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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. given a complete rebuild and additional spot welding of the body, the P76 was a good enough car to win the Dakar rally, if I remember correctly. They were really just about the start of the best buying advice I ever heard. Buy British, buy bad. When I left Britain I had just bought a new pair of shoes, especially built for hard country work. They lasted less than 6 monthe. British raincoats were absolutely useless. When I bought an Australian raincoat, not a drizabone, I was amazed that it kept me dry all day, even riding a horse. Such a coat was unheard of in Britain. The Poms used to say what they made was the best in the world and the Japs and also the germans couldn't compre for quality, but it was rather the same as donald trump is now. Say something long and loud enough and people will believe.
  2. What was wrong with the French? They still consider some Pacific islands as France with the Indiginous people wanting it that way. The Dutch took over indonesia who didn't fare too badly. The Portugese didn't seem to harm many locals in their colonies. Germany ran New Guinea until losing the war, lost them that place. Back in those times the locals were not treated any worse than the Poms treated the aborigines.
  3. Why should millenials be fair game and The Irish not? What about all the Pommy jokes? I reckon there is nothing wrong with jokes about anyone and having been on the receiving end of some of them I know that to complain and get upset is counter productive. just go with the flow and it will soon be over,
  4. Jerry. Gladstone hasn't changed much since 1995. Just got bigger with suburbs spreading for miles, brought on by the gas complex on Curtis Island. It is still a poor quality town, hard to get anything and expensive. It does have a great harbour, but the flying while being good weatherwise is not pursued much and the airport wants to get rid of GA. My personal preference for a retirement spot if I was looking would be Northern NSW near the coast. Not too hot, not too cold and it gets reasonable rainfall, a bit more crowded than Qld, but travelling is easy.There are differences between the states in how you are hit by government, I think for example retirees do quite well in NSW with vehicle rego, but Qld know how to charge. I have a bill to pay for a camper trailer, over $200, can't remember what the car costs.
  5. I would liken it more to a screech.
  6. Just looking back at the talk about the meaning of virgin. I can sum it up in one word "heifer"
  7. I retired to Central Qld, just South of Galdstone. The reason being that I came here years ago and didn't want to come here, then I stayed for further jobs and joined local groups. I still reckon I didn't want to come here, but it gets hard to leave friends and quiet country living. For me I would not want to live South of here as it is too cold in winter and I would not really want to be further north into the cyclone affected areas which are even more humid in summer. South and inland can be brutally hot in summer and cold in winter with the added attraction of flies, which we don't get here. I used to reckon Bowen was the place, but it has been taken over by people living in Victorian style houses. The roaor of air conditioners must be horrendous. The Sunshine Coast of Qld was named that to try to convince tourists it would be sunny. It worked in a way, the tourists think it is sunny, but really it rains a lot. Something I don't get enough of. Really it all depends on what you want but anywhere will be wonderful for you if you look at the traffic. In the time it would take you to get to Bath I reckon I could get nearly to Brisbane. As far as the cities go they are all alike, full of people who speak a different language and the women wear head scarves or worse. Maybe not true for WA.
  8. Don't compare Dan and his Labor party with Anastasias Labor party. From there handling of the problem there can be no comparison. While we don't necessarily agree with either leader plus we may noot have all the facts, one thing stands out Anastasia knew what she was doing and stuck to her guns. Dan is still wondering what he was doing and if he really did it, or did someone else do it for him. From where I sit in Qld, I am very glad that we don't have Dan for Premier, but not too worried about labor being in power. Our LNP party was found wanting in the recent election, due in no small part to the leader making stupid statements and being backed up by the PM. That was more a kiss of death than a help because it is obvious S Morrison hates Labor.
  9. Jerry I can't supply you with references. My knowledge comes from reading newspapers and books about the Israely occupation for the last 60 or so years. I wouldn't have any idea of where to find them on the internet. I cannot remember the names of individual villages terrorised into abandonment. Look up the bombing of the King David Hotel for a start. It was a horrendous act. Look up the promises made by Britain to the Palestinians and also the jews to see more of how they certainly did nothing to stop any bloodshed. Concerning the USA election, there has been no word about how elections are declared, but it is my belief that by Dec 8th the electoral college will have to vote. Until that time it seems that everyone goes along with what the media declares the result to be. I reckon OME would know where to find what the legal requirements are, not that I am throwing out the challenge to him of course.
  10. It is not the diggers that have embraced the Yanks. it is the politicians. They think it is better to cuddle up to the school bully than to show any sign of thinking for themselves. At the expence of our diggers. Today on the radio we hear an Afghan bemoaning the fact that Afghans have died at the hands of our diggers. He failed tp mention that many more Afghans died at the hand of Afghan Taliban.
