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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. I ad no on a log splitter, it never gave a problem.
  2. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    A lot of business runs on 13 reporting periods per year, so performance can be compared per 4 weeks.
  3. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Two elephants, then red then green. The first two can be either way, they have no rule about their order. It says the largest elephant ( the green one) is always at the back. If it had said the larger elephant is always at the back then I would answer differently.
  4. Climate change cannot be 'brought under control'. We need to start worrying about the real threats from the growing dictatorships. Climate has always changed and always will. By all means do what you can if you are worried about climate, but nothing you do now will change the climate that our descendants live in for the next couple of hundred years. But we can choose whether they live under a Putin or an Ayatollah.
  5. Armageddon will follow from our economic weakness. There would be nothing wrong with phasing out coal if that were to happen, as long as it didn’t weaken Australia wrt our enemies. So it would require a global agreement that will never happen, and could only be applied by force of arms. Likewise for gas, which we have plenty of but refuse to use. And yes, I have ten grandchildren and fear for their future in a world that is moving toward another world war.
  6. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  7. The point is that all the self-flagellation is achieving nothing, nor will it. We (the west) are gradually destroying our economic wellbeing toseek some moral high ground that the rest of the world does not care about. The dictatorships of North Korea, Iran and Russia will continue to gain ground against us while also dominating and subjugating Africa and much of Asia and eventually South America.
  8. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Alf. With a c in front it makes a word.
  9. World coal consumption hit a new record last year, and will increase again this year.
  10. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  11. There is much more gas in Australia to be found, once governments encourage the exploration.
  12. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  13. A ribbon on the bonnet and a bag of lollies is probably worth $1000 in trade in value, the way our minds work.
  14. Not reading Murdoch leaves you half informed.
  15. It would have been easier to make a very small model of the white car.
  16. One of mine is a half inch too small in diameter. I put it in with hot glue so you can’t tell with the rim on. I will send you the measurement in case you can help. There were different sizes in different years, and I think the 32 truck was unique.
  17. I used several types of cabinet timber for the frames. Sort of a cheap job lot, and I wasn't building an aeroplane.
  18. OK... Grandpa's truck, '32 Chev, got it ten years ago. (He has been gone more than 60 years) I have been working on it since as one of my projects. All the wood was stuffed. Haven't started the engine yet, but it is rebuilt.
  19. First day on the truck project since last summer!
  20. UK had skinheads and Paki bashers years ago. Where did that go? Did it evolve into something worse or die out, to have the worse emerge separately?
  21. Mars bars in Asia are made in Ballarat. Macpherson Robertson was one of the wealthiest men in Australia, funded air races. We pull our weight in chocolate.
  22. My grannie's first husband had shell shock. A week after their marriage in 1919 he jumped out of a window and died. Then she married my grandpa, who only had ptsd and went to the pub.
  23. The climate craziness continues in the UK. In 2021, 9.1m tonnes of wood pellets for use in energy production came from abroad – about 76% from North America and 18% from the EU. But this isn’t enough, so they are negotiating supply contracts with countries including North Korea, Bhutan and places in South America. Burning wood to generate electricity makes the same CO2 as coal, but apparently it is friendly CO2. And to hell with the forests.
  24. Commonwealth day was previously Empire day was previously Queen Victoria's birthday, May 24th.
  25. That business with tying steel cables happened when using rope scrapers underground. After tying the knot, someone had to hold the loose ends while you carefully pulled it tight on the winch controls. Or you could tie the ends with wire but that often fell off as the knot tightened.
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