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Everything posted by Yenn

  1. Latest news is that the Governor Generals diary has no mention of him swearing on Scumbag as minister for the new 5 positions. That seems suss to me. Would you expect the G.G. to omit something of that importance from his diary? If he is not in cahoots with scumbag then he must be incompetent. I surprises me that an ex general could be so deficient.
  2. You can get imperial and metric bolts and nuts from retailers who supply to industry, sometimes obscure sizes are not available, but from 1/4" 5mm on upwards most sizes are there. Threaded rod in inch and metric are available at most hardware stores, up to abpot 3/4" 20mm sizes. UNC as far as I know is only different from Whit by the flank angle, they can usually be used together. The AN system is different from Whit and metric in that the diameter and length are the deciding features, rather than diameter alone. A 3/8" whit bolt 2" long is called 3/8 * 2", whereas a 3/8 whit AN bolt would be AN 3-20.
  3. What about NOTAR or twin helicopters? Are they not helicopters?
  4. Our constitution allows for ministers to be responsible for certain portfolios. Originally there was a maximum of seven allowed, but that may have been increased by government. If a minister is responsible how come there can be another so called minister also responsible? This is just another display of the trickery of Scott Morrison, who cannot be trusted and doesn't know how to be truthful. Does anyone believe him when he says he cannot think of any other ministries he may have taken over when the journos questioned him about the first two? The sooner he is thrown out of parliament and preferably into jail, the better. We have seen it in USA where the Republicans are welded to Trump, In the UK where the conservatives are in the same boat with Johnson, now it is in Australia where the Libs cannot let go of Morrison as well as Howard. Both of them were a liability, although Morrison has done a vast amount of damage to Australia. I suppose I should not be surprised, if anyone is capable of believing in God, there has to be a flaw in their intelligence. A case of education taking over from intelligence, as educated by religious schools.
  5. The reason for LHD in a plane is because the most usual circuit is left handed, so visibility is better. Spacey. The 500 is deaths per million population.
  6. Barnaby was correct in his earlier description of Scumbag, but he was corrupt in that he changed his opinion of Scumbag. Was Scumbag sworn in by the G.G.?
  7. I thought that the ability to get electricity from different providers was to encourage price reductions. Where I live there is only one provider and the prices are lower now than a year ago.
  8. Food is not really expensive in Aus, but go to a restaurant and you will pay big money for poor quality. Fish and chips is usually good and so is a meal at a pub, sailing or bowls club. As far as coffee goes it is not to quench your thirst but to enable you to sit and be observed as part of the latte set. Good for city dwellers.
  9. Where does this idea that we have a terrible Covid deathrate come from. Australia has less than 500 deaths per million inhabitants. The USA has 3209 per million. That is the worlds highest rate. Singapore and India have lower rates than us as does China, If Scumbag had had his way we would have been up there with USA and the government would have no problems with aged care not managing to keep up. There would have been no aged to care for.
  10. There used to be an English magazine covering society gossip called the Tattler and By stander, I suppose that was Tattle.
  11. Scumbag was and always will be unreliable and a liar. I would like to know what the Governor General thought he was doing allowing two people to hold one position. A previous governoe, who later became governor general allowed the then Qld Premier to distort the legalities of government, but I really thought the present GG was above that.
  12. As far as I was concerned the time for tanks was up in the fifties. I worked on them and also drove them and was lucky I never had to go to war in them. The mid fifties saw tanks so large that they could only be transported on massive transporters and they would no be capable in the mud of a lot of European countries. They could not get across river bridges, either because thay were too wide or too heavy and would destroy the bridge and most of the raoads they travelled on. If you see the damage done to a tank by anti tank weapons, you would never want to be inside one.
  13. Barra from fresh water is muddy and I live near a well known freshwater dam which is stocked with barra. I don't think anyone eats it. Flake in Victoria is good, but I have seen amateur fishermen throw it away thinking it is poor quality. Not only fish are a rip off, but also fruit. I have had a Mango dessert in Broken Hill which had absolutely no relationship ti mango, another is Lychee which comes in many guises, but is not worth eating in a restaurant.
  14. I only knew one, No 5. Now I know what a tittle is, but I still don't know a tattle, which normally goes with it.
  15. Given the behaviour of the ex PM I am not surprised. I see today that he got himself sworn in as a minister for 3 portfolios that already had a minister. And that minister didn't know. It would appear he was going to become the minister for everything. Following in Russ Hinzes footsteps
  16. There were quite a few of them around years ago, but they have dropped out of favour. No doubt due to lack of ability and reliability. The old water windmills ran for years with little attention, but they never got used for electricity generation in any numbers.
  17. i saw a folding crane years ago in Townsville, but it was a different type. It was a normal lattice Girder crane and I hired it to pour the forst pours of a chimney at the cement works. The driver luffed the crane down and it touched a brick wall with the lowest tubular member, putting a slight bend in it. I pointed this out to the driver but he didn't think it was a problem. We finished the pour. About 3 months later I saw that it had collapsed on a construction site and killed a worker. That same tube hd collapsed in compression dropping a load of concrete and the boom on the job site. Those days of poor responsibilitty have gone now, but on my very next job in Gladstone I had a similar crane driver and sacked his company, Brambles, because they caused me too much anguish.
  18. Yenn

    Albo & Co.

    Gina is doing wonderful things for Australia. She is proposing more gas fields that she and her Korean partners can use to provide gas for the East Coast of Australia and probably a bit will be hived off for overseas sales.
  19. Why the big thing about number killed. Surely it would be better for the number of injured to be 100% of casualties with no killed troops. One of the aims of warfare is to tie up the enemy having to look after their injured. Another aim is to make sure any prisoners of war tie up as large a number of guards as possible.
  20. You could also look at the Yanks and Israelies
  21. If the Mediterranean was a river, where did it flow to? If the Atlantic was held back by a wall, then the Med would have formed a lake just East of that wall.
  22. She had the purest voice I ever heard and I rate her in the top 3 women singers in the world. The other two are Edith Piaff and Eartha Kitt. You may not see any similarity between the three of them but in my opinion they covered all the singing styles I want to hear.
  23. The bird population is forever changing. This yea we have not seen the winter arrival of a solitary Ibis, who has spent the last few winters with us. Red Wing Parrots are now rare and several members of the Honeyeater family are missing. Even the Drongo is seldom seen as is the Blue Winged Kookaburra. Never mind we will no doubt soon see some bird who has never put in an appearance before.
  24. Yenn

    Albo's question

    Over the years many tribal cultures have been overrun in similar ways to the Aussie Aboriginees. The Red Indians in Canada and USA, Many tribes in Africa and also Asia, even the original British tribes. They all seem to have survived better than a small number of the Aussie tribes. Maybe it is because it has all happened more recently, but the situation does not seem to be improving. In parts of Australia there is blatant disregard for the rights of others or compliance with the laws of the land. Probably caused by the kid gloves treatment of offenders if the have any colour about them. It was thought back in the sixties that the aboriginees could assimilate and have the same voice as the rest of us and it was government policy for that to happen. The voice is to include Torres Straits Islanders, but they seem to be very different from the Aborigines. I worked with them in N Qld in the sixties and they were no different from us, except that they had a better sun tan If and when they do get a voice it will be interesting to see if anything changes.
  25. Callide Dawson Flying Group use mobile toilets and showers rather like Nomad has described. Really good as they can be used at many functions.
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