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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Lets add another dimension to this pedanticism. Where does the light go when it is switched off. We all know that we see things by seeing the reflected light from a surface. We cannot see light, unless we look at the source of the light. So we sit in a room with walls made of mirrors which reflect the light. Turn the light off and it goes dark. Where has the light gone?
  2. Unless dual filament bulbs have dual connections, they will work as a single filament. If one filament blows twice the amps flows through the second filament until it blows.
  3. It is not a case of being believed. It is a case of pressing charges. If they don't press charges, how can we be expected to know what happened. Don't forget there have recently been a couple of cases where charges were laid and the accused were found not guilty. I believe the women, but that means nothing. For justice to be done the charges must be tried in court. We seem to lose track of the fact that nobody is guilty until proven so. I know that with child molestation it was a refusal to believe the kids that made the problem worse, but hopefully that is behind us. Now if a woman says she has been raped we take it as true, but she still has to oursue the matter in the courts or via the police, or we could consider it consenting.
  4. If heat only flows from hotter to colder, how come if you put a hot object into a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes and then pull it out won't you find that its temperature is lower. That to me says the cold has travelled to the hot object. What has really happened is that everything tries to be in equilibrium. Which is the same as the suck, blow argument and the centrifugal, centripetal argument. It is really an argument about the meaning of words, which do not mean what we think they mean, but they do make sense to us, so they work OK.
  5. Now the defence minister is in hospital, not surprising considering sh has not done anything wrong, No doubt the worry of having to front the media and answer questions about other than defence could be the cause of her heart problem. It is good to see that the PM has already talked to her heart specialist. He obviously takes great care of his staffs wellbeing. Unless they are raped,in which case he hopes it will go away. On the other hand Brittany Higgins is going to lodge her compliant with the police. She had not done so to ensure that the minister could not hide behind an active police case on which she obviously could not comment when she fronted the press. I find it amazing that Brittany has not already been to the police. Could she be having second thoughts and if so why? Does she want other women to be molested? Did it really happen?
  6. I get a lot of my news from the ABC and the AB spends a lot of annoying time advertising itself and saying go to our website and gives us the address to go to. I cannot see why Facebook or Google or anyone else should be expected to pay the ABC for providing a link to the ABC site. That is what the ABC wants and I assume the same applies to other news agencies, This is all just a storm in a teacup to make SB Morrison look good.
  7. OME said above "but still at 90 degrees to the tension force in the string". What tension force? I call it centrifugal force, but you say it doesn't exist.
  8. Much as i understand a womans point of view, the fact that a rape is not pursued lets the perpetrator get away with it and do it again. It seems to me that women think we men should know all about their rape cases and do something about them, without telling us about them. Makes life hard, but I reckon an employer should pursue any rape claims, as they should child abuse claims. To not do so is saying it is OK to do those things, so long as nobody rocks the boat.
  9. OME your last post made me think and I still believe in centrifugal force. What happens if instead of a string you have a solid member between your finger and twirl away. The centripetal force stops the weight from moving further away and a non existent force tends to make it move away. Everything is in equilibreum. Now quickly raise your finger a metre and what forces are there? Which leads to the propeller whirling round. Twist its axis and there is another force moving it in another direction. I don't understand it, or I could say "It sucks" but the pedants say sucking doesn't happen, it is just a blow in another direction.
  10. The experts tell us that climate change is happening and the latest seems to be that we will get more and greater cyclones and also more droughts. Looking at what we are actually having is less cyclones and less serious cyclones. That of course means more drought, so it seems the experts are having two bob each way. It is going to get wetter or it is going to get drier. All I can see is that the BOM don't seem to know what is happening, they are using outdated methods in updating times. We used to get regular info about the Southern Oscillation Index years ago. Would have the SOI number read out after the 7pm news. Then they just quietly dropped it, until this year. Big splash, we are in a La Nina year, that will result in a wetter than usual Spring, Summer period. We will need a vast amount of rain before the end of Summer to make that prediction come true as this season is one of the driest we have had for 40 years. What I find surprising is the constant talk on TV and radio about the massive rainfall in N. Qld. It seems to me that the experts all come from Southern Australia, where a fall of 150mm is a deluge, but in reality 150mm in Tully hardly settles the dust.
  11. Rape victim no 3 has stepped up, or not as the case may be. No names for 2 and 3. They seem to think if Brittany Higgins had continued with talking to the police after her rape, then they would not have had the same problem. That could well be the case, but it is a poor argument for expecting women to go through all the indignities that happen. Now that the same man has supposedly raped or sexually molested three women I wonder why nobody knows who that man is. Is there some reason that his name should be hidden, maybe so that he can continue doing what he seems to do too often. Why are men protected and women denigrated in these situations. Why are employers not doing the right thing and making sure that they don't have a recurrence of the problem? Why are employers condoning illegal behaviour and not trying to get it stopped? It is just sick that political parties, sports clubs and religion all get to gloss over their lack of care to those who work for them or are in their care. Of course with the pollies they blather on refusing to take responsibility and passing the buck to others.
  12. The current lot make some of the old dogs look really good. By the way I heard that Harold Holt is alive and well in China and that ScoMo didn't know anything about the rape case. Can you believe it?
  13. Michael McCormack, deputy PM and minister responsible for aviation. Dick Smith today saye McCormack will not talk to him. Rather like Albanese when he was responsible for Aviation. It seems they don't want to know about Airservices proposal. ScoMo is appalled by the treatment of Brittany Higgins. He is the leader of the liberal party, he implies that government should do more for such women, but is it governments job. Who employed Brittany? It is probably the Liberal Party. No matter who or what all Scumbag ScoMo wants is to come out of it smelling of roses.
