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Everything posted by Yenn
The one habit they do have is galloping gullibility. I ask you who could believe all this codswallop?
Funny thing it didn’t seem busy at the time. We just didn’t know any better.
From the media reports prior to the trial, it appeared to me that Brittany Higgins was probably raped, while she was too drunk to know anything, that is how it was delivered to us. Now it seems that the police did not want to prosecute, because there could have been a bit of a conspiracy by Brittany and her boyfriend. She also tried to hide her mobile phone and also talked to the media before the police. In the early days the accused seemed to be a real rat bag, but now it would appear he was wronged. Hopefully he will get to clear his name in court. I would expect this case is interesting enough for some journalist to write a book about it.
Now months later I see in the WeekendAustralian that scumbag has been censured and it seems that the paper is no longer supporting him. They are also asking why nobody is looking into the Governor General. It certainly looks to me that the GG needs to be investigated. There seems to be a move to corrupt parliament.
Do you suffer from constipation? Those should be a cure.
Somebody gave us a description of English cars above. The first good handling English cars were specs, short of special. Hand built by different individuals and basicly the start of Lotus. I found it hard to get a good English car until the Morris Minor, Then I discovered the VW and wasn't intereste in Pommy cars, until I bought a second hand Rord GT Cortina, proffessionally lowered and the suspension tweaked for racing, that car out ran the Ford GT, except on long straights and was my best ever point to point car, but not so good at towing a caravan. As a kid I stopped to get a drink at a big shed near Staunes and got a conducted tour of the Lagonda factory. Later our army depot backed on to the Aston martin test track. What lovely sounds, but so expensive.
I remember nthe Viet nam war and the Yanks had very high body counts, which proved they nwere winning the war. Funn that they suddenly colapsed and got out in a hurry. I don't see body count as anything more than an exercise i statistics, or in other words lies. The Ukrainian infrastructure has been mauled badly and it is going to be terribly hard for those trying to survive in the cities and towns, where the electricity is knocked out, water freezes and food is in short supply. Meanwhile we sit on the sidelines and just hope that Ukraine can hold out.
I don't reckon hamburger is food. I really miss the pork pies available in England, but that is about the only thing.
They have moved backwards, but they have culture. I don't know what their culture consists of. Possibly it is showing great care for the women and children?
They built the towns on the flood plains because they used the occasional flood to enrich the soil. They built houses on stilts so that they could be above the flood level and also they were cooler. now they build the same sort of houses that you see in Melbourne and wonder why they don't work.
I used to play the one in the RSL at Cobar that accepted one and two cent coins and used to come out ahead just about every time. If I had the time and enough coin I reckon I could have made a living off it, but I reckon it was set up to pay out 99%.
The missile that hit Poland could have been fired by Russia, or by Ukraine. If fired by Russia, then it immediately brings NATO into the frame. If fired by Ukraine, then NATO can sit by and say it was really caused by Russias attack of Ukraine. Then they can sit back and just tut tut as the UN does. Zelensky says Ukraine didn't fire the missile. My take on it is that I believe Zelensky and NATO don't want to get involved, so they say too bad it was just a missile gone astray. More appeasement to Putin. We hear lots of people saying that the British PM appeased Hitler back in the mid thirties, but what people forget is that at the time Britain was too weak to stand up to Hitler and needed breathing space to arm the country. Eventually Britain did re arm and declared war on Germany as they said they would. A pity that our leaders now are too gutless to stand up to Putin.
Our voting system is flawed. Not so long ago the mayor of Rockhampton was criticised by those who are above her and told she had to apologise, then she could continue to be mayor. Now I have never thought she was a good mayor, but I applaud her for not apologizing, but this led to a new election for mayor. The rules at the time said that the second place getter in the previous mayoral election, should take over without an election if the election was less than a year past, which it was. The Qld government didn't want the no 2 to become mayor, so they changed the rules and Rocky elected a new mayor. Having listened to the second place getter on the radio I can understand why the Premier did not want him, but it was a corrupt way of getting what she wanted. The no 2 got only a small proportion of the votes and he was the only one to stand against the old mayor in the previous election.
If I get one it is going to outlast the rest of me.
Time to see a doctor, or maybe too late.
Pies are advertised all over the place and they are all the worlds best, but it is hard to find a good one. We had a mobile pie shop locally a few years ago, great pies, but they came up from the NSW, Qld border, nearly 800km. I really like a Cornish Pastie, but even harder to find a good one. The really hard to find pies are hal al egg and bacon.
Coonabaraban has flooded in the past but not to any great extent, mainly the caravan park area, but it has fairly high river banks.
Is the USA at last waking up to Trump. He should have been certified insane by Pence, before the 2020 election, but Pence didn't have the guts to do it and that probably saved his life. The man is a Narcisist of the worst order and it seems that very few are willing to accept it. Didn't a group of 40 or so psychiatrists try to tell the electoral commission, or whoever runs elections that he wasn't sane enough to be President and haven't we seen ample evidence of that fact. Of course Trump is not the only politician with those sort of tendencies, we are seeing more and more coming out of similar bad behaviour in our own pollies and they seem to be proud of it.
While the water that can get through the culverts and drains is speeding up and gouging the surface, the water that can't get through them is backing up, until eventually it flows over and scours out the ballast under the lines. Plus it raises the level of every bit of water upstream and slows the flow.
Not incompetence, but a lack of care about anyone else. Just boost the profits and reduce outgoings and all will be well. They get vast payouts for their lazy ways and shareholders do nothing about it
The Republicans are at last beginning to see the light, but another round of lies from Trump will see them fall in line behind him again. They have to develope some intelligence to be able to drop him and I can't see that happening yet. Some are coming round, but there are an awful lot of idiots in the USA.
I heard on the news that someone was advised his by Optus that his details had been made public. He said he hadn't used Optus in twenty years. I can't really see what Optus are needing to keep anyones details for. I bought an Optus Sim card nearly two years ago and had to show them my drivers licence tp prove my identity. Having done that I see no reason for them to store my details apart from name and address.
I didn't think there was a rail between Alice and Darwin, until little Johnny got it done in the nineties. About the only good thing he ever did. Could the fact that the railways run on embankments, which act as dams, slowing the flow of water have any effect on the flooding we are now seeing. I have been saying for years that the railways cause flooding, Maybe I am correct?
What makes you think the top predators don't have predators. We are petty near the top of the tree and how many humans are killed by the diseases spread by insects or even smaller things, such as bacteria and viruses?