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The Cubans have achieved what they have despite USA trying to starve them of trading partners and the ability to join in the rest f the world money wise. Scumbag is just showing how much he takes after the Yanks. As I said before Poor mans Trump. The LNP should have learned their lesson in 2007 when the kept John Howard as leader while most Australians wanted him gone. It took an ABC journalist, first time politician to unseat him. Well done Maxine. I forecast some time ago that the LNP would dump Scumbag and I still go along with that. He is becoming more and more on the nose. Nobody seems to be able to trust him. Even today we have Daniel Andrews saying it is time the feds did what was required of them, rather than making no decisions and blaming the states for what happens. I really cannot see the electorate letting his party stay in power, unless he goes.
Stop your raven.
I love this weather. We are having a wet season and it is the first for several years. The meteorologists are talking about the La Nina and the Southern Oscillation Index, which ten years ago we used to get a weekly report on in the TV news. Now they seem to have forgotten what it is and consider it a new discovery. I heard a retired met forecaster on the radio the other day and he was saying that last year was wet year. News to me, but I barely caught his name. It could have been Ray Wilkie, who I remember as an incompetent when he was the big name in weather.
Not the border force people, it is his legislation writers that are incompetent. No matter what Scumbag will declare it a success, just following trumps methods.
I read it as "its' me"
This all boils down too our governments inability to write legislation that can be understood and mean what the original intent was. This is what has kept the lawyers busy for many years with refugees. The intent of the covid requirements was I believe to stop unvaccinated people coming into Australia. There was a way in for those who could not be vaccinated for medical reasons, but they also included a way in for those who have had Covid within six months. Tyhey worded the legislation so that the requirement for being vaccinated or medically unable to be vaccinated did not apply. The legislation is flawed unless there was in intention to let un vaccinated people who had the disease into the country aand I doubt this was the case, but it is what happened. Those of us who fly can see the ridiculous way legislation is written. It is so bad that they have to give clear English guides so that we can understand. I suppose they must cover all eventualities when the write the legislation, but so far they are only clouding the water. Does the word Incompetent come to mind.
It is not only the USA where the people have different views from the government. It is the same all over the world. Just look at those countries we have declared to be evil. Are their citizens all wanting to kill us as our government would have us believe. Look at Indonesia which Australia is scared of, lovely people. Look at all the countries where at this very moment the governments are at war with their citizens. Without governments this world would be a much saner and safer place
Will he have egg on his face tomorrow when the courts let Djokovich in to Australia? Of course not, he will just declare the border force officials incompetent. On the other hand if the decision is upheld it will not be long before he is taking the credit.
USA, which is the home of aviation has no standard. The manufacturers will give cruise and top speed in mph or at other times on kts. No constistency. The only good thing is that I grew up and learnt to fly in an age where we were taught how to convert one to the other in our heads.
After many years I came to realize that the difference between a scammer and Telstra is a very fine line. They will bill you for anything they can think of and never believe your queries about the legitimacy of their claims. When the upped my fees, without telling me until half way through the period I decided to change.
There are requirements that he had to comply with to be allowed in. He has declined to say he was vaccinated so there has to be another reason that he could be allowed in. He supposedly had Covid in 2021 around April I think, but he had to have been positive for covid in the 6 months prior to his arrival. Did he get covid again, within 6 months of arrival, If so he would appear to be very casual in his avoidance of the virus, but that is obvious to all. The question tomorrow is will he be able to prove that he complied with the entry requirements. If he can do so, then border force is going to be exposed for detaining him illegally. If he cannot, then border force will be exonerated and he should be deported, but of course he can appeal again and keep doing so for the next umpteen years, as a lot of supposed refugees are doing. I doubt that he will appeal further as it would reduce his ability to make money playing tennis.
I agree with you but your statement that the wheels should be 50mm rear of centre does not cover most vans or trailers. I see a lot of vans with a spare wheel and a bicycle, plus sometimes a jerry can of water of fuel on the back. Well there goes your 50mm for C of G, which ia what you are really talking about. The best position for the wheels is at the rear of the van or trailer, but this has to be altered to get the weight on the towball down to acceptable levels. Wheels too far aft and the towball goes down, which lifts the front wheels of the towing vehicle. I have done this with a farm tractor and rear wheeled trailer. I have had the tractor so much affected that I could pick up the front of it. Great if you are going over a weihjbridge which is too short to get the front wheels on it.
