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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. The rich get richer because the government wants them to. The rich want a government that lets them get richer and the two get into bed together. What do we see? Lowering taxes for high income earners. Rules in banking changed in direct opposition to the Royal commissions findings. Nobody in any position of authority can do any wrong, because they haven't broken the rules. The rules are mad so that those in authority are excluded form having to comply. It is a sad society, but netter than the USA. Not due to Scomo, but in spite of him.
  2. A country that can't be trusted still has Trump
  3. They don't even need to be silly buggers. The cleaner who got a positive test in Qld was just doing her job. We all do our job and if we come into contact with someone who is spreading the virus, we do not know immediately. the only way we can be sure we don't spread the virus is to become a hermit. Go to work, go home and nothing else. Who is willing to do that when there are no unaccounted for cases in the state. Is anyone who doesn't do this a silly bugger. Then again we had the woman who went to Blackwater to view the sunset, or so she said. Was she a silly bugger? too right, but her lawyers and union have made her out to be victimised. I heard today some expert talking about laboratory made food such as milk and meat, made from stem cells. He was saying that the world population would be so any billion by 2050 that we would have to have food made this way. He obviously has no idea about viral diseases, nor the forces of nature. We cannot afford to have an ever increasing population and I can't even guess at why we should want that. Even if we could provide all the food for a massive population, where do all the other requirements come from. We already have good agricultural land being ruined by mining to provide coal for electricity to power our air conditioners. We have global warming caused by our pollution of the atmosphere. Maybe Covid 19 is the answer to mother natures requirements. Save the world, be a silly bugger!
  4. Did that Merlin have a supercharger. I would think it would have been superfluous. We used the un supercharged ones in the army. They powered the Centurian and Conquerer tanks among others. We got 2000hp out of one on a test bed. The ones used in the Conquerer were fuel injected and so top secret that I wasn't allowed to see a workshop manual, when I had to repair the fuel injection system. I did get it going OK, but it took some time and now I can't remember what I did.
  5. I was on holiday in England and went to London to see that show. What a great comedy it was. That was at the time that Idi Amin was expected to go to England to attend CHOGM. Nobody new if he was coming, and if he did, what would happen to him. The other thing was that there were rolling electricity strikes. We got on a bus to go from the railway to the theatre and the traffic lights went out, so there we sat. We talked to the others on the bus. We were the only whites, the only ones born in England and the only ones who didn't live in England.
  6. Gladys was blamed and maybe rightfully so, but it was not her responsibility. Maybe the feds handed over quarantine to the state governments, but if the states failed it was still the feds responsibility. They should be held responsible. Scomo has been vocal about the states not allowing Aussies back from overseas, because of lack of hotel quarantine room, but it is his responsibility and he is too gutless to carry it.
  7. It must have been obvious to the Republicans that Trump was not going quietly and would cause all sorts of problems, but they hoped that they could control him and keep him quiet. Not a chance, now they are realising that they should have got rid of him earlier. He is going to break up the Republicans int two camps and the democrats will not have any idea how to neutralise him. Maybe the word should not be neutralise. Will the republicans act now? I doubt it, they will sit on their thumbs, hoping it all goes away.
  8. Last I heard of Tony Abbot he was back in Aus and in strife for riding his bike when he should have been in quarantine or at least not in that area. Today Scomo is going to find out what the states have been doing about quarantine, which is really a federal government responsibility which he has avoided doing anything about. I just hope he does call an early election, especially as today we were told our federal member was not standing again and our state member will stand in the electorate. Both are useless, but a new candidate will be less likely to succeed than a sitting member. Looking back at our governments handling of Covid, they have nothing to be proud of. They let in the Ruby Princess and then could not sort out how Aussies should return from overseas, but they seemed to be able to let in foreigners.
  9. It isn't over yet and maybe it is just starting. We have done fairly well in Australia and we cannot put that down to our federal government. If Scomo had his way we would have had many more cases than we actually have and that is down to our state premiers and health advisors. Other countries are in a bad way, because it is the politicians making all the decisions and they are based on doing what will keep the population happy, Not safe.
  10. What a great ad. It reminded me of winter in England 1955 driving Oxford and Windsor bren carriers on solid ice, but we never tried a duet, always solo.
  11. Trump has demonstrated that the USA is a failed democracy. One of the largest parties, the Republicans is allowing him to drag the country into one hell of a mess. Trump keeps saying he won the election and I think he really believes he did, but nobody else seems to believe him. Really troubling is the fact that Trump is causing all sorts of problems with government and that party is letting him do it. They cannot see that democracy is failing and that many americans are dieing because of failed leadership. Somebody commented that there is now a Republican party and a Trump party, neither of which should be given breathing room in my opinion. Just keep a good eye on what our leader does in the next few days, he is just as likely to go as mad as the Donald, if he thinks it will lift him in the eyes of the president.
