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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. What we are going to see is the LNP pushing the fear of war with China. They will point up the Chinese flying in Taiwanese territory, even though that territory is nearer mainland China than Taiwan. They will push the fact that China wants to control Taiwan, but never mention that China knows a war over Taiwan involving USA would be self defeating. They don't want war, they want control by stealth, but PMT and his LNP cohorts will only push that Labor would go soft on China and we need them to look after us. There will be more rorts in the lead up to the election and LNP will also be telling us that if we don't vote for them, we will be missing out on perks here, there and everywhere.
  2. Foo or Chad was similar to the above sketch, but there were fingers over the wall each side of the head.
  3. I used to service diesels years ago and from what I read here either the whole system has changed or I never knew anything. Do modern injectors work slowly at low speed instead of only opening when the pressure lifted them. You could tell the quality of an injector by the noise of its injecting and that was on a test stand at very low rpm.
  4. I remember a few years ago when crude was about $150 per barrel and petrol was so expensive at about $1.50 per litre. What is the price of crude now? Government controls our petrol pricing and it is all worked out to align with Singapore or somewhere. So don't blame the producer or the retailer.
  5. I haven't tried to cut down a big tree with my electric chainsaw. Just use the old one when necessary. What did intrigue me was the instructions for the electric Stihl. They say to cut the notch which controls the direction of fall, just the same as for a big saw. Then they say to cut one side of the rearward cut, then the other, but leave a bit at the very back, which prevents the tree falling. Continue through behind the front knotch until you leave only the hinge and then cut that rearward bit you left before. I have never tried it but it should work, except with some of our eucalypts, which are evenly balanced and vertical and could well drop onto the saw if the wind blows against the fall.
  6. You reckon that's cold. I lived on the North Norfolk coast and I reckon there was nothing between us and the Arctic circle. I still live where there is nothing between me and the Arctic circle, unless you count the equator as something. No comparison between the North winds.
  7. I don't only read murdoch news, but I read it because we have to know what the enemy is saying. Problem is that when you look into what PMT says you see that he says very little. It is mainly platitudes and Bullshit, bundled up to sound as if he is really saying something.
  8. Extra to above. Why would you have trees close enough to your house to dislodge tiles, especially after all the hoooha about bush fires?
  9. Wonderful weather, we got more rain on Thursday than in the whole of February, which is usually our wettest month. Our dam has just filled, usually it is full by the end of Feb, but not this year. Everything looks green which is a change from the gold of dry grass. The problem is the graziers don't have enough cattle to feed on it, having had to destock because of the drought. So much for them doing well with high prices, I suppose they can sell their breeders at a high price and make the vegans happy. The paddocks will turn into lantana forests and be unusable, rather like out National Parks are doing.
  10. From the news today. "Prime Minister Scott Morrison laid his idea out most clearly in a speech to the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry last week: “[Climate change] will be fixed painstakingly, step by step, by the entrepreneurs, by scientists, by technologists, by innovators, by industrialists, by financiers, by risk-takers. That’s the Australian way.” The modelling subsequently released on Friday did not even pretend that this approach will achieve net-zero emissions: It gets us to 85 per cent, after which the great spirit of technology will carry us the rest of the way to 100 per cent net zero on a golden staircase of innovation. I well remember when we were told that technology would make nuclear power safe. I even have friends who believe that it is safe now, but our government will not consider producing electricity from anything other than coal. The reliance of technology to reduce our emissions does not stack up with what has happened with nuclear. PMT knows that but as usual he has done a lot of talking but said damn all. That is the only way he can hide the lies. If we are stuck with him after the next election, the lies will come thicker and faster. Don't forget belief is the thing. If he believes it, then it is true. Never trust anyone who is into religion, it just proves that they are not clear thinkers, but only want to pull the wool over your eyes. Problem Albo who doesn't know his arse from his Albo isn't up to putting forward a sensible argument against the LNP.
  11. Anything Howard proposed I would be against. I was for a Republic, but voted against their way of getting a head of state. So far the present system has worked well. and I can't see it changing if Charles becomes King. Why would he interfere any more than the Queen has done? It would not be in his best interests to do so. The Queen also has her representatives as heads of each state and Qld governor said not a dicky bird when the Premier promised to have referendum on amalgamating the shires, then put forward a law to do away with her promise. She went on to become Governor General and didn't make any mistakes. No matter who you have someone will screw up the system.
  12. Whitlams problem was not with the Monarch, but with the representative of the monarch, who was put in place by the government. What we have at the moment works and probably because the Queen does not have to be popular and win elections. Our system has the PM as the most powerful person, but he can be dismissed by the monarch. It has only been done once and I reckon that was an aberration. I really don't like the system which has someone who reigns over us, but I can remember George 6 as being a good monarch, who helped us live through the bad times of WW2. The Queen has in my opinion done a fantastic job. The future King, Charles has had many detractors and been the butt of many derogatory jokes, but I reckon he will be far better than the head of state that Turnbull was proposing. The reason we didn't become a republic was that the populace couldn't stomach another political appointee.
