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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. That reminds me I had better go and look at the bread that I have rising, it must be ready to go into the tins. Sticky stuff sourdough.
  2. Joh's government was nearly as bad as the present federal government. They at least didn't deny responsibility for anything. Our present mob are just trying to buy votes. Pour a load of money on the table and make it look as if you are doing something. Have a look at what they expect that money to do and it is apparent that they have no idea. It is vote buying to say we are spending X million on something when there is no plan for how that money will be used. Scumbags government has no idea of planning and on their record they couldn't organize a piss up in a brewery, they would delegate the responsibility to the methodist church and the Salvation Army.
  3. I doubt it but their web site does show a jumping castle. Hope it is not the one from Tassie that took off and has since disappeared from the media. They will have the tractor pulls I reckon, plus sawing competitions. which i will not be entering. I couldn't compete against Ronnie and Andrew last time. They had four logs and because there were only 3 of us competing it was agreed that because I had only a small saw, that we would each cut one log and the first to finish would cut the last log. I beat Ronnie by about two seconds. He cut his second just after i cut my first. Does that make me the winner. It was the first time I had ever split a log into 4 and I was flat out with no idea of what was going on around me. Good fun, but hard work for an old bloke. I know it will be cold and that there will be a bloody big fire to stand around in the evening, but the daytime will be just nice.
  4. I cannot understand how he can get away with lying. It just needs to look at the news on the tellie to see him lye, but nobody will call it in. It is what makes me think that the Labor party doesn't want to win government. They never show up his many failings. At least Grace Tame made her feelings known. What happened to the Brittany Higgins case? How does the government control what happens with the federal police and the courts? Why does Scumbag want to shake hands now with everybody, when he was so good at flashing his elbow around?
  5. Another vote buying expedition. The government is going to throw a billion dollars at the great Barrier Reef. That is on top of the previous half a billion and other donations. It can only be to buy votes because even they know it will not do any good. Our present politicians and also the media seem to think that an injection of money does some good. History shows otherwise, especially in the case of the reef.
  6. I am not a member of the Old Station Flying Club now, but they are having a fly in this year.27 28 May and it looks as if they will be having the usual airshow. Look at their website for details, but i am sure the site is not up to date. Some of the info is definitely out of date. I will try to find out exactly what is happening as I have threatened to go and help out again even if I am no longer a member.
  7. If the aboriginals are the first people here who did the rock art in WA which appears to depict men in space helmets, or with halos, known as Bradshaws? The aborigines say they were here when they came. Where in the world is there an original people living? Very few places. Most people have been invaded and moved on many times over the history of mankind.
  8. Scumbag must have a good knowledge of how to drive a forklift, or any other heavy machinery. how many times have we seen him with hard hat and high vis vest on those machines. In the same way he must be up on military procedures as he always seems to have a be medalled and uniformed officer in the immediate background. I cannot work out why the General who is working on the Covid problem has to be in uniform. I thought the military were not supposed to be backing political people.
  9. Doesn't the law state that you have to give way to a vehicle which sounds its horn showing it wants to overtake? I know it did, or words to that effect when I got my first Aussie licence in NSW. Of course that was in the good old days when we could exceed the 60mph speed limit if we could prove it was safe to do so.
  10. Yenn


    I still think we should have a ship on the way in at least two less days than it has taken. We are told that water is a problem, so it is imperativ to get a means of supplying water there as soon as possible. When I started this conversation, my main thought was about the lack of response as far as I could see from the USA and China. The USA wants to be big daddy to all the pacific and they are telling us that China is trying to take their place and should be stopped. Doesn't that have something to do with submarines and france. Speaking of which where is France in all this, they also have an interest in the Pacific nations. Problem is Tonga is too small to matter.
  11. I thought it came from the rodeo rides where a roo is used instead of a bull.
  12. Yenn


    I reckon it was so obviously serious that we should have had aid on the way within 24 hours. I still have not heard of any response by the two superpowers who have ambitions to dominate the Pacific. China and USA. So far NZ seems to be the most active, closely followed by us, but a bit slow in my opinion. We should not be sitting back waiting to be told what is needed.
  13. Djokovic did sign a declaration I think, but it was filled in by one of his support staff. The minister did say that he accepted the incorrect declaration as an honest mistake. I wonder why when that alone would have been grounds ro revoke his visa. That is the visa he must have used to enter Australia, issued by our government, but according to Scumbag he didn't have a visa. Why did he have to have three judges to revoke what he didn't have. If Scumbag continues on in the way he has been going the electors must wake up to what a ratbag he is, or will they?
  14. Yenn


