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pmccarthy last won the day on October 5

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  1. Two things that the Yanks are annoying me with at present: They think the plural of aircraft is aircrafts. They think speed is only a noun and so report about a "high rate of speed".
  2. Australia will have an intermittent and unreliable electricity supply, so EVs will become less useful.
  3. I can get up at any time but I can't get it up at any time.
  4. It is 3.40am.
  5. I think the authorities are saying it is a mass hysteria, and the larger drones are actually light aircraft.
  6. The difference between solar, wind and nuclear is that the first two cannot provide base load capacity, which is fundamental to any transition from coal.
  7. Nuclear has always been the way to go. The opposition has always been of a "religious" nature, based on belief rather than science and engineering. The rest of the world is less stupid.
  8. One way, which I use to go to sleep, is to focus on that bright spot that you see when your eyes are closed. Just try to keep looking at it. You will not be able to think about much else. With practice, you might get a slide show of beautiful, coloured images that you didn't have to think about. I have no idea where they come from.
  9. Have you been following this story over the past week? Sightings of large drones at night in several areas of USA, notably over New York. Large meaning up to car size, with endurance of 2-3 hours. I have been checking stories and as of today there is no theory about what they might be or where from. One senator thinks they are Iranian but without evidence.
  10. I just received this: Starting on 10/01/2025, the price for your Microsoft 365 Family subscription will change from AUD 139.00/year to AUD 179.00/year. You will be charged the new price unless you cancel or turn off recurring billing at least two days before your next billing date by visiting your Microsoft account. By continuing your subscription, you’ll maintain access to your secure cloud storage, advanced security for your data and devices, AI-powered features, along with all your other subscription benefits.
  11. They kicked out Al-Cahol.
  12. Assad has probably stashed billions somewhere and will be welcomed in Moscow.
  13. Always wanted a dog called Offenbach.
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