  13. I thought it was already illegal to leave an engine in a car idling without the driver being in it. I don't understand how atomization can be affected by the speed of the engine. I am not up with the very latest technology, but all the injectors I came across relied on pressure to start and stop the injection and atomization. The injector would not open until the pressure lifted the pintle. As for accelerator pumps it seems that people nowadays have no idea of what they are. I have seen people starting diesels with a couple of stabs at the throttle pedal, supposedly to prime the engine. My daughters partner had a problem with the choke on his Nissan diesel bus. I fixed it for him, by fitting a knob on it, but I don't think he believed me when I told him a diesel doesn't have a choke and what he had was a hand throttle. Yes I know a diesel doesn't really have a throttle, but that is what the go faster pedal is called.
  14. Marty. It is not waste, it is good fertilizer. It is only modern living that treats valuable reusable material as waste and does not want to re use it. The original form of farming that i was brought up with used all the wast products to keep up the soil fertility. We used to spread many tons of animal manure on the land and you could see the results in the next crop grown. Even our own dung got to the land, but usually after several years laying in a pit. Now animal waste is building up and polluting waterways, especially where dairying and pig farming are prevalent. The long strawed grain crops have been bred out so there is nothing left to absorb the urine. Because of this our farmers now rely on using artificial fertilizers, which are supplied by big corporations.
  15. No good talking to those people, they will not listen to reason. I reckon they will learn, but it may be the hard way and that will affect all of us. I read a Nexus magazine from the library recently and it was all about how bad the vaccine was. There were quotes from several doctors and scientists, but what stood out was that each doctor had his full life resume and lists of his achievements, which took up many column inches, then a very short quote against vaccines, which looked as if it could have been taken out of context. This was the same for every one of the quoted experts.
  16. Tony Abbot would be related to aquatic dogs, also Mc Mahon.
  17. Yes OME we have seen the ingenious activity in NSW coalfields. Hiding the mess from sight and of course when the coal runs out the company will go broke and the taxpayer will have to worry about rehabilitation. The only good thing about mining is that the draglines are usually run on electricity, not diesel. But that electricity is not green produce.
  18. The ability to floor the accelerator is needed in some cases to avoid an accident. The petrol auto engine is usually fitted with a means to provide an instant enriching of the engine and also a retarding of the timing. No need for this in an aircraft engine although Lycoming do fit carbs with accelerator pumps to some engines. It does make for easier starting in that case.
  19. A job that should be available would be re furbishing the horrible mess made by those coal mines. They look so bad that big earth berms have been built and trees planted on them to hide the mine sites from passing motorists.
  20. I have posted on this site that I like to read the Australian, mainly to see what the rabid LNP promoters have to say. Todays edition is a prime example of LNP spin. The French caused the dropping of the submarine contract, by being slow. Isn't that what happens with all our defensive contracts. We really need the nuclear subs, but I can't see why that problem could be laid at the French's feet, we should have gone down that road before the contract was signed. PMT has not lied at all and those who say he has are not Australians, but traitors. The sad thing is that I think the stupid electors who have to vote will probably lap it up.
  21. The original idea of the lockdowns was to stop the hospitals being overhelmed. The idea of high vaccination rates is to lessen the effects of getting the virus, so that the hospitals will not be overwhelmed. It isn't working in Qld because we have so many anti vaxxers. It looks as if the state is going to open up and then those anti vaxxers will possibly get as serious dose of the illness. Qld hospitals will be in disarray, they have very little ICU capacity, in fact I hear that there is no capacity in Gladstone, which is a reasonable sized city with a lot of international shipping coming and going. I must say I am not going to shed any tears over those who refuse the vaccination and then suffer from their stupidity. It is just sad that they will be clogging the hospitals and possibly causing problems for those who have done the right thing.
  22. Scumbag has learnt from history. Donald Trump succeeded when nobody thought he could. He bacame the world leader at lying and denigrating others. That is what Scumbag has learnt. I shall from now on call him PMT, that is Poor mans Trump
  23. This idea of technology or science finding a way to make coal clean is just a new version of the technology that was going to be found to clean up nuclear waste. Some people have been saying for sixty years that we have the technology to clean up the storage of nuclear waste, but most people don't believe. Most people dob;t believe that technology will clean up coal, but of course Scumbag is a believer. Ridiculous to let a believing religious crank into a position where he can exercise his believing powers to our detriment. Vote 1 for Macron, not the scumbag who tried to waylay him while he was talking to others. Not good manners as well as untrustworthy.
  24. Macron was one of the few who heard the PM actually say something. It doesn't surprise me that it was a lie, it surprises me that he said something. Now he is saying Macron calls us all liars and his shoulders are broad so he can take it. That does not do him any good, the whole world knows he cannot be trusted, not just a few of the voters of this country who are not wearing wool over the eyes. I am just hoping that this is the start of the end of Scumbag, but I am afraid that the electorate will believe his lies, when he raises the spectre of China attacking us, just before the election.
  25. Yenn

    The Nats

    While you may not like the views of any newspaper, it is good to read differing opinions. A cas of know thyne enemy. I disagree with a lot in the Australian, but it shows me what others are thinking. I see Peta Credlin has a spot in it, she was discredited by all and sundry for her control of Tony Abbot but from what I have read she is no fool.
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