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pmccarthy last won the day on January 3

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  1. In the multiverse, you never die like those around you. There is always a split between the moment of your passing and the moment that you don't. You just go down the road less travelled.
  2. Wow, I guess those who are going to wait and see, with some hope of positive change, are keeping their heads down. Like we do about the myth of climate change.
  3. He is what the world needs right now.
  4. Here’s a true story from around here. The publican was down on bikers, and generally told them he was booked out for lunch when they arrived. A club of bikie barristers were refused service and so they sorted him out. The next licensee encouraged bikers and has done very well.
  5. Portland was recently named most affordable town. They have had big closures and a threat hangs over the aluminium smelter, but it is a lovely place if you can handle the wind and cloud. Our local pub is on its second Indian family and gets half a dozen patrons on a good night. They only open on Thursdays to Sundays. One local left his change on the bar and the barman took it.
  6. Some pubs and restaurants are closing here in central Victoria. They can't get staff. People have less disposable income. The once thriving Hepburn Springs is half shut down. Radio Springs hotel, very popular, is closing due to lack of staff. Many businesses have been bought by folks from India who do not know how to run them, and they gradually fade away. Some pubs, like Redesdale, seem to be doing well because they have made a name as a weekend lunch venue. Restaurants in Kyneton are struggling. I don’t know about the border areas.
  7. You might be like Lazarus. Once brought back, he was condemned to walk the earth forever. Or so one story goes.
  8. I went the chemo route. Still a bit buggered eight years later but happy to be here.
  9. But it isn't a battle, you just have to take each day as it comes.
  10. In his final address to the nation as president, Joe Biden called for the creation of a new Constitutional amendment to demolish the concept of presidential “immunity” from criminal prosecution. But OK for your family!
  11. Or hold their hose.
  12. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    What he said. You apply the exponent first.
  13. pmccarthy

    F****** ACL

    And there I was thinking he used voice to text.
  14. Maybe she was chewing a lemon.
  15. AI rendering of a motorbike?
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