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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. Or you try to pull the chain in your wife's shoe cupboard.
  2. You have a ghost writer.
  3. Same story is told about the Maryborough Vic railway station, that it was intended for Qld. Also the architect of the Taj hotel in Bombay who killed himself because they built it the wrong way around.
  4. Our dentist sends a reminder to my wife to send Peter in for a checkup. They have done it for years. I like it that way, because when I ignore it she gets the further reminders.
  5. Yeah, just spray it over the fence that way.
  6. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  7. I heard an interview yesterday. Interviewer said "is it OK to describe you as blind? I know you are totally blind." Answer- "yes, that's OK, I identify as blind. But many don't, thanks for asking".
  8. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Twenty one
  9. The million people are just going back to the world we all lived in until twenty years ago.
  10. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    One year old. He learned to speak quite early.
  11. We are eating the last of the tomatoes from our garden. The basil is starting to wilt, which is a shame as pesto is my favourite food.
  12. I just had a random thought about a spud gun. Haven’t seen one since I used to shoot it at my brother.
  13. When Poms go to France, are they incontinent?
  14. I’ve never heard or seen 99% of the characters that have appeared in this thread.
  15. Have a scone with that.
  16. Rain Lover was a horse.
  17. I enjoy Inspector Morse. Takes me back to 1990 when I was more capable of getting things done. No internet or smart phones.
  18. Evaporative coolers don't waste water, they put it to a very good use. In low humidity they are much more electrically efficient than refrig types. Leaving the tap on while cleaning your teeth waters water.
  19. I have seen villages in India and Burma where one entrepreneur puts up two panels and a battery. Then people pay to come and charge up their phones.
  20. Oh my hat!
  21. It is ironic that those fancy new batteries (and the older ones) are made from materials that have to be mined in vast quantities, often in countries with poor environmental standards. The Greens have flexed their principles to suit.
  22. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    5=1, you told us at the start!
  23. In case of emergency, break glass.
  24. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  25. There’s an N missing in the video title.
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