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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. It is what I call the "Bunnings Syndrome" and has already become our downfall.
  2. Those cheap wood framed houses churned out in Windsor, who makes them? I wonder if that is what my grandson does.
  3. you only have to listen to any LNP politician to realize that they consider the amount of money they splash about is a sign of how good they are at government. It is only a few words into any LNP pollies answer to a media question and you will hear "the Morrison government has put X many billions into this scheme" Maybe they have put the money in and maybe they haven't but want you to think they have, but apart from that most of the money they throw at problems is wasted. It does not go to those in need, but to the pockets of those proffessing to be fixing the need. Aged care and child minding are a couple of great examples of waste. Don't mention the NDIs.
  4. Mention of Tetanus reminded me how effective vaccines are. I got tetanus many years ago but I hadn't had a booster shot for over ten years. I had the aches and pains for 3 days before going to the Dr. who diagnosed tetanus. One quick jab and I was good again in a few hours. I had been getting pretty sick, but I reckon the lingering effects of a jab years before saved me from the worst of it. What seems to be totally ignored about having a Covid jab, is that it is not just all about me, but having the jab may save someone else. Of course our government has for a long while been promoting "me' because by doing that they can buy voters.
  5. I am going to go is one of my least liked contraptions. I shall go or I will go or even I am going, better still I'me off, which those of you who have been close to me would agree with.
  6. It makes me sore also.
  7. My vehicle comprehensive insurance comes up for renewal soon so I looked into reducing costs. The vehicle is 17 years old and has a value of 9 to 11 thousand dollars. Just renewing with QBE was going to cost $631, so I reckoned it was pretty high percentage of what I would get paid out. I looked at alternatives and there didn't seem to be any cheaper, then I looked at Third party, fire and theft. That way I could get cover for just under $300, but there would be no windscreen replacement, so I enquired about cost of a new windscreen and was told $690. I know I will have to replace a windscreen sometime in the not too far distant future so it is stick with QBE and wonder how they can screw Windscreens O'Brien down so that they don't make a loss, or are those who don't insure their cars subsidising those who do. it certainly seems so. The costs for car insurance exceed those for an aircraft by about 100%
  8. Surely it depends on where you live whether or not police should have guns. I live in rural Australia and for me it is OK for our local police to have a gun. They can put an injured animal out of its misery after a road accident, they can control people who are attempting to attack them or anyone else. In a town it is different due to harder surfaces and more people. Remember the Lyndt Cafe fiasco, where ricochets seemed to be the cause of deaths. What I find disturbing is the bad behaviour of some police who cannot be trusted and even worse is the back up they get from their bosses, but that is not confined to guns, but includes non armed abuse.
  9. I heard a business council member in Rocky this morning on the radio, explaining what will happen with businesses when Qld opens its borders. Restaurants and similar will not be legally open to. So if you are not vaccinated you will be advised at the door not to enter. This bloke said that the business owner had to take reasonable steps to ensure non vaccinated people didn't enter. He failed to mention if reasonable included asking for proof of vaccination. From what I see of the anti vaxers, they will ignore any written advice and that means that those of us who are vaccinated will be mingling with the anti vaxers. Not a good outcome. Businesses seem to be scared of asking for proof and I have heard that some bosses are not vaccinated. Covid is going to celebrate Christmas this year.
  10. PMT is Poor mans Trump and I think it is a good description of our PM.
  11. I don't know which acts apply to whatever, but as I see it an employer has a duty of care to his employees. If an employer employs un vaccinated people who interact with other employees then he would be at fault for not looking after those employees. I have to prove my vaccination status to Meals on Wheels as I am a volounteer with that organisation. Similarly I have to undergo a police check and provide 100 points to prove my identity. To get an ASIC card you have to provide 100 points, but for the purposes om my police check an ASIC is worth only 20 points. Bureaucracy gone mad.
  12. The problem with Albo is that he cannot see himself ever being PM, he really doesn't come over as having any faith in his own abilities. Not surprising when you look at his record, but he needs more push. I doubt that he will win the election, but if he really wants to he is going to have to go for SM and show him up for what a useless turd he really is. No good being nice about it, because PMT is not going to be nice. Albo should be spruiking about China not wanting to go to war because that would have nothing to gain and a lot to lose, because if he doesn't PMT is going to bring a China scare into the election about two weeks before voting day.
  13. Why did he need the shifter. From memory it only takes the 1/2 ' 9/16" to do the job.
  14. One reason for the speaker to be a member of the non governing party is if there is a very small majority it will be a member of the opposition. reason being that the speaker does not vote, so for the party he is a lost member.