    It has been few days since the news of the volcanic eruption in Tonga and the Tsunami. Meanwhile New Zealand have their military on standby, waiting to find out what Tonga needs in the way of assistance. There has been no mention of that other pacific power doing anything, that is USA I am referring to. What an opportunity for China to come to the fore with aid, such as water, de-salination plants and communications facilities. I wonder of they will, or is Tonga too small to warrant attention. I also wonder what would be the reaction of Sleepy Joe and Scumbag if China did step up. If they don't, what a missed opportunity.
  15. you cannot lie if someone else fills in the forms for you. Pity Scumbag doesn't have someone else to speak for him. He reckons he doesn't lie but that is false. The pity is that the media doesn't seem to know when he is lying.
  16. There is one good thing about the overcrowded suburbs. There is more room for those of us who do not want to live in them. Just think if the population was spread evenly over Australias settled areas, I would have neighbours too close for comfort. Those hot city areas do develope their own micro climate. I can remember how it affected london when i was a kid. London was a couple of degrees warmer than Hounslow, just a few miles to its West. Not only do the suburbs heat up, they cause mini low pressure areas and steep isobaric gradients. The runoff is many times more and what is worse it is faster, leading to floods. The new highways and railways built across watercourses also cause flooding. The answer to this in many cases is to increase the height of new sub divisions, which is really building more damming areas. new subdivisions were always built on nice level flood plains, because that is the cheapest option. never mind that they would be better used for agriculture. Now we have many new subdivisions in Qld with unsuitable types of housing. Low set on a concrete slab, rather than the old style Queenslander on high stumps. They also have to be air conditioned because the eaves are at most 600mm.
  17. Today Scumbag says Djokovic entered Australia without a valid visa. How come the court hearing a week ago said he was entitled to enter Australia and upheld his appeal? Yesterday his Visa was cancelled by 3 judges because the minister said his presence here would excite the anti-vaxers. How could 3 judges cancel his visa if he didn't have a visa in the first place. Was that a lie by Scumbag. I think it was, but it was all I would expect.
  18. So that's what the Roads collars do at Oxford. Brilliant
  19. It would seem that he will not be able to re enter Australia for 3 years. Today I heard Scumbag say he did not have a valid visa when he came here. hat is absolute bulldust, or is it better to say a lie. He entered the country with a valid visa when the judge let him in last Monday. That ruling proved he had a valid visa. The reason he had his visa cancelled by the minister was because his presence in this country was likely to advance the anti-vaxers point of view. The minister did not pursue the fact that he made a false declaration, in fact he accepted it as an honest mistake. Why? Maybe he is becoming like a Yank and expects lies all around. There is no doubt that this has all been a scam by Scumbag to deflect our attention to the governments poor handling of the Covid situation and also to bolster his appeal to the voters.
  20. I ead the official documentation and was amazed at the stupidity of the Minister. He bases his reasoning for cancelling the visa solely on the fact that Djokovic being allowed in will cause the anti vaxers to have more power. He acknowledges that the immigration form was filled in with false information, but says that he is not worried by that. I don't know what the outcome of the three judge hearing is, or if it has been made, but I expect the minister will not get his way. Which leads to the question, did he really want to succeed, or did he want to please those who wanted Djokovic out and also those that supported him. It really looks like a Scumbag decision anyway.
  21. So his visa has been stopped again and the reason given by the minister is that to allow him to stay would "excite anti vaccine sentiments" What a load of rubbish. The minister seems unable to take the easy way out and say he lied when he came into the country. Our illustrious PM has applauded the decision stating that our strong border protection policies have kept Australia safe. Again what a load of rubbish. The Federal government has been found wanting all through the pandemic, right from the Ruby Princess debacle, where the NSW government were blamed for the Feds not doing their job to all the states taking over and doing what the feds should have done in the first place.
  22. OME your comment that says the ball height must be adjustable to at least one height within the limits, does not state that it should be set at tht at that height when in use. Surely that is what is required, but as usual lawyer speak makes it un intelligible.
  23. In my opinion he is not wanted here. Either by letting others fill in his form or by doing it himself he has been as honest as Scott Morrison. By mixing with people when he was supposedly Covid positive he has demonstrated that he has no regard for others and doesn't care about complying with the requirements. Our government went off half cocked and cancelled his visa when they could have used the lies on the application, but didn't see it at the time. It looks as if Scumbag made it clear he wanted Djokovic out, but didn't really sort out how to do it. If he is allowed to stay he is in reality thumbing his nose at Australia and will also make our border rules look weak. If he is deported he will cry foul and a load of his suppporters will scream blue murder, Either way our government is going to come out of it looking stupid, but that is how I see them anyway.
  24. Mobile phone reception makes me laugh. Wherever I go there seems to be poor recepton. At home I need a mobile so that I can verify when I pay a bill by internet. That is the only time I use my mobile phone. The only calls I have ever had on it were when it called up home and a friend while I was driving and it was with a signal. I don't know how it did it. I got a message on my home phone with a recording of the ABC news on it, That was what was on my car radio, when the phone was working away. I keep it in a wooden box now, so that it can't get out to play.
  25. Good material used in construction would help also. A WW2 Liberator bomber was found near here about 15 years ago. It hit high country and was torn apart.One engine had a cylinder torn off and the exposed piston pivoted freely on the con rod and the rod pivoted on the crankshaft. It had stood up to the sub tropical rainfall and high humidity for over 50 years.
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