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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. Kamala chameleon, she comes and goes.
  2. It is supposed to toughen feet.
  3. I am now persuaded that Asymeo is a Russian bot and will ignore it.
  4. If people just backed the winners the world would be a miserable place. Good people can tell the difference between good and evil, in dictators and regimes, and fight for the good.
  5. That'll hold!
  6. Yesterday I read about the Google woman who was giving a speech about AI and was interrupted by her own Google assistant on her phone. I was reading the article out to my wife and the Google assistant in our kitchen piped up asking if we wanted to know more about AI.
  7. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  8. Length isn't everything.
  9. The interviews that I have seen show the Russians turning to Vlad to protect them from this further Western aggression. And I saw one senior Russian commentator today calling for fascist Germany to be wiped from the face of the earth.
  10. No, it is just a porkie.
  11. I hope he tests the bulletproofing.
  12. Some Indians believe that JC spent his teenage years in India and can show where he lived. Some of the earliest Christians were in India in the first century.
  13. Don't worry, several of us here are unusual! Welcome.
  14. Asymeo, I would like to know more. Tell us a bit about yourself and your interests. You have an unusual way of expressing yourself, is that a deliberate choice?
  15. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  16. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    I they were to open one each, so five. But sounds like they are opening the lot, so ten.
  17. Even water would kill her at that rate. I once went down the deepest mine in the world, in South Africa, and the bloke who showed me around had many cans of coke shoved down his shirt. Said he drank lots, perhaps it was six or eight, every shift because of the heat. Still had his teeth.
  18. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  19. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    I'll,send you my bank details.
  20. He was as bad as Joan Kirner and we are still living with the crap she did.
  21. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  22. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  23. It's OK being a star boarder.
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