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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. KG is in love with the EV driving experience which he describes. I am in love with the ICE driving experience which involves gear changes and a rumbling exhaust. To each his own.
  2. As a young bloke I only had a cheque account. Went on holiday within NSW without enough cash. Couldn’t cash a cheque as you had to prearrange ID. I was only saved because a bank teller knew my father and pretended to ID me.
  3. My wife has had two Toyota hybrids and I have one on order now. I think they are great.
  4. Ducking and weaving.
  5. I like YouTube videos, but only if they are 20 minutes or so. Some folk make them an hour and a half, I wonder who watches them
  6. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    A triangle.
  7. As in”real life” relationships, we all get to know each other’s foibles and enjoy the differences, sometimes getting a laugh out of one another. We miss the members who drop off or move on.
  8. I have forgotten how it all worked before when it was one site but it was ok. I think merging would be ok. If people want to support this separate site then I would chip in.
  9. Did you send the cotton wool back and ask for the telescope?
  10. I would be undy turd.
  11. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  12. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  13. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    I thought it was lightweight bog, that I use for panel repairs.
  14. The electric version will be called Up Yours!
  15. Which reminds of a mate we called c*nt hooks.
  16. Probably lost their wedges.
  17. When I started work you could get a week off work without pay for making a cup of coffee outside of lunch time.
  18. Years ago, there was a sign in some pubs that was written vertically. When you figured it out, it said "read down then up and find out quick that in this bar there is no tick."
  19. All your mates would have to pay the subscription to read your eulogy!
  20. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  21. I agree. It is described as low irritant, but you need something that irritates the buggery out of them.
  22. And nuclear submarines!
  23. pmccarthy


    Hey Albo….FU in the NT.
  24. In many very old photos you will see a sign which says Walk Around Corners. This was to tell horses or horse drawn vehicles not to trot, canter or gallop. The offence for doing so was Furious Driving.
  25. They used to make us walk through a Condeys Crystal bath in the showers at boarding school.
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