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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Funny that NSW has said they will open up to visitors from overseas. Scumbah has said he will not allow that. First to come will be returning Aussies. When he had a chance to do some good such as by controlling the people coming off the Ruby Princess it was not his responsibility. now it suddenly is. Could he be seeing a way of garnering support by being pro Aussie?
  2. The auctioneer used to get bids in guineas and payment to the vendor was in pounds. The shilling per giunea was his commission.
  3. If you have superelevation on a roundabout it is easy to go round and round, but when you exit you are possibly going to get into a situation where you experience negative G. Look at Qld rail and you will see many cases where the tracks have no superelevation. That must lead to extra rail and wheel wear. The tilt train is designed so that the carriage tilts inwards at the top to reduce centrifugal effect on the pasengers, but it does absolutely nothing to the wheel and rail alignment
  4. I don't know if modern musicians play by ear or read it, but I do know that the music I hear on ABC radio around about news time is awful. That is possibly due to ABC having a play list that is crook, or it may be that modern music is really all screech and sqwuark. As far as intelligence goes I think we have strayed off the subject. The educated person knows how his aeroplane works, while the intelligent person can work out why it doesn't work. Education equips you for what you have been taught, while intelligence lets you work out what you need to do.
  5. One of the first to fly was plane designed and built by Cayley, I think that was his name. It must have been easy to contol because his coachman was the pilot for the first flight and quit the job immediately after. Just surviving was a miracle as far as I can see.
  6. The salmon farmed in Tassie is a bad polluter, but the salmon we eat up here in Qld is an altogether different fish environmentally. Local caught and clean, green. Lobster in Tassie was over $100 per kg years ago. They get that for it when sent to China or wherever, so they won't sell at less for the locals. Similar to when i lived in England and produced beef. I never tasted a real steak until I came to Aussie.
  7. I am an antique vaxxer. Really I should be an anti vaxxer as not being innoculated for measles saved my life. When I was a kid measles was common and treatment included not getting the patient excited. I had measles and the air raid syren went off. my parents decided to stay in the house rather than move me into the air raid shelter. There was a massive bang and next morning we discovered that the shelter had a direct hit.
  8. Do an IQ test and you will see that it is dependent upon education. Some o the questions will only be answerable by people who speak a certain language or have education in specific subjects. Not all, but enough to skew the results. It is also possible to boost your IQ on those tests, by reading how to do it books, which explain how to succeed. What really amazes me is that some people believe that as civilisation progresses, our IQ's get higher.
  9. Yenn

    Covid logic???

    Oh to be in Qld away from the SE corner. Life goes on the same as it always did, except that we take a bit more care. The downside is that a large part of the population are complacent. I think we have just about the lowest innoculation rates in the country, apart from the aboriginal settlements. I dread to think what will happen to our hospital system, when we open up to the other states. It can barely cope with the non covid situation, so disaster looms. That will no doubt happen just before the coming federal election so our Labor premier will be able to blame it on ScumBag
  10. I thought skiing was the way to do that.
  11. Some of my time in the army I might as well have been homeless, it may have been warmer. Homeless by a haystack rather than having one blanket and a poncho in the week before Christmas in the welsh mountains.
  12. Surely the success of the Wright brothers hinged as much on their ability to build a lightweight engine as it did on their flying knowledge. They did build their own engine.
  13. Will it be that much quieter with electric power. A lot of the noise we hear is not from the IC engine, but from the machinery itself. For instance a lot of mowers have blowers which make terrible noise and cars and trucks make more nose from the tyres than from the exhaust. I would really like to have electric motorbikes, but then I reckon the owners would equip them with noise makers just to annoy me.
  14. My hearing aids which cost an arm and a leg increase the sound of all that I don't need to hear, such as music on the ABC and don't amplify speech. Of most annoyance is being in a meeting with softly spoken people and also loud screechers, especially if there is a low ceiling and hard walls to the room.
  15. Do you really want to know the answers to those questions. I was brought up with them so I reckon everyone would know the answers.
  16. Dax. The police and politicians would argue that their walk through is what is stopping anything bad happening thereThat is what is happening with medicals or pilots and also the Asic card.
  17. OME. We tried that in the old days. We used to build aircraft, shipping, motor vehicles and produce millions of tons of steel. I am not sure who really killed all those industries, but the governments of the day didn't do much to promote them. It is so much easier for governments to sit back and rake in the royalties of the mining boom. Little need for infrastructure and now the growth industries are health care, education and tourism. All badly hit by covid, but the good times are coming. We are going to have to produce one hell of a lot soon to pay for all the arms we will have to get to fight the next war for USA.
  18. How could any sane voter accept that someone who believes the garbage that religion relies on is suitable to take a leading role in running the country. As an example look at Scott Morrison, a man with high religious morals but lacking in common decency.
  19. Why I hate football and by that I mean the professional game, is that the players cannot be trusted. How many times have they been caught disregarding the rules of good behaviour that you and I adhere to. Even worse is how many times do out politicians bend the rules to accomodate them. Hardly a week goes by when there is no footballer being charged by the police for rape or drug possession or thuggery.
  20. Yenn

    Aussie Nukes

    Don't blame the military. When the replacement of the Collins class subs started the government decided it wanted diesel, not nuclear. The French had nuclear subs and I think the contract was for us to get them, but the propulsion system had to be modified to diesel. Remember at the time that Japan and one of the Scandinavian countries were a bit put out by the way the government went about the process of working out who would supply. Blind Freddy could see that diesel subs are really stone age equipment so why did our government go that way. Then having done that they are telling the french one day that the contract is all good and next day they are cancelling it. I wonder when the opposition was advised that there was going to be a change. Did they have prior knowledge and agree to go along with it? How could so big a decision be made in a matter of hours and was the decision a democratic one? My guess is that it was a spur of the moment thought of Scumbag and that all he has to do is feed the fear syndrome in the lead up to the next election and he will look so good that we all forget the poor decision making that has been the highlight of his term as PM.
  21. I use Afinity Photo. Not a freebie, but it is good and does most of what photoshop used to do when I last used it. I used to get these photos back in the days before digital and re photograph, then fix them up in the darkroom.
  22. I paid tax when I started work and that included money going in for the OAP. Then the government did away with the OAP and brought in superannuation. I had contributed to a company fund before then, but when i left the company all I got back was my own contribution. I bought a house in the high mortgage rates times and payed it off when rates went over 12%, sold it and built where I am now on wages. I was never in the high income bracket, so never in the high spending bracket, so the part pension I am now on does me very well. Looking after what little you have and looking after your health go a long way towards surviving on the pension.
  23. A version of what I consider to be one of the worst cars I have driven was just sold for well over A$1000000. The car sold was a Ford GTHO, which is a derivation of the Falcon, which is the one I don't like. A friend of mine had a GTHO back when they were fairly new. He bought it as an investment, only ever took it out on days when there was no dust or rain possible. I had the job of doing a load of photographs for him, ended up sitting in the back of a ute with the tail gate down photographing him front on at speed.
  24. At least a 12mm spanner is 12mm between the flats. What is a 1/2" whit spanner? To be truthful I have used whit. for many years and cannot tell you what the distance between flats for a 1/2" spanner is, except that I am certain that it is not 1/2"
  25. That can't be right. The CEO of Telstra gets a meazly 2.39 million. All he can get as bonuses is 200% of his income for fixed remuneration performance and 300% for stretch performance. If that is not obscene I don't know what is.
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