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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. The big problem I see with sport is that only a few people do it. The majority watch and I don't think they get much fitness out of watching. When I was young I worked too hard to really want to play sport on my rare time off work. That time I had at college and in the army was when I played sport, mainly hockey. Since then I took up a couple of sports that let me sit down while I did them. Sailing and flying. Of course I had a few years at darts, which allowed the ingestion of copious amounts of alcohol with a tiny bit of walking and some mental exercise.
  2. My nearest city Gladstone Qld had a massive influx of overpaid workers to builld the gas lplants on Curtis Island. When that constructiion finished there was a glut of overpriced houses on the market. Some people survived by the husband working away from home and the wife stayed put. Others stayed put but out of work. A big percentage could not keep up the mortgage rates and the banks foreclosed. Those houses stayed empty for a couple of years and the banks trickled them back on the market to get higher prices and a few were used by government to house poor people from around Brisbane, resulting in an increased crime rate and many needy people, but the banks did OK.
  3. Is Duton a god nutter, I suppose he has to be considering Scumbag and Porter are. Would it b a requirement for this government? What is the Royal Barge? Sorry Foreign minister.
  4. Bad debt is when the government pays money to whoever as part of some new scheme to achieve an aim. Like Labor paying big money for roof insulation. It doesn't matter which government it is, that government is splashing money around with absolutely no idea if it is doing any good or not and even less about if it is sensible. Current governments seem to think that throwing money at a problem is fixing it. Pensioners are not being looked after properly, throw money at it. The money may not really be borrowed, but it is ensuring that the government has to borrow for something else.
  5. Definitely not a fruit loop. Listen to what the man says. If you do listen you will soon come to the conclusion that he says nothing. Just a load of platitudes and the media never picks him up on it. Definitely not a fruit loop, far more dangerous, because the electorate never analyse what is said. they can only pick up on someone saying something they do or do not agree with. Talking and avoiding those subjects is a way of appearing good.
  6. Yenn

    What about Joe?

    Israel doesn't fund things, because the USA does it for them. There is a large Jewish promoting body in the US and also they have a guilt complex from WW2. Never mind that the Palestinians have been treated like shit by all and sundry, especially the Brits.
  7. A story about exploring Easter Island, not sure if it was by Thor Heyerdal or someone with a similar nordic name. The bit that scared me was when he explored a cave and on returning came to a dead end, It was man made as a trap so that on the first leg he dropped over a tunnel beneath the one he was in and on the eturn he went under the original tunnel. I don't go well in caves.
  8. I used mine to clean out the septic tank. No more stir fries.
  9. I lend money. "pigs arse I do"
  10. Yenn

    Aussie Nukes

    Barnaby, who is now acting PM has lost no time in starting the electioneering. He has stated that the enemies we have are,Iran, China and Russia. Surely he has missed out North Korea. Maybe he wasn't thinking, as usual. Why would Iran target us? I can think of no reason at all. We are not pushing the Israeli barrow are we? Who was the first person in USA that Scumbag had a meeting with. I heard it was Robert Thomson. If you haven't heard of him, he is the CEO of Murdoch's Newsgroup. Biden seems to think that the three most important items to be discussed with other leaders are, handling the corona virus pandemic, climate change and cyber threats. no mention of China. Europe and the USA seem to be slipping apart, so Australia will fill the gap.
  11. T F D Total F----- Disaster
  12. Yenn

    Aussie Nukes

    Why do you say China will start a war. When was the last war China started? How many wars has USA started since then.? It will be USA that starts the next war and no doubt we will be there begging to be in it.
  13. Does stroking an engine make it more powerful or is it like stroking the dog to settle it down?
  14. There is a shortage of timber in Australia. All the forestry in Qld South of Rockhampton has been turned over to National Parks. Nat parks have in their wisdom got any cattle out of these parks and also closed all the apiary sites, because they are not indiginous species. Now we have very good stands of timber being wasted and due to lack of cattle the lantana is rampant. That is not an indiginous species, nor is the pig. Pigs are also increasing in number and causing great damage by rooting up the soil for food. In the old days we had logging, but it was done with respect for the environment and bushwalking was far more enjoyable. One of the places I used to visit in a Nat Park has had a pathway cut through the lantana for about 200m so that you can crouch down and walk through it.
  15. Voting informal achieves nothing. Where are we going to find the independent candidates. I certainly don't want to stand for election. It would cost a large amount of my hard earned money and if I was successful I would have to go to Canberra to work. Not my idea of sensible living. All i can do is try to push the candidates the way I want them to go. It is hard to get their attention as they have to listen to the party first and always. Corrupt. Yes very.
  16. Yenn

