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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. A fair days pay for a fair days work? Go talk to company directors and CEOs about that. What i see is that those who work the hardest are paid the least. The Aboriginals have got it worked out. I hear today that Qld is considering a treaty and one has been signed in Canada. the Canadian one is reported to work out the value of the country and add in interest. I really want to know what the aboriginals want. They seem to want housing, health care and education and also to complain about the high rates of child molestation in the settlements. They complain that they are not allowed to own houses on the settlements such as Woorabinda and Cherbourg.
  2. A madman believed to be god like by half the population, who also has the power to stand over any of his fellow party members and make them fear for their jobs or even their lives. Holding down the highest political post in the world. Is that comedy or just a horror story? Whoever wrote the screen play certainly did a wonderful job.
  3. Have a look at our current crop of pollies. Anastasia the Qld Premier comes from a family of politicians. I have no idea what her field of expertise or training is, but she does seem to be able to gather knowledgable people around her and use their expertise, although she did slip up with her previous offsider. Gladys from NSW, again I know nothing about her, but she sits idly by while Scott Morrison blames her for his mismanagement. Dan from Victoria. Seems a nice sort of bloke, wouldn't say boo to a goose, but that is because he wouldn't recognise a goose, probably think it was a chook. My local federal member O' Driscoll, absolutely useless and the nationals were at one stage considering him for leader. The good news is that he says he will not stand at the next election. Maybe they are not anything special, but remember Joe B'Jelke Peterson and Russ hinze and be thankfull. We had one state pollie in our electorate, worked for years as a guard on the railway and was a union man. Became the Labor member and was completely useless, the last I heard of him he was shoplifting.
  4. And then there was a class of people who had it all and wanted more so they took over the role of religion and became governors. Then just as with religions there were several of them, so they warred among themselves, or rather they got the masses to war for them.
  5. Now I suppose there will be other trials of Trump, ut he is not going to be convicted. There is the defence of mental disability, which will save him. The pity is that the yanks were warned before he was elected that he was mad. It is apparent that the whole USA is caught up in madness. They are just about to disappear from the world scene.
  6. They didn't break any laws. That is the get out of jail card for pollies. They make the laws, so of course they don't break them. There should be a body looking at government transactions and decisions to se if they are ethical. We see it all the time. pollies make decisions that the general population considers corrupt, but they are OK because there was no law against it.
  7. Not guilty! The democrats have stuffed up again. How could they be so stupid as to rely on Trump calling others to fight, when they did the same themselves.
  8. Magpies and also kookaburras seem to need to be on the ground or perched in a stable position to spot their food. They like to spot it, drop down alongside and then look again to finally locate it. I have seen magpies wander along under our verandah, looking up to the ceiling and then fly up to get a spider or other insect. they don't spot food while in flight it appears. Others such as the hawks, spot their food from a long distance and can swoop down and take it at high speed. Crows seem to like to eye off their food and check it out for safety for a long while.
  9. The population of Australia has grown terrificly in the last 40 years, with a lot of those people coming from places that have high population densities, so that is what they look for. Where I live there are no recent migrants and in the nearest city you seldom see Asian of African faces, except maybe the odd Fillipina with an old Aussie husband. High rise to us is over three storeys. The backyard is still here but it is getting smaller, but that maybe due to both partners going out to work and not having time to tend a garden. They both work, so that they can afford child care and the labour saving tools for the house and garden.
  10. I always thought that their work ethic was a benefit to us all. far better for them to have that work ethic, when the amateurs reckon it is best to lay back and think of England. But then they say a womans work is never done.
  11. Latest is that Peter Dutton has is accused of doing the same as the previous sports minister. he of course denies it, but then he wold deny anything just to be awkward. Our PM is not doing his job, he appears to be trying to keep a squeaky clean face while his ministers are less than honest. The opposition is anticipating that there will be an election in the not too far distant future and are already coming up with ideas to ensure that they appear totally incompetent before the election. They want casual workers, who get a rate of pay above that of permanent workers to get annual holiday, sick leave and long service leave on top of casual rates. Casual rates are loaded so that they include those extras. I know, I spent the last few years of my working life on them, just so that I could knock back jobs i didn't want to be involved in. Labor seem to want to be the opposition. They have decided that governing doesn't have enough going for it, so they want to sit on the sidelines and snipe. Pity because the Lib / Nat parties are not doing us any good. Maybe the electorate will wake up and vote Green, then we would really be in the brown sticky stuff.
  12. Yenn