  14. I find banking using a card is far easier and cheaper than having to go to my bank. I pay no fees but the bank pays next to nothing interest. A sfar as cheques go they are a pain and I haven't used on for many years. getting a refund cheque from Testra is almost unheard of. They ould be one of the worst companies in Australia to deal with. On a par with BOC.
  15. I believe the greatest load on the system is caused by air conditioning and that is most needed hen the sun shines. Direct couple the AC unit to solar and no need for storage, better still live without AC by using sensible design of buildings.
  16. Check the ground circuit. I am not saying it is the cause, but it could be. Corrosion build up can cause problems.
  17. I wonder how I have survived with the lack of health advice and news I have suffered over the years, because I do not use Facebook. It seems Facebook gives out the address of news and health etc so people can connect to them. Is Facebook of Google actually publishing those stories? Once again it seems that our government is going off half cocked and will no doubt come up with stupid legislation enabling ScoMos mates to make more money. As usual when government stuffs up their first response is to denigrate or ridicule someone else.
  18. When you look at what D.T. has said and written can there be any doubt about his sanity, or lack thereof? From his sayings about Covid 19 he was obviously mad and also his insistence that he won in a landslide. The Republcan Party knew what he was like before he became president, they stuck to him just so they could be the governing party. now they would like to ditch him, but he has them by the short and curlies. Drop him and he will destroy the party. Stick with him and he will still destroy the party, but they don't believe that yet. Pence dropped the ball when he didn't declare Trump unfit to be president in the last few days. If he had done that where would they be now?
  19. Crying rape years later seems to be the in thing. Point the finger and then destroy some blokes life. My wife says that young women are too scared of what they will have to go through to pursue rape charges. maybe she is correct, maybe not. What I see in this case is an employer of a large organisation, who received a complaint. If you had been in that situation, what would you consider the correct thing to do, and by correct I mean the ethical thing to do? I would have thought that the complainant should have been listened to and advised on what she should do and that would firstly have been go to the police. Then I would want the response from the alledged rapist. If i considered him guilty I would be prepared to fire him and no doubt you think that is wrong, because he is not convicted, but I could not let him stay in the job for fear of a recurrence and also repercussions on me. If of course he is not guilty and did not rape her, then he will sue me for incorrect dismissal, which will open a can of worms for the woman as well as me. I cannot see why women can bring up these allegations years later and expect to be able to stir an employer. It is wrong for an employer to try to talk an employee into retracting allegations, just the same as it is for an employer to continue to employ an alledged rapist, who may put others at risk. Of course this does not apply to the three sacred cows, politics, the church and sport. They seem to be the places where rape and sexual predation occur without the police having to be involved.
  20. Nomad. Shame on you Emu baiting should be a crime.
  21. I thought I didn't gamble and that card playing was not necessarily gambling, but then looking back I used to. Four of us used to play Cribbage at work on smoko and lunch breaks, We used to chip in for an Opera House lottery ticket. The bloke who used to buy the tickets would not buy two consequtive tickets. So he bought one for himself, stepped aside from the queue, then after the next bloke, he bought one for the card players, That middle ticket won 250000Pounds. Bugga. I had a very boring job, driving a winch on a construction site and used to read all the papers. Other workers used to ask me what would win at the races and I just used the most tipped horses as a reply. That was pretty good tipping. Came Melbourne Cup Day and my tip was Red something, which was scratched very late, so I said Red handed. As usual we adjourned to the pub. red handed won and nobody could understand why I had not had a bet on it. Can't remember when I last had a bet on anything but I am Quids in.
  22. Bruce I think you mean Dorkins and I agree that it is a good book. He brings up a pretty compelling argument against religion. The thing that stands out for me is that Christainity has the Ten Commandments, which I cannot remember offhand, but the first five I think show that God is very unsure of himself. When we complain about the evils of religion all the believers seem to agree and say that the people doing those things are not really religious.
  23. Does he have any extolling virtues? I see today that Scott Morrison is sorry about how a staffer was handled when she complained about being raped in parliament. I would have thought the first bit of advice to give someone who is raped, would be go to the police and make a complaint. Of course that doesn't happen especially in government or the church. Lately Scomo has been going on about racism while at the same time keeping a family of four tamils in detention on an island jail. It seems that the ministers department recommended that they should be granted a visa, but the minister did the opposite. I wonder if there is any record of his reasoning, or was he just cuddling up to peter Dutton. The WA premier is, we are told an ex military person and they seem to excell at organisational and trust requiring work, but there is the exception. The Qld premier who lasted one term before he was thrown out complete with most of his party. It is funny looking back, it appears to me that we Queenslanders have been good at voting in people who are less than honest. One of whom had someone convicted of bribing him, but he was never found guilty of being bribed. How could that happen?
  24. Don't mention revolution. We don't want OME to bring up the problems of centrifugal force in politics. Sorry OME I couldn't resist. We are seeing the same thing all around the world. Dictators overthrowing election results. Trumps problem was that he was not as good at it as the little blokes and generals. Look at our own pollies if you want to see incompetence and rorting.
  25. Oh so politically incorrect. I must try it. Usually when I answer the phone they just hang up. Maybe I should instead of saying my name, just do some heavy breathing.
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