerned. I wonder why they care, they have done nothing for other Aussies, such as Julian Assange and Hicks who was in gitmo. Why would they bother with a dual citizen? It is really appalling looking at the state of world politics.
  14. I have used malapropisms in the past when writing notices backstage in the theatre. A correctly worded notice gets read and forgotten. Using the wrong, but similar word seems to lead to people complying with what I was after. I was lucky I never had to go into home insulation during the covid pandemic.
  15. 1967 was early days for Queensland Alumina and their main use of electricity would have been for pumping slurries about. The heavy use of electricity is at the smelters where they make solidified electricity and call it aluminium. The smelter didn't start until much later, in fact the population of Boyne Island which is where the smelter is was probably 50 people i 1967. I know the name of Ian morrow, but never met him. I got out of working with earthmoving contractors when i retired in 2001, I have even forgotten the names of those I used to work with. Back to the weather and today is just right. it hasn't got over 30 deg and there is a nice Southerly breeze. makes it easy to work outside.
  16. Wurdong is just up the road from me. Don't know a tractor man there unless it is Jonothan.
  17. I am just South of Gladstone in Qld. Today we have high winds and it is fairly pleasant. I have been working outside fairl comfortably. What controls my flying is the wind, when it gets too much for me to safely open the hangar doors I give it away. Doors are 6 * 3m.
  18. Why wasn't scumbag wearing a safety helmet and high vis vest when he attacked that poor woman in the hairdressers?
  19. Submarines? Which ones and when. Frigates? Cancelled ? Helicopters? Who knows. It seems that every piece of equipment for our defence forces is either no good, too expensive or maybe not made by the correct people. Meanwhile Peter Dutton, the defence minister I think is suggesting that the defence forces should be working in aged care. What is happening?
  20. We have had a fairly comfortable Summer so far except for the last three days, which have been mid thirties and humid. The rain in November made a great difference. before that it was too dry and we had no citrus growth. had a very poor crop, but we now have citrus galore, but the fruit fly are attacking like mad. Dropped fruit everywhere, but I am hopeful of getting a bit of a crop in our usual time of May to July. The wet season hasn't really appeared again this year, a bit now and again but it seems we will not get a Summer wet. it is that November rain that is carrying us through. Hopefully we will get some good rain in the next two months, but it is still nice and green.
  21. Yenn

    Quickies part 2

    Good for you OME it looks as if things are going the right way and there is nothing wrong with living in a shed. I did it while I built my house and the places I lived in in England were not as comfortable as an Aussie shed. What you are really looking for is shade and insulation from Summer heat and warmth in Winter. not too hard to find, especially from a Mr Fixit as you appear to be.
  22. The difference between city and bush. I find the city to be depressing, the people don't have the same outlook on life, it is all so self centred. give me the bush where you can stop and talk to just about anyone, rather than have them pass you by with their eyes down to avoid contact.
  23. Yenn

    Quickies part 2

    Surely you got that ass about. Your family will be in the house.
  24. She only got one done because her boyfriend had lost his left arm.
  25. I started my mix at about 8-30 yesterday and put it in the oven at about 3pm. Very fast for sourdough, but it is warm and humid. in winter it will take a great deal longer to rise.
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