KG is in love with the EV driving experience which he describes. I am in love with the ICE driving experience which involves gear changes and a rumbling exhaust. To each his own.
As a young bloke I only had a cheque account. Went on holiday within NSW without enough cash. Couldn’t cash a cheque as you had to prearrange ID. I was only saved because a bank teller knew my father and pretended to ID me.
As in”real life” relationships, we all get to know each other’s foibles and enjoy the differences, sometimes getting a laugh out of one another. We miss the members who drop off or move on.
I have forgotten how it all worked before when it was one site but it was ok. I think merging would be ok. If people want to support this separate site then I would chip in.
Years ago, there was a sign in some pubs that was written vertically. When you figured it out, it said "read down then up and find out quick that in this bar there is no tick."
In many very old photos you will see a sign which says Walk Around Corners. This was to tell horses or horse drawn vehicles not to trot, canter or gallop. The offence for doing so was Furious Driving.