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Practical aspects of Metric -v- Imperial measurement systems
Yenn replied to old man emu's topic in Science and Technology
One of the big dumping problems was with irrigation equipment. Aussie made did not match the cheap imported stuff from the USA. The mismatch was about half a thread per inch, but you couldn't screw them together. -
January 26 is not the anniversary of Cook's arrival in Australia.
Yenn replied to red750's topic in General Discussion
It is true that the tribes were warring. Cape York aboriginals were raided by the Islanders regularly until well after the white man came here. Aboriginals had war clubs and shields so I would assume they were used sometimes. It is not true that the present aboriginals were part of the first inhabitants of Australia. They do not know the history of the Bradshaw artwork, which pre dates their own. I really want to know what the aboriginals want from us. Some say they should be recognized in the constitution, but what would that do? It is obvious that there were atrocities committed against them in the early days, but we are not responsible for that and there is only so much apologising we can do. Later wrongs were the stolen generation, which was done with good intentions to try to better their lot. What gets forgotten is that wherever you live in the world you are very unlikely to be related to the original inhabitants. Your country has been fought over, time and time again. Even in long established countries your forbears probably came from somewhere else. -
Used to be that the minimum block size was 800 sq. M. 20 by 40 metres and I thought that was small.
We have to define life as we know it. There could be planets which support a life which runs on something other than oxygen. Maybe ammonia. We know we have ammonia supported life on earth, so why not elsewhere.
January 26 is not the anniversary of Cook's arrival in Australia.
Yenn replied to red750's topic in General Discussion
Red asks what about the stolen generation. I believe that the stolen generation was an attempt to improve the lot of aboriginal children. Looking back it was obviously wrong, but the intention was good. There are still problems in some aboriginal communities, where the children are treated poorly and e have no idea how to get over that problem. From what I see the aboriginals have had a tough time and some were treated atrociously, but what can we do to improve their situation? They seem to want a voice in government, over and above what we now have. Looking at the Uluru agreement I still cannot see what they want, except maybe for all the non aboriginals to go away. What would they do then? It is my taxes that go towards giving them their benefits. Over the years I have worked with many aborigial and Torres Straits people and they were no different from the rest of us, but they didn't live in missions and they did want to work for money and to get a better standard of living. -
Trump has given an end of presidency speech in which he brags about the achievments of his time in office. His achievments with covid 19 for instance. If that is what he is leaving as his legacy, I wonder what he could do if he failed. He has stated that the movement he has started is only just beginning. That sounds like good news for the future. If he is not thrown out by impeachment, and we don't know if he can be tried after his time expires. What is to stop him proceeding to become a second term president. If he is taken to court for sins he has committed he will not be convicted, because he or his lawyers will point out that he is insane. Something the Republicans should have realised years ago.
If you have a brain transplant, are you really you or are you the brain donor? Did the donor have a body transplant?
They say that Trump is going to pardon many people before his time runs out. From what I have seen of his behaviour I doubt that he will bother to pardon many. His thoughts will be "I am going down so you lot can also go down" I doubt that he will even cover Rudi Guiliani his lawyer.
Isn't the soughing wind more pig like?
Years ago when I bought my first house in Gladstone it had a big water tank underneath it. Highly illegal, but we enjoyed good tasting water for the 9 years we lived there. Now I have two tanks and they supply all household needs. A dam looks after the garden needs, but at the moment it is very close to empty. We are just waiting for a cyclone to come South enough to give us some rain.
I had my vasectomy before it was available in Gladstone, done in Rocky where the Gladstone Dr was learning what to do. Mine was done by the Rocky dr but I had to go and see the Gladstone Dr Robin Graham I think from memory. I feel sorry for anyone who went to Dr Graham, if she was a vet I wouldn't take a dieing cat to her. Can't think of the well known Brisbane Dr who I thought was murdered, if I remember I will look him up on the internet. He ran an abortion advice clinic when i met him late 1970.