  11. Five months later this has reared its head again. It would seem that there may have been illegal acts or atrocities committed and no doubt people think those who took art should be brought to justice. We have in Afghanistan a war where the Aussie troops do not know who the enemy are until a weapon is produced. This is not a war like those envisaged by the people who brought out the Geneva Convention. It is a war brought on by politicians and religous zealots. The pity is that our troops have to fight, when it would be much better to put the politicians and religous zealots together and make them solve the problem. I served my time as a regular soldier, volounteered to serve Queen and country, albeit England, not Australia, but there is no way I would have volounteered to fight in the types of war our pollies expect troops to fight in nowadays. I was lucky in that I didn't get involved in the bad troubles in Ireland, only when our depot was attacked by IRA and they didn't achieve much. No doubt our pollies will now decide we have to maintain a presence in Afghanistan, now that the yanks are pulling out, just so that those who have already died there will not feel as if we have deserted them, or that their sacrifice was unnecessary. No doubt there will be calls for a Royal Commission, it is expected nowadays that we have a Royal Comission into everything, not that it makes the least bit of difference, it just results in a delaying process of whitewashing, that achieves nothing.
  12. Wow Red. That is amazing, I wonder if any other state could have done as well? Should we really keep commending a state for eventually managing to start to catch up with the rest of us? Not that it is the fault of the state, but of a failed politician. Nowadays politicians cannot fail, they just get someone to say they are doing well and all is forgiven.
  13. Over the years I have been flying there has been a big change in engine handling. Originally we were taught to leave mixture full rich below 5000' and never run over square, that is hundreds of rpm less than manifold pressure in inches. Much to the irritation of all those who love the old wives tales, we now lean at just about any time except full power at take off below 5000' and with constant speed props it is safe to run well oversquare. The annoying thing is that there are still a lot of people who tell us we are ruining our engines. Even the engine manufacturers don't agree with all that we do.
  14. There are plenty of references to what Israel would call fake news. Villages in Palestine that would be attacked by the Israelis every night, until the Arabs agreed to sell or more often just walked off. Much as what is happening in so many places nowadays. The real clincher to Israels terrorism in my opinion was the King David hotel. This hotel was right in the city and the Israelies managed to get into the basement and load up the supporting columns with explosives. They then went into the street and let off explosives which led to the people rushing into the hotel for a safe haven. Than the Israelies blew up the columns and brought down half of the hotel. My use of the term Israeli is not correct as there was no state of Israel at that time, but not all jews deserve to be tarred with the same brush. It was really the Stern Gang.
  15. Those countries with the very high case numbers per million population, mainly have less than 20 million population. Places like Vatican city with 800 plus population. China and India have over a billion population and China has less cases and deaths per million than Australia. The USA has more cases than India or China and even though we are told India is in a bad state, the USA is fast pulling away from them in case numbers. A week or so ago it looked as if India could exceed USA, but not now. The really bad case is Belgium and as far as deaths go the UK is shocking.
  16. Wasn't it Lindberghs use of mixture control that started making long distance flight safer. It was used by bombers during the war in the Pacific.
  17. Back to Covid. Did you realise that yesterday the USA had more new cases than 165 other countries have had total cases. Who would want to live in a city, or even a town for that matter. As I get older my hearing gets poorer, but it is the noise of towns that really upsets me. Not only traffic and barking dogs, but also what passes as music on peoples radios.
  18. I think you will find that the Palestinians were very much like the Aboriginals. I don't think there was a state of Palestine covering all the lands that Israel took over. Not I say took over. They may be able to say they bought it, but they terrorised the Arabs to get a good deal. My likening to Hitler may not be 100% accurate, but Israel has never wanted to do anything except take what it wants and get rid of the Arabs who don't like it. They are the first of the modern terrorist states.
  19. It was me that compared Israel with Germany. All you need to do is look at the history. Israel has had many chances to solve the problems with Arabs, but they have never tried. They stole the land, in exactly the same way as my forbears stole Aussie from the Aborigines. They have no desire to get a just peace, just make the Arabs go away is their desire. Pre WW2 the jews were not liked and if they had tried to establish Israel then it would have failed, but since then they have been professional losers and most feel sorry for them. The USA saw them as a good cause and have backed them so that they have a stable ally in the middle east. They colluded with England to raid Egypt in 1956 and for some reason the Yanks made England back down. They were not wearing their pro Jew hat that day, but probably only because they didn't realise what was happening.
  20. Thats a bit rude OME.
  21. Mybe eventually the Republicans will realise that trump is not doing them any good and they will agree with the democrats to have him declared incapable of doing the job. In which Pence will become President until 20 Jan and he would concede defeat to Biden. Otherwise Trump will never go and become like some third world dictator, of which we already have too many.
  22. It is not the first time he has done this although I didn't see anyone comment about the first time I saw it.
  23. All those things you have said about Trump are true, but the real fault lies with the US voter. None of them could say honestly that they did not know what sort of a bloke he was. They voted him in and then they propped him up, thinking the Potus would have to be intelligent and a thinker who could work things out. There has only been one person other than Trump to really gain anything from his presidency and that is G. W. Bush, who has come out looking as if he was not after all a complete disaster and compared to Trump he is not.
  24. Where is the democracy in a veto? This has always shown up the hypocricy of the USA who make a big noise about a veto being applied. Of course they never use it themselves.
  25. Do you really think that Biden has any chance in getting bi-partisan approval of anything? I reckon if he proposed Trump as president, the republicans would be against it.
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