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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Yenn

    Who remembers?

    He did.
  2. Absolutely ridiculous. I have for years been saying that so long as you are big enough to reach the pedals and control a cat you should be able to train for a licence and hold one. If a 14 year old boy is driving a car, he is far less likely to do something silly than a 17 year old. I started driving early on the farm, but I didn't get a licence until I was 18, due to not having a car. The first licence I got was for tracked vehicles, namely the bren gun carrier, but I was driving all sorts of vehicles on army land rather than roads. I got licences for everything bar invalid carriage and road roller soon after the first one and took the test in an AEC Matador. I have seen many men trained by proffessional driving instructors who have little idea of decision making and poor judgement.
  3. First Nation is on;y a temporary name, which succeeded black, abo, aboriginal, coory, etc. when it becomes un- acceptable to the politically correct there will be something else.
  4. She must be the best the Tories can find, because it took ages to find who would be acceptable. I wonder what would have happened if Boris had dropped dead, before he resigned. Would they have taken so long about finding a successor. Looking at all the parties all around the world and they seem to be too afraid to move away from past winners and in the UK's case too afraid to promote someone until they are forced to. Rather like Libs here and Republicans in USA.
  5. My parents would not eat in an English Cafe, it was beneath them. They sometimes went to restaurants and as far as I can tell the difference between a cafe and a restaurant was, price more in restaurant, quality variable, quantity less and the on;y thing better was table cloths in a restaurant. When I was in the army I used to prefer to eat at a local truck stop. Nowadays pub food seems good in the UK, far better than restaurants.
  6. The rights of poms using Commons have been trampled on over the years. The Lords seem to be just a rubber stamp, very nice for the Lords who get a good days pay if they turn up there, but I better not say too much as my wife is related to one of them. I thought the present lords father would be the last of the line, but it has carried on for another generation.
  7. Yenn

    The G.G.

    Questions are still being asked about the Governor General and Scumbag getting an $18milliongrant to Australian Future Leaders Fund. Which by the way has had it's tax free status cancelled, due to lack of information. Scumbag talked to the G.G. a short while before the election and the grant was the outcome. The fund is run by a Singapore born, British citizen, Chris Hartley, whom the G.G. says he only met in 2020, but it is said that he met Chris several times in 2017. The fund is supposed to be a group of nationally minded, multisector leaders to form a network of 120 people. I don't know why this group was to be funded, my thought is that a few people want to grab power, but I could be wrong. Then again I could be right because Scumbag had a hand in it. A cross bench member of parliament is putting forward a bill to block the government granting the money and so far Labor has kept quiet. My real worry is what is the Governor general doing. It appears to me to be out of his scope of responsibility and he also seems to be keeping very quiet. With the corruption that has been going on during the Morrison Governments time in office I am afraid that I don't trust anyone, even those I would have previously trusted.
  8. Bojo has gone and the UK is in all sorts of trouble, but I hadn't realized that it was like a hernia, which needs a Truss.
  9. Do all electric cars not have transmissions or CV joints? I thought a lot had an electric motor in place of the IC engine and a simplified drive train. An electric motor at each wheel sounds good, but one of the things most car manufacturers have been trying to do for years is to reduce unsprung weight. A motor at the wheel will not do that, in fact it would result in a very rough ride on less than perfect roads.
  10. Yenn

