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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. OME I am jumping in here half way through your discussion, but I am wondering about your "longitudinal axis " of the aircraft. You have changed from cruise to 60kt descent speed, which I assume to be a slower speed than cruise. Would not the longitudinal axis have a higher angle of attack, rather than lesser. I think what you are using as longitudinal axis is really the slope of motion through the air.
  2. Funny that George Grey noticed fields of square kilometers in extent. I hadn't realised that they were metricated in those days. I would have expected the usual measurement of land area to be used, that is acres. Could some editing have been done or was that the actual words used in his journal?
  3. How do we know the aboriginals did no harm before we came here? We are witnessing a load of harm being done by whites who profess to be following aborigals ways. Namely the National parks do gooders.
  4. I had my jab a week ago, went into the Drs to ask if they were doing them and got an appointment for two days later. I think they would have jabbed anyone who asked and were doing about twelve per hour and that is at a small regional surgery, not in the city.
  5. If TV has a bad influence it is too late. The damage was done when out current mob of politicians were watching. They are the ones sending our troops to war with their hands tied behind their backs, in the same way as they are behaving to women and opposition in Canberra. TV has one great redeeming feature, it is easy to turn off and that is its usual state in our household. I like to see SBS and ABC news and try to work out what all the fuss is about, then turn off.
  6. We will not be safe, not even as safe as the AV innoculant is touted to be. We need a definition of safe. Meanwhile Scumbag is blaming the individual states for the slow rollout and when that didn’ work he blames the EU. He looks more like Trump every time he opens his mouth.
  7. If we don't want Scumbag and his lib nat mates in parliament and I certainly don't, then we have to vote for someone else. Yesterday I saw in the press that Albo is going for paid maternity leave as one of the things Labor will promote for the next election. Funny thing I thought that was Tony Abbots idea and Labor didn't want it. Albo up to his old tricks how can we snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?
  8. I think No 2 is what is known as a Bradshaw. They are found in NW West Australia and supposedly pre date the aboriginals.
  9. Yenn