When is the Coalition going to step up and do what is required of it concerning immigration and quarantine. They have stood back from where they should be for so long that the States and Tennis Australia are making the decisions for them.
Today we hear that Joe Biden has stated that Trump was responsible for the Jan 6 riots. Nobody has been punished according to our media, but 700 of the rioters have been charged. Nobody seems to realize that it was Not Trump who was responsible. Trump is a narcicist and idiot. The people responsible are the Republican politicians who failed to control trump and in fact egged him on so that they could remain in power. Pence should have declared him unfit to be president, before the election result was announced. Now Sleepy Joe is having to live with the problems caused by Trump and his republican party faithful. God help him.
Now the Serbian president has told our government to let him go free. I reckon he could go free, just get on the palne and leave. It was his or his lawyers idea to appeal the decision. There has been no call from overseas presidents, to allow all the illegal immigrants who are locked up appealing their decisions to be set free.
Forever on the lookout to big note himself, Scumbag has hopped on the Tennis bandwagon. What a great gift to him that allowing a top tennis player in by bending the rules was to him. Now he makes himself look good, especially as it seems the Victorian government stuffed up. He should not have even been allowing State Governments decide who comes and who stays out. That is a Federal government decision. He has also got most of the Premiers to agree to his definition of a Close contact Covid case. It has been eased to only include being in close contact with a case for 4 hours, such as in the same household. How can he square that with his saying that the Omicron variant is extra easy to catch. What he is doing is trying to get the whole country infected so that they hopefully get some immunity and to hell with the effect it has on the hospital system. With the extra ease of catching Covid he also wants age care workers who have been in contact with infected people to return to work as there is a shortage of carers. His reasoning is that he can legislate to make Covid disappear. Oh that we could legislate to make him disappear. He could take the Victorian Premier with him as they are just about as much use a week old soiled diaper.
I have found that as I get older it is harder to stand the hot days of Summer and also to stand the cold days of Winter. As a young man I did physical work in N Qld and now I just stay in the shade when it gets hot. I have never heard any medical evidence that age lowers our ability to handle heat and cold, but all older people seem to agree that it is so.
Where can we get info that doesn't have a private agenda. most of what i see seems to be slanted one way or another to match what the informant wants us to believe. Today in The Australian they had a list of the most seriously affected countries, which was fairly accurate, except they left out Brazil and Peru. That makes an absolute mockery of their figures as they are up there worse than USA and the UK. As it goes on we seem to be getting less and less information and more bullshit.
It is not the heat that causes the problem, it is the heat plus humidity. I gave up working outside at 0930 this morning. It was only 31 deg, but the humidity meant I was covered in sweat and I hadn't been working hard.
You have a different TV. Mine shows someone getting a Covid jab. I am happy that they seem to have stopped showing lots of little bottles on a conveyor, but it has been replaced by lots of cars in a queue lining up for Covid tests.
There is a CJ2 Cessna jet. I fly a CJ1.
My time in REME (royal electrical and mechanical engineers) didn't have any requirements to be trained to drive any vehicle. We just got in and drove them if that was necessary. The first motor bike I drove was an army BSA M20 and I used to change gear with the foot brake until i realized it had a hand clutch. I jumped int a Jeep and took off in second gear, up to third and then up to top. Coming down I did the reverse, except I tried to get down to first, which was reverse, CRUNCH. Backing a Centurion tank was interesting, the sticks work in the reverse of what you expect, but I did at least get a driving course for that.
The homeland cannot be so bad. Every day we see news reports of people trying desperately to get there. I can only wonder why as the best decision I ever made was to leave there 60 years ago. All those people in France trying to get a boat across the channel and the average Pom wants to go live in France. Surely they could do a swap.
A few years ago mu wife and I were asked if we knew of any aboriginal artworks in a national park that we knew well. This was because the adjacent dam was going to be raised and they wanted to know if it would affect artwork. When I explained that I didn't know of any art, but asked if I could come along on any exploratory trips the did. You would have thought I was asking to be given the keys to the crown jewels.
I saw Ella Fitzgerald on TV last night with a jazz quartet, while I have always been a fan of Ella I was really taken with the jazz Quartet, really great background for a great singer and when she put them forward for a solo, there was no great showing off, just lovely jazz.