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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. He never speaks unless he has something to say. That would be good policy around here!
  2. Marty that capital cost chart has been discredited. See Nuclear energy: The flaws in CSIRO’s anti-nuclear, pro-renewables GenCost report (afr.com) https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/energy-ministers-arguments-against-nuclear-riddled-with-errors/news-story/503618ba029e3dea3cc764deda6c2fbb Of course, if you don't trust the AFR or the Australian then these will mean nothing to you. We just have different political views. The science stays the same. Besides the life of the generator, the big cost difference is centralised generation using the existing grid versus wind/solar all over the place with a new spiderweb of transmission to ensure somewhere has wind or solar. Even then, half the time there is no solar.
  3. We use bottled gas at $145 per bottle. I was hoping for reticulated gas but there will be no more added in Victoria. No way I am switching to electric, we will be having brown outs and blackouts within a couple of years due to inadequate supply. Already have the maximum solar electric on the roof and solar heating for the pool.
  4. I will absolutely vote for it and I believe a majority of Australians will support it. The economics is in favour, just depends which analysis you choose to believe and what you think the author's motivation is. And it is the most dependable way to decarbonise for those who have been persuaded that is important.
  5. Sometimes eat my words.
  6. Scotsman to his doctor "I'm here for a wee cough". Doctor reaches for his pad "OK I'll give you a week off." Scotsman "No, it's just a wee cold." Doctor "Well if it's a week old, you should be over it."
  7. For small ones you use a condominimum.
  8. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Down (ground)
  9. Yes, of course, has been for years.
  10. After several attempts over several days to sort out my account on line (waiting, waiting) I drove 40 km to the Telstra shop today. They couldn’t talk to me, I should have made an appointment on line. But they had another shop about 5km away which is less busy (they said) so I drove there. Same story, no appointments available today. So I drove hame, very angry. I am a Customer. I am now looking for an alternative provider who can do NBN, phone, iPad etc and who wants customers.
  11. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Shoes socks sandals slippers skates skis
  12. It took 600,000 deaths to “resolve” the north versus south issue in the USA. 160 years later it is still an issue and could still destroy the USA. So there is no reason to expect a resolution in the Middle East.
  13. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  14. Any of us might be the first to set the new record.
  15. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Maybe the Durian?
  16. It is a worry being in your seventies. I have had friends who wanted to become UFOs (United flying octogenarians) but didn’t make it.
  17. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Strawberry’s is one. I should remember the other because my sister in law hates them.
  18. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Niagara Falls
  19. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Well done. I don't know if Red picked up my hint "take some time".
  20. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Take some time to think about it.
  21. Do grey nomads drink grey water?
  22. The Egyptians have closed the border from their side. Thay don't want Hamas and Palestinian refugees.
  23. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    SMHDWMYC which of the following cones next F M P
  24. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    letters don’t rhyme.
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