  15. All this talk of having to have a certificate to prove vaccination makes me wonder why. A couple of old people who have home help, were wondering if those home helpers were going to be vaccinated. They phoned up the office that runs the home helps and asked if their staff would be fully vaccinated. The answer was that they are not allowed to ask that question. That is the office, not the oldies. I certainly wouldn't want an un vaccinated person in my house if I am considered susceptible to covid because of my age.
  16. Those vintage adjustable spanners shown above are officially called screw hammers. The one shown below is a shifter and as it is shown is being used incorrectly. The load should be applied to the adjustable pars of the spanner as near to the main body of the tool. As it is shown above the spanner should be turning clockwise. Now I know where all my 13mm spanners have gone, but I can't remember lending them to Phil. 13mm is probably one of the most useful sizes as it fits a lot of circular saws and whipper snippers. Next is the 11mm which is just right for AN nuts, either AN3 or AN4, I forget which.
  17. Who cares about PMT taking a holiday in Hawaii. He does no good for the country when he is here, so it would be better for us if he took 52 weeks overseas annual leave. So far everything he has touched he has stuffed up, but he has probably convinced himself that he is a success, but he hasn't convinced me.
  18. My wife and I went into the water at Catherine Hill Bay, near Newcastle, leaving two little kids sitting on a towel. Next thing we were out of our depth and going out at a great pace. neither off us was a strong swimmer. My wife was rescued by someone from the beach. I managed to swim across the rip towards rocks with people on them. They at first thought I was fooling around, but eventually came to my aid. We could have both drowned, leaving orphans. I panicked until I realised that panick was not the way to go and gave up trying to return to the beach and swam across the rip. Since that day I have been aware of the terrible effect panick can have on our decision makiing process. We made sure that those two little kids could swim well as they grew up. Just so they could jump in and save us if necessary. Sadly there is less emphasis put on swimming with todays kids.
  19. PMT was not surprised by the results into the enquiry into behaviour in the Parliament, or so he says. he also says there is no quick fox and the Murdoch press is with him all the way. How come he is PM and cannot see a way to fix what any big boss would have to fix if it occurrred in their business. He is saddened by one of his party growling when an opposition woman member was speaking. What sort of a PM is he? Don't answer that it is obvious he is one of those who applaud such behaviour and does not want to act to stop it. Even his applauding of Brittany Higgins has not improved hos position in her eyes.
  20. My forecast/ LNP are going to ditch S Morrison as PM. It will become apparent to them that with him, they are un- electable.
  21. No don't send us a footballer, we don't need the sexual assaults, instead of covid. Just keep our young women safe. They sent them into a high school in Qld and some of the girls contacted them and the footballers indulged themselves. Our bush fire brigade volounteers have to have a blue card, but that doesn't apply to footballers.
  22. Lovely weather. We have just had our "Wet" which should have been in Jan, Feb, but at last the dams are full ready for summer. Usually we are using them for irrigation all through winter and they are low now. I had to rescue the pump from the edge of the dam as it went under water and it hasn't done that for about five years. The BOM and the media are forecasting global warming will result in all sorts of different weather and harping on about more cyclones. So far we have had less cyclones for the last few years and the bushfires they are promoting are due to government stopping us burning for fuel control.
  23. A bill of rights would be as much use as our present constitution, which has been completely ignored by PMT and his government with not a word from the media. If we did get a bill of rights, one of the things in it should make it illegal for the media to tell lies, as well as the pollies.
  24. I used to work on Bosch and CAV mainly and they had no electronics, just pure pressure to open them. My Prado has electronics and it is amazing, I got an air inlet blockage, which I thought could be a waste gate problem. Just a lack of power and no black smoke. I used to reckon an air inlet problem always resulted in black smoke. The newer engines may have expensive gear when it needs fixing, but it goes a lot further before that happens. I never met a Leyland, AEC or Scammel that had 400000km on the clock.
  25. It is not about you getting the Covid, nobody gives a stuff about you getting it. It is about you getting it because you wouldn't get the jab and then clogging up the hospital system. What government should be saying is that unvaccinated people will be last in the queue fro hospital places. In Central Qld the First Australians (I think that is what is politically correct for Abos) have not stepped up to be vaccinated. I think they are at about 40% double jabbed. But it is our problem according to the media. We have to do something to make them want to be jabbed. I reckon just tell them the truth, No jab, big risk and our hospitals will not cope. Of course there are many non aboriginals who are equally stupid, in fact more so, because they have probably had better education and easier lifestyles.
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