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Everything posted by Yenn
Have a look at the dictionary meanings of ethical and moral and I think you will find they are intertwined in each other. I recently saw an article by a proponent of religion in the news asking if non religious people could have moral values? Having seen what religious people have done over the years, my question is do religious people know what morals are?
A friend of mine imported Russian motorbikes in the seventies. When they assembled the first one and started it up he was surprised when he let out the clutch and went backwards. I think it was a Cossak, but may be wrong and they were not a great success.
Dax. You are so kind to SFM. I just hope that the rest of the votng population is as kind. Persinally I have voted Labor and Liberal and Country party over the years, but it will not be LNP unless they get rod of SFM, even though Labor seems to be doing all it can to not win an election.
We went with the Yanks into this war with no idea of what we were trying to achieve, nor any idea of how to do it. We put in place a puppet Yanky government and stupidly thought that we could walk away and the Afghanis would keep to our rule book. The only surprise is that the present government of Afghanistan have allowed the Yanks to take over the airport and get Yanks and others out. It would be stupid to think that the Yanks are in control, or that they can control the airport. It is only the Taliban allowing the Yanks to use the airport that allows refugees to exit the country. If the Taliban didn't want the yanks to get people out, they could stop the exodus in no time by dropping a few mortars on the runway. Those planes will not take off unless the runway is secure.
You forget that the supply of arms and munitions is what keeps the US economy afloat. Letting the Taliban have that equipment is good. The US army needs to replace it and also will require more to counter the strength of the Taliban. There may also be a few large US aircraft yet to be donated. All it needs is a few backhoes to sit on the runway or even dig a few holes and the US troops will have to walk home. Look on the bright side though, our government is making sure that no Aussie planes will be there.
As far as computer modelling goes it is a case of garbage in, garbage out. So far the modelling has not been proven correct. There have been many predictions and according to the laws of probability, some of them may come true. In Qld we have been told that we will get more cyclones, stronger cyclones, droughts, floods, rising sea levels and many other nasties. Just predicting something bad seems to be the current fad. No matter what reducing coal burning cannot be bad. It is obvious that burning coal causes smoke and particulates to be released into the atmosphere, which cannot be good for anything. Some of the naysayers are using the argument that producing solar cells and electric vehicles is bad, because they cause greenhouse gases to be produced. What we shold be doing to prove them wrong is reducing our use of anything that reduces greenhouse gas. We don't need to have airconditioning everywhere we go, especially if it is set at 20 deg C. Nor do we need to have lighting everywhere someone may go.
That is how it was written up. Journos don't have to make sense, just fill up the column inches.
In todays Australian it is reported that QldLabor Senator Nita Green is pregnant. She told "Strewth" that she and wife Lacey were very excited about becoming parents, as was their French bulldog Lois. I predicted this sort of thing when we had the vote on gay marriage, saying it was just the start of future weird sexual practices. I wonder if the child will be eligible for French nationality.
Pmc C Attack is the best form of defence. Especially if you have no real defence. The current method of getting your point of view accepted is to denigrate anyone who disagrees with you. Just watch how our pollies do it
I reckon I look like a Pom and I was English, but it wasn't till a few years ago that I found out my great Grandfather was Italian. My family always had snobbish ideas and didn't intermix, but funnily I came to resent all that and like mixing with other races. Aussies in general mix much more freely than European or British people. One thing always jars with me and that is how many times we see a young attractive afro american woman in TV adverts and yet I don't think I have ever seen one in Australia.
It is not safe for our RAAF plane to land in Kabul according to Scumbag.
Our government is sending in the RAAF sometime in a few days. How good is that? It makes me ashamed to be an Australian to be associated with such a sick load of politicians who cannot think for themselves. If the Yanks don't tell them what to do, they do nothing. How long before we are embroiled in another Yanky invasion against there must have enemy? Will it be Iran? It certainly will not be China. If they can't beat Viet Nam, Korea, Iraq and Afghanistan, who can they beat? Crimea, Portugal, Chile?
Latest I heard is that the USA is sending back troops to get out its nationals and also those who helped them. Australia has made vague noises about doing the same, but knowing our politicians they ill not really do any good, just try to make themselves look good. I used to be in the military, but I cannot understand why any sane person would want to be in our forces and have to put up with being sent to fight with one hand tied behind your back and the media just wanting to get you into court on trumped up charges.
Onetrack. Is that the same sort of design used in Boeing aircraft? If so keep off the roads. More and more automation in the airline industry has really only resulted in less competent people getting jobs as airline pilots.
So what is your forecast?
I did the census. It was posted to us and I posted the completed form back yesterday. I cannot remember what questions we have had on previous forms, but there didn't seem to be much they would be learning from the current set. I also had a letter saying I was compelled to do another census. Had to log on and log in and now they are going to phone me to arrange a visit by them to ask more questions. I am wondering why certain people have been picked for a more in depth questionairre. No doubt it will give me more clout in what I expect from the powers that be.
How they keep power is by brute force and that has been enabled by the way we and the yanks went into their country AND DEMOLISHED ANY FORM OF SANE GOVERNMENT.
Did you really expect Telstra to provide anything free? My experience with them is that they charge for services that they don't supply if they get a a chance.
Why not just have an engine with a massive flywheel. Like the old Field Marshall tractors had.
OK I fully agree with you, a few acres keeps you fit, due to the need for you to be actively working there and also keeps you fit by providing good food. I see town blocks getting smaller and smaller plus they are being set up in flood prone areas and the houses nowadays seem to be poorly designed for the climate. Most new houses in Qld look as if they have been transported from Melbourne, design wise. We don't have any trade training in the building industry, so chippies and bricklayers are getting scarce. Even if you could afford to build a house there is a long wait for a tradesman to appear. Government policy seems to be to tempt everyone into buying more house than they can afford with the outcome being that when interest rates rise there will be foreclosures galore. In Gladstone there were many foreclosures when the work at the gas plant construction ended. The banks foreclosed and there were hundreds of empty houses. Government moved in people from southern cities and also the banks sat on the houses for a couple of years, then trickled them back on the market. Now the banks are getting more back than their original apparent losses.
Joe did say that they had achieved their aim. Pity is that they kept their aims to themselves when John Howard brown nosed his way into Afghanistan for us. What they state was their aim was to stop others attacking USA. I think they have caused more people to hate them by going into Afghanistan, than they would have by staying away. I don't care at all what happens to USA, but I do worry about us getting involved with our politicians having no idea what they are doing.
So whats new. Can you think of any place the Yanks have been since 1945, that they haven't stuffed up. can you think of any place where there presence has resulted in better living conditions for the local people. Of course Australia is also responsible. Even John Howard seems to think so. He was responsible for dragging us into the Yanks nasty war and now says we have a moral responsibility. He of course is too made up with his image that he could not possibly be held responsible. It is all the fault of the Australians who voted for his party. Not the leader of the party.
Scotty is sounding more and more like Trump. He has pissed off some of his medical advisers with his suddenly changing their minds during a press gathering, without telling them. He is the ultimate expert who knows how to handle any situation, or that is what he is trying to portray himself as. Instead he is a self promoting, unthinking fool.
The answer to your questions is "Bureaucrats" Don't expect anything sensible from them. Nor their offspring "Politicians"
The protectionism may have helped us and dropping it was probably the right thing to do. now we have a policy of doing as little as possible and getting others to manufacture what we need. Great government policy, they get the royalties from the iron ore and coal that is sold overseas without having to do anything. If we re started making things here the government would lose out on the royalties so they couldn't show largesse by wasting vast amounts of money on Sports Rorts and similar schemes.