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pmccarthy last won the day on February 7

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  1. There is an interesting article in the Age today which debunks the story of CSIRO inventing WiFi. The people who invented it had never heard of CSIRO. Which leads me to the second myth, the Hills Hoist. There is a photo of a rotary clothesline in Melbourne on the 1870s. I have a US Sears catalogue from 1903 which shows one, it was even made by a Mr Hill. Peter Cuffley wrote a book about this. And the rotary mower? I could go on and on.
  2. I have cars and bikes that do very few Km. I change the tyres every 10-15 years just to be safe.
  3. I was once saved from an uncertain fate by a Seagull outboard that was used as a standby engine. It was a slow trip home from the reef.
  4. Sometimes having the appropriate tool can lead to a lifetime of regret.
  5. That man fly is pretty serious. Particularly the zipper variety. Don’t get caught again.
  6. We had 13 mm today and have the heater on.
  7. Forty years ago I lived in Ballarat where they made small motors at Norton Villers, Mars bars, Rivers clothing and shoes, big trailers at Freighter Industries, and a whole lot more I can no longer remember. Despite all that we had one of the highest unemployment rates in Australia.
  8. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  9. So if I say I dried the bed, am I being an optometrist?
  10. Henry the Eighth was a similar character.
  11. Europe just announced tariffs on 28 billion of US imports.
  12. If you only follow your own selected left wing sources, then you are living in an echo chamber and getting only half the information. I can read the Australian and the Age without my head exploding.
  13. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    I must be a genius. I am the font of all knowledge.
  14. Near Castlemaine, but it is all over now.
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