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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. I can't understand why so many people thing the classical music is so much better than non classical, but then I can understand when I listen to our local ABC station, playing what it calls music. It is 95% dreadful and I wonder why it was recorded and then kept for future playing. It is what I call screech and squawk. I liked the music such as the big bands also the popular music of the first half of the 20th century, but from then on it seems to go bad. I would love to hear Abba for example, or the Seekers, songs that you can make out what is being said, not rap or its close follower Crap. How about jazz, the only way to hear it is to go to a specialist program. Then their is the clever stuff such as Flanders and Swan or Tom Lehrer, wouldn't ot be a change to once a week hear something like that on your local radio. One thing I have noticed in recent years is that the Christmas Carols that used to be played ad nauseum from mid November on have disappeared. I thought that was good, but I would like to hear one now, just to show that we haven[t all bowed down to the Muslim minority who must not be offended. I realise that this post may be considered offensive, but so who cares.
  2. I think the report said it was his second day at that job, not out of the academy. No matter what it is a job for the federal government, customs and immigration. Not the NSW police. Did those Germans go through immigration, if so how on earth were they allowed onto an internal flight? Did they go through customs, probably not and what contraband could they have brought into the country. We seem to be living in a state where our government will not accept responsibility for its stuff up and passes the buck to the states. Why do the states allow this, or better still why do we the voters allow it?
  3. Marty. hay you say may be true but I have today contributed $825 to get my eyes measured for cataract surgery, that is after #310 for the first consultation. Next is the $4000 or so for the specialist, plus the anaesthetist and then the hospital. Then I see an ad on TV asking me to carry on what fred Hollowes started and give $25, which will sav someones sight. I agree that the rich should help the poor, but I fail to see why eye surgeons should big note themselves for shafting Aussies so that they can become philantrophists.
  4. To really see what trump followers are like I suggest you look at Brietbark news. Just google it. Read a news item then look at the responses from readers. I warn you, you will not believe the stupidity and vindictiveness of those remarks.
  5. The NSW police have taken the blame for the German people going onto an interstate flight to melbourne. What I would like to know is what immigration and quaranteen has got to do with the NSW police? The federal government has responsibility for quarantine and also customs and immigratiion. How do non Australians get off a plane in Sydney, go past all the usual customs and immigration checks and end up on a plane to Melbourne and then NSW accepts responsibility. Look at the history and you will see that this is too similar to the Ruby Princess fiasco, which is where the majority of our cases came from.
  6. When I worked in Singapore I used to enjoy the Chinese operas. I was once asked how I could understand them by a Chinese and I told him what the story line was. He never woke up to the fact that they just about all have the same story line. I have enjoyed some opera, but very little ballet. I saw the Mikado played by a big professional company in a bush setting. It was spoilt by a massive thunderstorm which nearly destroyed the set. The bloke playing the Mikado role, stood in the only place that wasn't saturated with rain, acting the part while all else descended into chaos. When the rain stopped, all the amplification gear would not work, so we all got up close to the stage and I could hear better without the boom boxes. It was a magnificient performance in the end, but sadly they have never come back. That storm finished them for the outback. I can't say the same for ballet.
  7. I still cannot understand why the Republican Party stands by him, surely it would be in their interest to get him declared unfit to be President and let Pence finish the term. I can see Trump causing the USA a vast amount of trouble in his last month of office. He appears to be wanting to cause a war with China, or at the very least put the USA into a position where they have no negotiating room. Sadly our government is still pro Trump.
  8. You are not alowed to feed food scraps, but the animal matter is included in bought in grain based feed. It includes waste from poultry abbatoirs and no doubt any other cheap nasties. If Waygu beef is too expensive, just consider, do you buy a Rolls Royce when you go for a new car. there is plenty of alternative beef available. Waygu is just the top of the line. Today a WA fisherman was bemoaning the facy that they can't sell their cray and lobster, because the chinese have put too high a tax on it. They can still sell it,, but they have to find someone willing to pay their asking price. maybe they will learn what beef and dairy farmers have known for years. It is the customer who sets the price and he is represented by Coles and Woolies.
  9. What causes the massive spread of the virus in USA is obvious. This morning on Australia Allover with Ian Mc Namara, he had an Aussie phone in, this bloke had a Yank wife and she could not recall knowing anyone in USA who had caught the virus, so he was saying it was ridiculous to expect air travellers to have anti viral injections. We only need a few more like that and we will go down the same path as USA. USA has over 4.5% of its population infected, while Australia has 0.109% infected.
  10. Those sort of results look OK and no doubt they are as good as they will get. They would never be allowed to ifect the whole lot with the virus which is the only way they will get a proper result. No doubt they would all still try to keep away from infection and while they would not know who had the placebo it may be possible for the scientists to asses who they thought most at risk and give them the placebo. I am not saying that would happen, but that there is no proof that it didn't.
  11. I thought once that I would take in some culture and went with my wife to a ballet performance. I think it was Midsummer Nights Dream and from memory it was a South Australian Ballet company. Not my cup of tea, but what really pissed me off was the behavoiur of one of the prima donnas. She seemed to relax into a slovenly ball when she wasn't the centre of attention. I spent a few years photographing for a ballet school and learnt what should and should not be done, but that prima donna was just too lazy to put on a good performance for what she no doubt thought was a hick audience.
