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I have hear it said that the time of greatest fitness in Britain was during WW2. I lived through it and can remember that fat people were scarce. There was a shortage of food especially meats and dairy products, but also sugar. The super abundance of high energy foods and the lack of exercise seem to me to be the cause of our current obesity epidemic. I have watched the SBS show with Michael Moseley, where he seems to be able to turn around the effects of obesity and type 2 diabetis.
Hey, I don't read the Courier Male. Strictly The Australian, although I don't always agree with their take on things.
OK you blokes why not have a bit of give and take. I have been on this forum for some time and I know what OME is up to. He is trying to keep it all civil and injecting topics to get us going. No ill feelings there. Dax, just take it lightly I am sure OME holds no ill will to you, but he is fairly easy to stir up. We all sit back and watch, hoping for some fair mindedness.
That was not what she joined, but it sounds the same. Aussie population increased by one Archie David. Doing OK as far as i know.
I am doing my bit politically to get rid of this government. My grandsons partner has just gone into Labour, another nail in Scumbags mob.
We may have aluminium and uranium, but why would USA want to take over Australia to get it when we will practically give it away. There is no way Australia is going to mine something and use the ore to produce a finished item. Even the aluminium which is produced a few km from here is not used in the construction of aircraft, That quality has to come from the USA. The Yanks have no need to take us over, we are falling over ourselves in our hurry to make them happy.
I used to eat corn flakes years ago and now I reckon they are not good food, too much sugar, but back in those days I would be burning umpteen calories at work. Now I have home made muesli, which has less sugar and fruits than the bought stuff. I need less calories but muesli is a carbohydrate rich food. I think the difference is that my muesli is basically rolled oats. No refined stuff. I still haven't managed to make a pork pie to equal the British version, Cornish pasties, yes I love them but am too lazy to make my own and my wife doesn't make them. The one thing that I think keeps me healthier than the average person is that I have no desire to drink soft drinks. Much prefer the juice of fresh squeezed citrus.
Does that mean you use silken toilet paper?
Dax I am with you there and you missed the fact that eating diaries means you make spelling mistakes. Sorry. I couldn't resist that! OME has mentioned what we should all know. All things in moderation. I eat red meat, dairy, sweet things, but in moderation, especially sugar, which has low appeal. I much prefer honey. Bread seems to me to be one of the poor quality foods nowadays. Last time I saw packaged bread and read the contents I was not surprised that health experts are saying bread can cause obesity. It seems to have dozens of un necessary things in it, when it should really only have at most 4 ingredients and the stuff I make has only 3. There is an industry growing about health foods and all the latest wonder foods that will cause you to lose weight, prevent any disease and promote absolutely wonderful health, without you having to do anything except eat and believe. I am looking forward to a nice steak, maybe Roo steak potatoes, greens from the vegie patch and to follow mulberries and yoghurt. Some mey not think that healthy, but it works for me and I wouldn't have it every day, but what I really wouldn't have is a hamburger.
we could produce vegetable based fuel but that would reduce the land available for food production, also a large part of Australia is too dry to produce big crops, far better suited to dry grazing, with low inputs and low running costs. Even producing all our fuel from vegetable oils, if we don't lower usage we will be polluting. Our problem with fossil fuels is that we are using many years lay down of fossil fuel in a single year. The answer is to reduce fuel burn, not to change the fuel. Modern agriculture has regressed to monoculture in many cases. I see cotton, sorghum, corn and wheat grown succesively on the same plot of land and of course sugar is a prime example. Grown on what was good soil, but nowadays the soil is only there to support the crop physically and it is fed out of a bag. OME says we need a leader who will act like a heroine. Maybe so, but what we have is a big girl, not a heroine. Does anyone think our leader is fair dinkum with his commitment to net zero. Surely anyone can see that our leader is not trustworthy. Can you believe what he says? If you can you are more gullible than heis, because I am sure he doesn't believe his own words. They are said to keep him in power and to hell with the consequences, because by the time the fan has become splattered he will be gone.
It's all smoke and mirrors until someone gets hurt
Yenn replied to old man emu's topic in Science and Technology
Any prop gun with a bullet loaded in it is suspect in my opinion. To accept the word of someone handing you a gun and saying it's safe would be stupid. When I a in the pommie army in the fifties we used to guard our workshops. We were armed with a 303 and blanks. The gypsies used to raid the area so we used to put a pencil up the spout and some were hit with the pencil. It didn't kill them but they stood out to the local police. -
In Singapore there was an undertaker. Goh Soon Moh.
The Nats have agreed to Scumbags going to Glasgow with zero emissions by 2050 and that is a win for Scumbag according to the media. We don't know what transpired in Nats and Libs meetings, but the fact remains that Scumbag is not really in favour of net zero, what he really wants is to keep using coal and this agreement has been reached to make him look good. The problem is that if you really look, he does not look good. What we need is a pathway to surviving in the post coal era and we are not getting it. We are looking at going backwards against the progress of the rest of the world, thanks to our leaders.