    Funny videos

    Not much difference between a St Bernard and a pig. The pig may be more intelligent and also cleaner, but it doesn't have a soft furry coat.
  11. All this talk of working from home makes me wonder what the people who produce things in Australia do. How do you work from home if you grow our food, build houses, drive a bus or even a plane. Maybe the reason we are short of housing is that houses can't be built from home.
  12. I cannot understand the desire to do a tandem parachute jump, in the same way I Can't understand the desire to bungy jump. In both cases you are just offering up your life to somebody who may or may not know what they are doing. Some time ago I went rock climbing with a bloke who reckoned he knew what he was doing. Luckily I checked out his knot tieing and had to point out that it was not satisfactory. In a similar way I had to decline to take part in an SES exercise and when I pointed out their unsafe practice it was very quickly changed, but it was a case of the experts making mistakes and the bloke who was supposed to be learning being more awake.
  13. fast food is sorted out by the wildlife. I pick up rubbish on the road during my morning walks and I notice that Macdonalds left overs don't get eaten by the ants or crows around here. They know rubbish food when they see it.
  14. Things have changed over the years. I was never gods gift to women and never thought I was. When I was in my thirties and forties I used to do a bit of glamour photography, the girls I photographed would be anything from 14 to possibly 30, so not in my age group. If I saw a pretty girl and wanted to photograph her I would just explain it and ask. I had very few refusals, the girl got a few photos and I enjoyed trying to make her look the best. I reckon if I did that nowadays I would be called a pedophile and locked up, but I never did any harm and in most cases I added to their self confidence and still see some of them occasionally and they like to chat with an old bloke. One of them who is a nurse went out of her way to come and see me in hospital just after I escaped from ICU, that gave me a lovely feeling. What I deplore is the way we are supposed to provide a home and care for a battered partner, while the bloke who did the damage seems to get away scott free. There seems to be a fear of upsetting those who attack women, especially if they are football players, it is almost as if the police feel on a par with them.
  15. I like that photo of the Ampol servo. Notice the few people you can see. You wouldn't see that nowadays. I also wouldn't go to an Ampol servo now, they will think up some way to rip you off, such as as sign at the front saying unleaded $177 and the pump has $1.99 on it.
  16. Is it really driven by lawyers i think society calls for against anything they don't like and I would call for a law against that.
  17. That's a good summing up Onetrack.
  18. I was spoilt for food in my youth, living on a farm which produced vegies, milk and meat. In the army we had baked beans far too often and I don't eat them now. Hamburgers are not food to me, I think it is the excess of bread in them and I never eat white bread. All the bread we eat in my house is self baked and sourdough and in over ten years of baking I have never made a white loaf. Meat and two veg or fish or a pasta type dish is best for dinner and lunch a bit of bread with meat or cheese, some greens, tomato and then fruit goes well. main thing is to have a good breakfast, muesly fruit, toast with the occasional meat or egg cooked. It has kept me fit for a few years, but it didn't stop cancer having a go at me.
  19. One of those crackpot ideas was actually used. The torroidal tit engine. The theory was that the cylinder of an engine had acircular depression in the top and in the depression there was a sharp spike pointing up to the cylinder head and it was well faired into the cylinder. The engine ran on soap bubbles with a goldfish in the carburettor. Air was sucked in and the goldfish blew a bubble which went into the descending dylinder, then the piston came up compressing the bubble. At TDC the torroidal tit burst the bubble forcing the cylinder down. The design was modified slightly and became the AEC diesel engine which was used in London buses. That was the story I was told when I was an apprentice working on AEC engines.
  20. BoJos latest escapade is going on police raids. The news today was that some rapper in the UK was raided by the police and he woke up to find Bori at the bittom of his bed. Boris commented that the bloke seemed pleased to see him. No charges were laid and no explanation as to why the raid took place.
  21. Truck tales are interesting, but I never got to rdive one with a dual or a joey box, whatever they are. I drove the largest land vehicle in the world in 1955 and 1956. It was the Thornycroft Mighty Antar which had from memory 5 forward gears and was powered by a Rolls Royce B80 engine. As usual for a Pommy vehicle it was slow and heavy. It had power steering, which from memory was mechanical and prone to failure. If it failed you needed to slip the clutch and keep the revs up when you were manoeuvering in a tight area, or it took two of you to steer. Not too bad as there was plenty of room beside the driver for a muscle man. We used them to haul the 75 ton Conquerer tanks around, but they were designed for carting steel pipes to the oil pipelines they were building. My favourite from those days was the Diamond T, which had a hand clutch, back up where we hitched trailers on.
  22. So you think things may be lax in Vic and NSW. Here in Qld we have already had more deaths on the road this year, than all of last year. Over 75s have to have an annual medical. Surely if Qld has more medicals it should be safer than other states that don't.
  23. Bamboo is a wonderful material and I have several different stands of bamboo, but as someone pointed it it could be pushed just to satisfy the greenies. When you come to use it you will find it is very good in compression, but it does not bend well. it is also really like a hollow pipe with multiple joints, plus it is quite slippery, so hard to tie securely. The actual usable material for anything such as furniture or flooring would have to be fairly short lengths of narrow woody material. The use of it in large beams or strips must involve cutting and glueing in some form. My favourite use for it is as bushwalking poles for which it is excellent being strong and resilient, but don't run your arm down it as the surface can inflict a friction burn very easily. Lovely stuff but surrounded in B/S. One use I have seen is made up floor boards and they warp with differing humidities. A floor of cupped boards does not look good.
  24. Just listen to the media. There is a never ending array of people being reported as in need of protection from everything from bankers to con artists and crook builders. the usual refrain is that the government must do something about it, but those same people do not want to foot the bill or even be held responsible for using common sense. Battered women are demanding housing to get away from their battering partners, or maybe it is do gooders doing the demanding, but nobody seems to think it would be better to stop those battering partners. There seems to be a massive problem with people having no homes, but who is responsible for housing them? Should we have government supplied public housing for everyone? They tried that in some countries and it just became slum tenements.
  25. Maybe it was legal, but surely the G.G. has some responsibility to make a note of it in his diary. mIt looks as if the G.G. is covering up for Scumbag or is actually aiding and abetting him. Does business conduct its affairs without any records being kept of something quite serious and if so why does government not do the same.
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