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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. Europe just announced tariffs on 28 billion of US imports.
  2. If you only follow your own selected left wing sources, then you are living in an echo chamber and getting only half the information. I can read the Australian and the Age without my head exploding.
  3. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    I must be a genius. I am the font of all knowledge.
  4. Near Castlemaine, but it is all over now.
  5. It’s raining! Just a few points so far, but it sounds great.
  6. I would rather have Trump than Albo, but it is not an easy choice.
  7. Every time you breathe a Chinaman dies said my mum.
  8. The CPAP machine is great. Air from the bedside, filtered.
  9. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    three seconds too.
  10. A family member had one and it was rubbish.
  11. I wonder if the organisers will be able to pull it off.
  12. I resent that. peter
  13. I deliberately watched more than ten video news items on Trump today, looking for a balanced report. Didn’t find any. They were all one way or the other, like they were reporting quite different events and meetings. No wonder society is polarised.
  14. OME's map shows mineral deposits, which just means concentrations of minerals. Until they satisfy the categories listed by Onetrack they have little commercial value. And if they date from USSR times, they may not even exist. The usual lead time for deposits like these is five years to drill out then ten years or more to establish a mine. And the success rate for new mines from grass roots projects is something like one in 100.
  15. Let me say again... there are no rare earth reserves in Ukraine. Reporting of mineral reserves is internationally governed by the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards. See The International Reporting Template - Crirsco . I have lectured about this in Moscow a couple of decades ago. The Russians in Ukraine had speculative estimates of what might be there but nothing upon which a commercial contact could be arranged. The whole minerals thing is a Trump smoke screen for political agreements that will not stand public scrutiny.
  16. I like some of Garret's music but I would dance on his. How divisive our society has become!
  17. Somewhere this morning I read that this is the first time in world history that you could put up a sign saying, "He's an idiot" and everyone would know who you meant.
  18. I find Teams impossible to manage. I have it installed but I am a member of several organisations and it always assumes the wrong one and will not let me into a meeting.
  19. I am devestated. I thought Trump had a cunning plan, like in Blackadder. Now I know he is a total f…wit. And about the minerals, I did some more reading, there aren’t any. It was all BS.
  20. One theory says that governments bloat over decades and that only a war or a revolution can refocus and streamline them.
  21. I had a shock absorber fail prematurely, after about two years on my van. I sent a photo of it to the manufacturer and they sent me four brand new ones of an upgraded design. That was about the best consumer experience I have had.
  22. If you compare today with 1939 we are way behind, but even then it took a couple of years to really get on an effective defensive footing. And even then we wouldn’t have stood a chance without our big friends,
  23. I want us to spend more, much more, on defence. And Europe should to. Otherwise we are all stuffed within the next decade.
  24. The minerals deal is a nonsense. Any country can issue a minerals lease. They then receive royalties, usually 2% to 5% of sales revenue. More than that and the project is not economic. It takes billions to establish a new mine. How can Trump extract more than the 2-5% amount and still have the projects funded by the stock market? It makes no sense.
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