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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. I had a wooden whistle but it wooden whistle. The I got a steel whistle but it steel wooden whistle. Then I got a tin whistle and now I tin whistle.
  2. The best way of preventing a war is to talk tough, act belligerent and unpredictably crazy. He will do a good job.
  3. Boys were boys and girls were girls. But sooks and cry babys were girls too, and no-one wanted to be a girl.
  4. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    C it was me
  5. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    I am very happy with it all Peter, that's why I play! Just like to poke the bear sometimes. Thanks for doing it, please continue.
  6. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    What’s more, we had the same question a couple of weeks back. Up your game, Peter!
  7. $3M was a large amount once, but no longer. It now costs around $50 for two coffees and two toasted sandwiches at most places around here. Blame Melbourne tourists. Rates, power, Telstra etc all have doubled since a few years ago, which means the purchasing power of that $3M in super has halved. We need to work on dying before it runs out.
  8. I believe that Trump will do a great deal of good for the USA and its allies. Wait and see.
  9. All the pundits are now explaining why this was inevitable as if they knew all along.
  10. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    B with the double p.
  11. Hang onto your hats folks, the ride is about to begin.
  12. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  13. I drove from Mallacoota to Castlemaine on Friday. The trip should take 7 hours but took eleven, with the entire Melbourne section bumper to bumper with accidents and everyone making a long weekend run for the country.
  14. I couldn’t log in here for a few hours today. All good now.
  15. Tim and Tom enjoy a Gaytime.
  16. What has Buffalo got to do with it? That has confused me for a while.
  17. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    The letter o.
  18. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    The federation drought is still by far the worst In recorded Aus history.
  19. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  20. Woolies offer cash out when I really want them to top up my credit.
  21. Where, Spain?
  22. A man was banging on the door of a cheap brothel. The door was opened by a chinaman who said “quid pro quo”.
  23. Trump for sure. Kamala slips every day.
  24. There is a large commercial power station in Ireland that runs on peat. I was horrified to see it. Got to draw the line somewhere!
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