    Aussie Nukes

    I think we must have a God Emperor. First thing we knew about the ditching of the French subs was when it had all been done. We are supposedly a democracy, but I very much doubt that there was any discussion about cancelling the contract. It was a decision made by Scumbag. No democracy at all. He has been pushing the China threat for some time now and trying to get the electorate scared so that he can become the hero. The original idea to use diesel subs was ridiculous and to suddenly realize that and cancel a legal contract is very poor judgement. Scumbag has only one aim, that is to look good to the electors by saying all the time how well he is doing things and declaring that black is white if it suits his agenda. His whole outlook on life is the same as an old stupid womans, not what we should expect from our supposedly top politician.
  17. Pork pie is one of only two things I miss from England. The other is fresh herrings. I allso have made Cornish pasties and pork pies, but I just cannot get the pork pies to taste like a good UK one. Shop bought they are all so=so, very variable. I had a really good meat pie in Peterborough SA, but the cornish pastie was very poor.
  18. Those who were educated before we went metric don;t know how lucky they are. I went through the imperial education. Rods, perches roods ounces, grains, chains and a whole lot more. Metric is so simple anyone who wants to revert to it has got to be mad. If I have one shilling and buy two buns at threepence halfpenny and a cup of tea for tuppence farthing, how much change will I have? That is the sort of rubbish we learnt at school. I have built an American designed plane and just loved the use of fractions. Which is greater 3/4 or 15/16? When we first changed over it became even clearer how much real metric was. I had to convert feet to metric, plus feet and tenths of feet, ie 13.2', then they would throw in yards for some of the measurements, what a mess.
  19. A friend of mine tells everyone that his education was very poor and I believe him, but he can out together what he wants to say and also what he says often displays a much greater understanding of what goes on than most people have. He is a prime example of the difference between education and intelligence.
  20. Yenn

    Aussie Nukes

    They have used us many times to make it look as if they have people on their side. They do but those are brown nosing politicians. What they are getting is a welcome to make Australia the main US base for the Western Pacific and Asia area. We will have arms stockpiled here and we will not be allowed to know what they are. We will have US troops stationed here and any that transgress our laws will be untouchable by our judicial system. They will of course have full control of most of our political system. (While I was typing that it put two "O"s in political and immediately saw it, but as it stood it described our politicians.) The USA is failing, they are losing the influence they once had and also they are losing the moral high ground that they always tell us they have. For all their money spent on arms, have they ever achieved anything since their last win which had Australia, England, France and all the British Empire fighting for the same cause. They caused Britain to lose their little foray into Suez with the French. They were dead set against Britain turfing the Argentinians out of the Falklend Islands after they invaded. They took us into Vietnam, which was a debacle. They took us into Korea, which after 70 years has still not been sorted out, but has caused N Korea to become a nuclear state. They have ruined Iraq by going in the second time and having no idea what they were trying to achieve. They have demonstrated in Afghanistan that their intelligence is similar to that of a fox. But we still want to be their assistant school bully. Our government made the decision years ago to use diesel subs and as they always do entered very open ended agreement with the supplier, that would allow the supplier to rip off more and more money. France can see this lovely money trail going down the gurgler. They must have been expecting over 100% profit margin by the way they are squealing. All that comes out of this is that you cannot trust either the USA or Australia nowadays, but with scumbag as PM that is not news.
  21. Not only non american.
  22. Dax are you talking about the Commonwealth bank, which was sold off to the mums and dads of Australia, Are they the elite. In which case you might also think about Telstra which was also sold off.
  23. The failure of the government to have any safeguards in the Jobkeepre handout is being attacked in the press. Now LNP seats are being told how much money Jobkeeper injected into their area. Doesn't that look as if the government is wanting to look good. They are being quizzed about lack of control, but what I saw on TV was Josh Fryednberg saying that if the companies had benefited, by not actually losing money and jobkeeper was a windfall, then it was OK, there was no need to try to get it back. With a treasured like that, all we need is an ex Australian finance minister in the world bank telling us we should lift the GST. Lift the GST to pay for the failures of Jobkeeper. It won;t affect the rich, and stuff the poor, who cares if all their money goes on essentials. The government doesn't feel it. I call Morrison scumbag, but i must desist, it is degrading bags. Really he and his mates are more akin to what I pick up in the paddock to fertilize my garden, except that that stuff is useful.
  24. Have a look at the packaging of shop bread. It has a list of ingredients, some of which I have never heard of, such as bread improver. Real bread contains Flour, water, salt and yeast or sourdough starter. To make your own you don't need a breadmaker, just use a bowl and a wooden spoon, plus your hands. You don't even need tins to bake it in. There is only one down side to home baking. You get so used to the smell of good bread, that you no longer notice it.
  25. Don't quote the constitution. This government takes no notice of it unless they think they can gain an advantage. They were all over it when they tried to get Labor MPs thrown out because they could be citizens of another state.
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