    Quickies part 2

    I think the peas with honey came from a childrens book, can't remember the author but he was well known and also wrote "Green eggs and ham" Spike was definitely funny and his home was in Rye in England. One day when I was over there on holiday I visited my mother in Hastings hospital. This little old bloke wandered in as I was leaving and looked vaguely familiar. My brother asked me if I knew who it was and then explained that it was Spike Milligan, Poor old bloke, he looked decidedly unhappy and unwell and was relying on their National Health Service. Not a good way to be, especially if you look at Englands handling of Covid. I really was amazed that a national treasure such as Spike could be in such dire straits.
  10. We should be more self sufficient. there is no reason that we can't have Australian experts at all sorts of jobs. We have worked ourselves int a corner in the last 4 or so years and we produce very little, plus we train even less. Just this week it has been in the news that poor quality aluminium from China has caused in our naval replacements. Why are we getting Aluminium from China, when it is mined, refined and smelted here in Australia. It seems we ship the raw materials or maybe even basic aluminium to China, so they can alloy it and roll it,then sell it back to us. Latest is that we have nobody to pick the citrus crop at Mundubbera and Gayndah, so it will be more expensive in the shops and we may have to import citrus from overseas, all because we have no bakkpackers. They are talking about 20000 neeeded, but I don't know where that number comes from as there has never been accomodation for that many that I can see. The total population of those two towns would not be 20000 I reckon.
  11. John Howard was so succesfull at staying there that the Liberal party were afraid to dump him, even though Costello was waiting in the wings, or maybe I should say centre stage. Then of course along came Kevin Rudd and got rid of John Howard completely. Dropped for a first time woman candidate. Just a thought could Maxine be the cause of Liberals woman hatred? Since then the Libs have had so little faith in any of their members that they will promote any idiot to the top job and see what a lovely lot we have had. Just think we could have had Peter Dutton as PM, doesn't that inspire you. If they dump Scumbag, who will they promote, is there anyone there who impresses you? If so you are easily impressed. Meanwhile the story unfolds and every day bring more news of appalling behaviour. As I have said before the blokes I worked with in construction years ago have better morals and were also trustworthy.
  12. Bringing Hong Kong into the debate is interesting. HK was a British colony until they gave it back to China. Right up until the very end of British rule there was no democracy in HK, but as they were walking away, they decided to promote democracy. Now China really wants to go back to what the Brits had. Similarly in Korea the Yanks did not want a unified Korea with democracy as the Koreans would have thrown the yanks out, so they have kept the war alive for seventy years with a load of lies and bulldust.
  13. This situation is not going to get better until someone takes control and says "enough is enough, it has got to end" Unfortunately the present government have no leader and also nobody who cares about what happens. The on;y criteria for being a coalition member is to stay in power by any means possible. be that ignoring a problem or saying the opposition are worse. It is not up to the politicians to do the job properly it has passed to us, the electors to make them change. Sadly that is a hard job especially for me as my member is O'Dowd and he is useless, plus I think he is not standing for election again. Supposedly my State member is slated to stand for the party and he has demonstrate that he is perfect for the Lib Nats by being useless in the State. I don't want to wait for a federal election, but I cannot get at the sitting member nor can i get at the possible candidate or an opposition candidate.
  14. Latest on ABC news is that the lessening of the Covid problem will result in an increase of gun shootings. I don't know why but it seems to be happening, only a dozen or so killed by guns in the last week or so. Maenwhile there is a lcal case of Covid in Qld, some bloke has been wandering around for a week and become infected. It is not over yet. I wonder what the real state of play is. We are told that the vaccination will not stop us getting the virus, but will reduce the symptoms, so it will reduce the load on the hospital system. OK we get the virus and the virus gets fed and a chance to mutate into a more deadly form. Does that mean that getting us all vaccinated is a really good idea?
  15. There is no difference between an honourable member and a vile member.
  16. I haven't studied their history but I can understand why they hate the Yanks. I can also understand why they are so belligerent. If they did not arm themselves and have the appearance of being strong the yanks would have invaded them years ago. In the meantime the yanks keep posturing and calling for de nuclearisation on the Korean peninsular, while they keep a massive army just South of the border and have nuclear warships close by. North Koreas only chance at survival is to keep the Yanks scared of them. The West should have insisted on a conclusion to the Korean war nearly 70 years ago. If they had done the right thing the North and South would have re combined and would have been at peace with us.
  17. Red I am surprised that you have life insurance. Of course it will go up. At your age nobody could say that you were a good investment for an insurance company. I gave up life insurance many years ago, I reckoned it was not worth the premium, same with health insurance, but I think living in Qld makes health care less expensive, we can go to the hospital for emergency care for free. The insurance that will go up is house and contents. I have trouble finding companies that will insure me, because living downstream of a water supply dam I am considered to be a flood risk and premiums can vary by 3 or 4 hundred percent.
  18. Michelle Landry who knew the young man who committed the lewd acts in the office and was sacked says she feels for him. he was a good worker and will have to live with this. She also says that Labor and the Greens have a similar problem. Now if that is true it is certainly time that the place was cleaned out, but it sounds more loke Scott Morrisons always turning problems back to the oppposition. Whatever happens I am astounded that a security guard would leave a naked woman in a ministers office, What would have happened if the minister came in before she left at 10am? Oh I forget, the minister would have swept it under the carpet and probably head the woman sacked. So far we have two women who have had problems with the alledged rapist and we still have no idea who he is. Supposedly Brittany Higgins has put the problem in the hands of the AFP but we hav no idea if there is any investigation going on. If the accusations are real I would think that the alledged rapist should have at least been questioned, because there can be no safety for other women while he is still able to rape them. The whole government is corrupt, only wanting every problem to blow over and preferably be laid at the feet of the opposition. It would be good if women could come forward with answers to this problem as the government is never going to do so. They are going to have to bite the bullet and go to the police with their rape claims and stick with it until men stop behaving badly. From what I see the government offices are far rougher and filled with scumbags who cannot behave properly than the construction industry that I used to work in and which had a bad name for misbehaviour.
  19. Probably as many as in other occupations. Men did the work in those days and the women provided the home and looked after the kids. That was what enabled men to put their all into their business.
  20. The way the UK government treats its servicemen is not something to aspire to. When they went to war against Egypt in 1956 on demob leave. when I came back to camp for demob, I was greeted with "Mr Borg, welcome back corporal" I should have run when he said Mr. I had handed over my workshop section to someone else but was kept in as a reservist. That meant that I had no job, so I spent time doing several other things, including wireless fitting, stores clerk, orderly officer and generally getting bored stiff. They didn't need me and they didn't want me but the powers that be said I had to be there. That was nowhere near as bad as being kept in an overseas posting after the war finished, just because they didn't want you in civvie street.
  21. I regularly pick up rubbish ff the roadside when I do my morning walk. One thing I notice is that food scraps left in Macdonalds and other fast food packaging is seldom attacked by ants or crows. They know what is good and bad to eat.
  22. The spelling may be odd and the pronunciation difficult, but we seem to be able to give out more information with fewer words than any other language. This is very apparent when we see films with sub titles. The leading lady speaks for several minutes and the sub title is "No" I jest, but it is obvious when you look at instruction books in multiple languages.
  23. Yenn

    What about Joe?

    While the USA is going to the dogs my worry is that it is taking us into the kennel. ABC news is saying that war with China is on the cards. Given that USA has not won a war since WW2 I don't want Australia to be involved. The big problem is that USA has passed its use by date and is no longer the leading power, it it cannot accept that China should have a bit of the action.
  24. Why would you not get the jab. We are told that there were 37 cases of blood clots from 17000000 jabs. Not bad odds. If you think one in 459000 is poor odds would you have a cataract operation or undergo general anaesthesia? You certainly would not drive on the roads in Qld.
  25. In the cases we are talking about we have a woman who approaches her boss and says she has been raped. They talk about what to do and the woman decides that it will be too embarrasing, or her employer will be too inconvenienced, so she withdraws the complaint she made to the police. Should the employer report it to the police? Maybe, but he will look stupid if the woman does not follow up. That leaves the employer wondering what to do. Obviously he cannot sack the man involved because there is no evidence against him. He can ask the rapist to leave, but he is probably opening himself up to all sorts of allegations of unfair dismissal. He can find another reason to sack the rapist, and that seems to be what happened here. Meanwhile the rapist just moves jobs, probably with a glowing testimonial and higher pay rate and women are still at risk. If allegations of rape or sexual misconduct in the workplace have to be reported to the police by whoever knows of them, what will happen? My guess is that women will speak up even less frequently. Has that improved the situation? I think women should approach the government, telling them what they want to be legislated and not as they are now doing, just having a wish list.
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