This topic has appeared in other posts about differing things, so I thought I would start a dedicated place for it. We are one of the most obese nations in the world and it seems that the reason could be our diet. OME has said elsewhere that Maccas has been here for 50 years. I did once try a meal at Maccas, that was when I was with a group of young people who had spent two weeks in Morocco and were hanging out for a big mac when we got to Spain. That was my first and last. Possibly I am not obese because I have to leave home and travel 50km round trip at least to get any fast food. If I am away from home and need a meal I am lost in the suburban food malls. I don't find anything appealing, so the fall back is fish and chips, which seems to me to be the best of a bad lot. Our food is mainly home grown, or organic. I used to think that sheep meat, either lamb or old ewe would be free range, but I have seen sheep being fed grain in the paddocks to fatten them. Our locally grown beef is as near organic as can be even if not given the seal of approval. It is grown on dry paddocks with multiple acres to each beast, No chemicals except for whatever they use for buffalo fly and tick control and I know that is not good. The one thing I never touch is soft drink, it just doesn't appeal to me and I drink rainwater, much against the advice of our local council who will not allow it into houses for drinking. If obesity is a disease I wonder why the doctors never ask those not suffering from it, what they do differently. But then we can't expect the medical profession to worry about why something happens, when there is a pill to prescribe. Do those antibiotic pills do our gut any good, or could they be one of the causes of obesity?
Albo may be a decent bloke, bit he comes over as a whinger. He needs to state what a mess the current government is producing and forcefully explain what his party would do to get us back to sanity. The whole lot of them appear to me to be more like a group of schoolgirls complaining about their lot.
I have never copped any derogatory comments here, maybe what I say is not explosive enough. Thank you all for ignoring me.
Anti-vaxxers are the 21st Century Luddites
Yenn replied to old man emu's topic in General Discussion
When Qld opens its borders, which I suppose will happen, there are a lot of anti vaxers who ill get a shocking surprise. They have had it so good for the duration of the pandemic, that they think it will not affect them. It is going to devastate our hospital system. I heard today on Maccas program that a retired scientist who had worked at exterminating rabbits all his career had said that his fellow scientists were predicting what happens with Covid, based on their knowledge of the viruses used to control rabbits. He said that they can't exterminate rabbits, but they have made a big reduction in their numbers and the same could happen to us. Considering that humans are in plague proportions and destroying all around them it may not be a bad thing. -
The LNP have the only policies that will get Australia to the front of world opinion and not only that they have the best policies for handling Covid as well as China. Labor don't know which way is up and even if they did, they would still go the other way. Whatever Scott Morrison says you had better believe it, because he has been knighted in his opinion. He has GCMG after his name. God calls me God. That is the official LNP position and if you don't believe it you are not properly brain washed, or should I say brain dead.
e hear that farmers are doing wonderously well, because prices are high. What we aren't told is that prices are high, because farmers cannot fill the market. To make money when prices are high you have to have produce to sell,but our journos cannot see that.
Colin Powell has died from Covid complications. He was a former Secretary of State to G. W. Bush and also an advocate for the Iraq war. I could never understand how he could support that war, especially given his record in the army. He started at the bottom of the officer ranks and worked his way up to become the top general in the US army. I have read his autobiography and he had a firm grasp of how to wage war, especially as far as being aware of the desired outcome and what could go wrong. He came over from that book as a level headed, intelligent, thinking senior officer. That was before he teamed up with G W Bush, where he seemed to catch the Republican madness. He died in his mid eighties and was supposedly fully vaccinated. I wonder how the anti vaxxers would feel about that?
We hear that the National Party are meeting to decide if they will go along with the Libs proposal to endorse the zero emissions by 2050 for the upcoming meeting. I don't know when Morrison came to endorse the zero emissions, but it seemed to me it was thrust upon him by Friedenberg when Morrison was out of the country. It looks as if the Nats under Barnaby just want to cause strife. What would happen if the Libs said "Do what you like but we are going for zero" Would that result in the demise of the Morrison government? Labor could hardly get the upper hand if the Libs are going along with their proposals. What would happen to the Nats if they were on their own? Would they try to form a coalition with the Labor party? They could of course try to join with the Greens, but I can't see that happening. I doubt that Morrison would have the nerve to cut them adrift and I can't see the Nats backing down. So what is going to happen?
Are you implying that politicians are not good debaters?
Do they still have that swill. Watneys? I preferred Whitbread or better still Guinness and Bass.
The advance and retard is a good problem to pick. A friend of mine at work in the sixties bought a new Ford car and had trouble with it. The educated mechanics at the dealer had it an many times but couldn't find the answer to the problem. I listened to his detailing of what was happening and worked out that it was a timing problem. He brought the car to my place and it was fixed in a couple of minutes. I worked out, either by intelligence or education that the weights were incorrectly installed. Education obviously played a part, but i reckon I had more "nouse' than the mechanics.
Bttery chainsaws are the way to go. My old Stihl O-240 hardly gets used now that I have a Stihl 32V battery saw. So much lighter and quieter, both things an old bloke wants. When the battery goes flat i have to have a rest. With the old saw I would refill and carry on.