  12. Coles and Woolies will make it pay. If they buy synthetic meat at low prices and force the pric of real meat ay down, they will control the market. get rid of graziers and bring in the laboratories. We have seen what happens with all the other food, such as bread. It is impossible to buy real bread nowadays. Just look at the list of ingredients. Real bread has only, flour,water, salt and yeast, or if sourdough it has no yeast. Even meat is now produced using some terrible things such as meat waste fed to cattle.
  13. Jerry. Buy British, buy bad. It still applies, but concerning Covid we only have to take note of the utterances of those in charge to see what a crock of the usual they spout. I haven't heard a word from a Belgian Polly, but Britains PM and the USA president have not been lacking in stupid statements. For once the Aussies appear to have listened to the experts before opening their mouths. I just wonder what is going to happen in the Northern hemisphere as they descend into winter. I cannot see Britain getting control of the situation, Spain, Italy and Belgium seem to be struggling and France really surprises me as they have a good health system as far as I know, but it appears to have slipped badly. Australia is going fairly well, but there is always the fear that another wave could strike with a rapid spread. It is easy to become complacent, especially if you live in a place where there has been no need to wear a mask at any time and there have been no cases within cooee.
  14. If any country needs to rush things it is the USA. 3 weeks ago they were saying India was getting bad, but now USA has 4 million more cases than India with less than third of Indias population. USA has over 20% of world cases with 4.25% of world population. If Trump gets his way every democrat voter will get the virus, that seems to be what he is aiming for.
  15. Was that photo doctored? I don't know, but it could possibly be real. I cannot see an Afghan baby or a blade near its throat. I would not trust our government to tell the truth about this episode and i certainly don't trust the Chinese. When we talk of atrocities we should not forget the Japanese treatment of the Chinese in the thirties and their treatment of many others during the war. Nor should we forget the way the Germans behaved during the war. What is making all the noise now is caused by our government sending troops in to a so called ar, that is nothing like the old style of war. It started in the 1960s with the British troops in Ireland and has continued ever since. Armed troops are sent in to civil uprisings, with strict rules of engagement, to fight an enemy that has no rules, does not wear uniform or anything else to show that he is a fighter. While in those wars our troops have to look after the lives of people who will immediately turn on them and kill them if they get a chance. One of the most dangerous things for soldiers in Iraq was goats. The goats went everywhere, with a goatherd and his dogs. They find the troops and just legally walk away and inform the enemy. he real cause of the problem is not cruel soldiers, but useless politicians. Not helped by the UN who want more and more wars to displace more and more refugees so that their aid program makes them look good. They should be dong something to stop all the petty war lords from starting the wars.
  16. Our airstrip is in a grazing paddock, which is lightly grazed. In the last six months the number of trees would have increased several hundred percent. THey are about 1 1.5m high and about 1m apart. It will be a mess in a few years.
  17. I was in WA years ago and needed something from a plumbing supply shop. The internet was down and I could not buy it. They did not even know the price they were asking and would not accept the notes I offered which was a fair price, probably more than they were asking.
  18. Australia has 1089 cases of Covid and 35 deaths per million population. Would you rather live here, or in a country with 60 cases and 3 deaths per million? No it is not the USA, which is beyond worrying about.
  19. More on earnings how about those CEOs of big corporations such as the banks. They get a salary of at least one million dollars and then a bonus of say 3 million dollars if they can get the company to achieve the same as all its competing companies. You cannot tell me that anyone earns a million dollars a year and you cannot convince me that they need that much. What on earth do they do with it?
  20. They are not shackled but their prime aim s to keep their party in power. They will not answer a straight question ut are very quick to denigrate the opposition while applauding their measly attempts to do good.
  21. Another almost hairless mammal is despised by the jews and by all accounts tastes similar to homo sapiens. I like it.
  22. Where would Australia be now if it hadn't been taken over by a European colonialist? Maybe Chinese, but I doubt that it would be an advanced nation unless it had been colonised. Can you see the aborigines learning about the wheel and how to make things to improve their lifestyle. Lets face it the aborigines and the locals from Terra del Fuego were nowhere near as advanced as Europeans in the eleventh century.
  23. IO-540 compared to a Rotax? No comparison. If you need 250 plus HP Rotax will never do the trick. If you need 80HP an O-540 would be far too heavy.
  24. One that I don't respect was talking on Australia all Over this morning. He said that he has regular talks with john Howard. Now that is a worrying thing. To consider that our present PM talks to the worst PM we ever had, doesn't make him look good. Glad to see I am not the only one who considers Paul Keating was good. The reason that I forgot that interest rates were higher with Hawke and Howard, was because I paid out my mortgage in 1980.
  25. I have been thinking that politicians don't inspire me. They all seem to be the same and equally useless. I will start off with the pollie who has my admiration in federal politics. Maxine Mc Kew, I hope that is correct spelling. If you can remember her, you will probably know why.
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