My statement that we should look at what iur leaders were saying was not meant in the way that it is happening in the USA. What I meant was that we should listen to what they say. Work out what they mean, because it is not necessarily what comes out of their mouths and then assess it for sensibility and suitability. Just going back a few months to when Bill Shorten was still the Labor leader. He said words to the effect that Donald trump was an idiot. I never heard another politician say that and it was the most accurate summing up of the truth. Listen to Scott Morrison, analyse what he is really saying and then make up your own mind as to whether or not he is the right man for the job. What i was not meaning was that we should assume that all politicians are liars and out to do us down. We must make sure we know what is intended, rather than listen to a party political broadcast telling us what a good bloke we are listening to and how bad the opposition is.
What sort of jobs can Caitlin get with her two degrees? Does that put her into investigative police work or the justice system?
When I read on these forums someone saying that there should be a law against something, I can see where all the red tape comes in. Someone just recently said that dogs should be banned from aerodromes. Let CASA know that and away we go. The problem ith red tape is that we have a heap of bureaucrats who love to nit pick their way around every bit of legislation. There is no room for common sense. Just look at what is happening with Covid quarantine.
Trump is not the only president to get the USA a bad name. They incited the Kurds to rise up against Sadam Hussein and then left them to be attacked. They propped up the Shah of Persia for years and that is what led to the modern Iran. The war in Korea should never have happened and that led to the rise of N Korea and they have put up with the USA conducting war games on their doorstep and having vast numbers of US troops on their border. Without that nuclear deterrant the USA would have overrun N. Korea years ago. They attacked Iraq the second time on a trumped up reasoning and demolished what was a stable state, with no thought as to what they were really trying to achieve. They gave military intelligence to the Argentinians, when Argentine tried to take over the Falkland Islands. Anyone who trusts the yanks is just putting themselves in harms way and that includes our politicians.
Vets have more idea than doctors. I have a couple of times known people being treated by doctors who didn't know what was wrong with them and I have known, because I have had animals with the same symptoms treated by vets. Problem was I didn't stop to think about the similarities, but relied on the doctor to know what was what. Had a doctor who said my wife should supply a faecal sample, I asked why and he said worms, so I asked what type of worms and he said, tapeworm, ringworm. That was when I lost all faith in doctors ability.
I hadn't realised that I was committing an offence to have a vasectomy in the seventies. I was talked into it by a doctor who ran birth control clinics and he was murdered by the righ to life people. I forget his name but he was very well known in Qld. Don't worry about the over population problem, help is at hand in the form of Covid 19. The USA is going to be a lot less populous in the not too far distant future.
I think the response in the UK has been what I would expect. The British government has been full of bumbling fools since the days of Anthony Eden. The latest US president could well outdo all those bumbling fools together, but it is all down to what the locals will put up with. Unfortunately we in Australia appear to be following in the footsteps of the Poms and Yanks. It is time to look at what our leaders are saying and doing and assess their relevance to us.
If they were the colour of the R2E2 he would be worth a fortune. Pity they taste so poor, the mangos I mean.
Same with people and doctors. You feel dreadfully sick, go to doctor and many tests later you still don't know what was wrong, but you recover.
A bloke went to the doctor with pains in his scrotum and after examination the doctor told him he had three balls. Wow. He couldn't contain his delight and went to the pub and sidled up to a big hairy bloke and said "Do you know between us we have five balls" to which the big bloke replied in a high pitched voice "My word, you must have a cluster"
I have only got one left ball. Does that mean that I am like Hitler.
Before a constitution is changed there should be a good reason for changing it. The fact that it is 233 years old is nowhere near good enough. There are moves afoot to get rid of Trump and impeachment will probably be tried, but time runs out too soon. The vice president it seems can get rid of Trump by getting him declared unfit. He would then assume the role pf President, but I cannot see that happening, Trumps mad supporters would murder Pence and he may have bodyguards, but they would have to keep him out of sight for many years. The Trump supporters are about as mad as trump himself. I reckon the Republicans consider themselves between a rock and a hard place and it is all of their own doing.
The comment about litter at aboriginal settlements reminds me of two things. They have chain link fences around some of those missions and their use is obvious. All the rubbish is blown into the fence and cannot get out int tjr rest of the country. The ABC asked u to guess which place in Qld was first to achieve a million returned cans and bottles, when a deposit was returnable on them. I guessed Woorabinda, but was wrong, it was actually Biloela. Obviously no return depot at Woorabinda. I went to one mission in Far N Qld and down at the beach there was several hundred metres of cans at the high tide mark. I wonder if they were picked up and returned.