  12. Not all cuckoos are parasites, here we have the Pheasant Coucal, a true cuckoo who hatches its own young. It looks like an English pheasant, has trouble flying and gives a series of calls "woop, woop, woop" so I call it the Woop woop bird and people know what it is. The bigger Cuckoo is the Channel Billed Cuckoo, mentioned by willedoo. Commonly called the storm bird, because it gives its mournful call supposedly before rain, but I think t should be called the Liar Bird, because we get the call but not the rain.
  13. I don't know about the ME163, but if it was rocket powered with enough power,, it would not need to produce any lift from its wings, just minimum drag. At the end of the rocket ride the plane would brought to a near horizontal sttitude and the wings would produce lift as the wings reached the correct angle of attack. Rather along the lines of a hammerhead stall in a normal aircraft.
  14. On Thursday we had a four day forecast of rain for this area. We got a little bit on Thursday, nil on the rest of the 4 days. I am still having to water fruit trees and vegie garden. Today has been no sun, but no rain. Hopefully that ex cyclone in the gulf will travel down here and give us some rain. The forecast of a wetter than normal Spring never eventuated, it was drier than average. We are just hoping for Summer rain to be better. The BOM seem to be relying on a model generated over the years, but the climate is changing. The problem is that all the experts are predicting this, that and the other and it is not coming true.
  15. I have been around for several years and my aim has always been to try and provide some sanity and en educated response. I am finding that there is a change in the content lately, people posting without either thinking through what they are trying to say, or making statements that show that they have no grasp of what is being said. I was thinking that maybe they were just stirring the pot, but they just lack credibility. For pot stirrers OME goes pretty well and his output is good to read. Maybe I am really getting old and cranky and that is all of the problem.
  16. Only the male is black. The female is a grey colour mainly.
  17. What is rain?
  18. For an annoying bird noise try the barking owl. Crows are intelligent, but so are most birds. What i want to know is how do birds pass on info from generation to generation. I was pestered with Peewees pecking at the glass doors and making a terrible mess. One day a peewee was pecking away and I saw a black shape dive under the 2.4m overhanging verandah and chase the peewee. I suspect it was either a black or whistling kite and it probably took that peewee. Since then the peewees avoid our glass doors and windows like the plague. You can see them walk by and studiously avoid looking at the reflections in the glass. This has worked for about twenty years, how do the convey the info from generation to generation?
  19. What is wrong with a mast head sloop, especially if it is flying a big starcut spinnaker. A schooner needs a longer base than a ketch, so the ketch can carry a fair bit more sail.
  20. The way they are going they may well be free or is it three. For a so called intelligent and modern nation they stack up very poorly in comparison with third world countries. Their whole problem has been brought on by Trump, remember it was only about 3 weeks ago that he declared that he had it all under control. I am still waiting to see what he pulls out of the hat and I doubt that it will be a rabbit, probably something like a Tasmanian devil. Whatever don't write him off yet, he will do anything to hang onto power, even if it includes a terrorist attack on Washington DC. His ultimate aim is to get himself into the position of president for life. Why cannot the Yanks see that he is a complete idiot and by humouring him they are killing themselves. I just hope that he turns enough against the Republicans that they get with the democrats and have him declared unfit to hold the position. They could have President Pence for a few days.
  21. Yenn

    Australia 12 cents

    Iy is a good song and it does all that we need in an anthem. Just got to convince the bureaucrats and politicians. Not a chance in Hell.
  22. Most americans cannot afford health care and we are going the same way. When Little Johnnie said we should all have insurance and the price would go down I realised that i could not afford it. Now I am looking at above 6 grand for a cataract operation, but I will still be ahead, having not been insured for years. Then I see on the TV an ad asking for a donation of $25 to let some third world person have a cataract operation. No wonder doctors are so jealous of their trade.
  23. Come the twentyieth of Jan and will Scott Morrison suggest that the USA hold an enquiry into why the USA has handled the Covid so badly that it makes China look as if they never had a problem. Will the USA be able to contain the problem even?
  24. Yenn

    Australia 12 cents

    Anything by the Seekers would be good, but for a really rousing national Anthem I reckon the French have it. I don;t know the words but the music ia all that an anthem should be. It doesn't matter what the words are we will never please the aboriginals, they want more than they even know themselves. It would be nice to know exactly what they do really want.
  25. What do you eat when you eat meat? Muscle and a bit of fat, but we are supposed to leave the fat out, so an anal sphincter would be pure muscle. What is wrong with it? You could well be eating intestines if you have sausage and that is only just a bit further up the system.
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