    The little grey Fergie could go where the Fordson majors would get bogged and still pull a three furrow plough. I have pulled a new in 1962 Fordson Major through boggy ground, where the Major on its own was stuck. My first encounter with the Fergie was an eye opener. I could spend all day ploughing and not be tired whereas with the old Standard Fordson and the Major I would have been worn out with the noise. I reckon they were what pulled agriculture int the 20th century.
  13. The reason the Long Paddock is used less now is nothing to do with councils, or road safety. It is just not economicly viable nowadays to have a gang of stockmen tending cattle for days on end. The stock routes are enshrined in the law. Bureaucrats are controlling everything now and as far as fire goes they are making a complete stuff up of it. It is difficult to get a permit to burn and impossible to get it quickly, when conditions are good. So we don't burn and the fuel builds up. What gets me is that when i see fires reported on the news and fire bombers flying all around, when a bit of back burning would be more economical and also more effective. I agree that feed lots are bad news and years ago I used to raise pigs but not in modern conditions. they were in sheds in pens and they used to be happy little campers. We used to lose a few piglets by being crushed by the sow, but not enough to warrant going to the inhumane methods they use now. Feedlotting seems to be the way modern agriculture wants to go. I have even seen sheep in central NSW with troughs and conveyors for food in grass paddocks.
  14. I have just worked out where I live we have 18 people to 100 acres or 116 to the square mile. Luckily I am on the edge of that 10 acres.
  15. There is a push to produce meat in a laboratory. They say it is good stuff and uses less water and produces less methane. The do gooderss want to stop us eating animals which have to be killed. What they don't seem to realise is that those animals will not lead happy lives, being fed and looked after by graziers. they will not exist. the other things are that those cattle may use a lot of water, but there is no wy that the water could be used for growing crops. When we get rid of all the cattle the grass will grow rampant and what will the fire situation be like then? We already seem to have lost the ability to control fires.
  16. I don't know how someone could want to live in a City, but I m very glad they do, because I don't want them here. I live on a ten acre lot, with a cattle property along one side and the rear. A couple of Km away there is a sub division with about half acre lots. Not my cup of tea.
  17. No he didn't. It was named after him because of all the Al Gore ithms it uses.
  18. Yenn

    Quickies part 2

    After 62plus years of marriage my wife thought that funny. Frankly I can't see the funny side of it.
  19. Yenn


    It would seem that the Japanese population are not behind it and they are the ones most likely to be affected by any outbreak.
  20. Yenn


    Over the years the IOC has not impressed me. They control all the athletes and are out of control themselves. Bribery has been revealed in their bidding process for a nation to hold the games. They seem to be in the same category as the catholic church, by that I mean that they consider themselves above the law and the lawmakers allow them to be so. Now the IOC declares that the Japan Olympics will go ahead. The Japanese people seem to be dead set against it, while the japanese government goes along with the IOC With the current state of the covid virus I cannot see that it will be safe to hold the games. That applies not only to Japan, but also to any nation that sends athletes there. Can you imagine how the athletes are going to behave if they have to go into quarantine on their return home? Especially if the whole thing turns into a fiasco, which it probably will do.
  21. OK I think you are observing what Australians are really like. No matter how much screaming about how badly we treat others it is apparent that Aussies treat others fairly, be they Aussies or obvious foreigners. We don't see the ignorant treatment of others in this country as I have noticed overseas. Of course there is a current push to make us all feel guilty.
  22. There was one great outcome from Trumps Presidengy. George W Bush is now considered to be a statesman.
  23. Brietbart are still doing OK
  24. Magnificent bird the pelican, but I was directly in front of one coming in to land on a sand bank in gladstone harbour. When he was about ten metres from me and still coming head on I decided it was time to move. Then he saw me and banked away. Neither of us would have fared well if he had hit me.
  25. I have seen aerial photos of some burnt out houses and what I cannot understand is. The house is burnt completely, but there are trees with green foliage on them right alongside the house. The trees did not burn, so it must have been grass that burnt right up to the house. I live in similar conditions and keep the grass down for quite a distance from the house. I have fought many grass fires, which is what we get mostly and the way they are trying to control them now does not work My method is to pick a spot for a break downwind, which is ahead of the fire and light a back burn. In some cases it would be necessary to cut a small break to prevent the backburn taking off in the wrong direction, but usually it works. I saw a big fire locally a couple of years ago which was heading for a road, which would be a good fire break. The firies were nearly there when I saw the fire so I thought they would back burn from the road and starve the fire of fuel. What they did was wait at the road and let it jump the road, then they had to protect a dozen or so houses. We are governed by bureaucrats who say when and where we can light up and the result is more and more homes lost every year. In about 1976 I fought fires and after a week of mucking about doing as directed to no avail, I lit up the side of the Dawson Highway and stopped the fire We had fought it for about ten miles at that stage.
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