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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. The events are not under Santorini, but beneath the undersea crater of Kolumbo. I would not be hanging around to see if it erupts.
  2. No, but it is thought to have wiped out the Minoans.
  3. These events are centred on the Kolumbo undersea volcano.
  4. The unpredictability and the nonsense is what makes it great. It wrong foots his opponents.
  5. Deutsche Welle (DW) News – Bias and Credibility - Overall, we rate Deutsche Welle (DW) Left-Center biased, says mediabiasfactcheck. Hahaha .. I don't really care that their fact check is biased, I am just serving back the response I usually get when I post on politics or climate change.
  6. I think you will find Biden removed many of Trump's sanctions on Iran.
  7. There is every chance of a major eruption in the sea off the Greek island of Santorini. People wanting to evacuate cannot get flights or ferry rides. There are queues and some panic. It could be a big disaster. The eruption will not be Santorini itself, but an undersea volcano to the northeast.
  8. Trump says the USA will take over Gaza. When the surrounding countries refuse to take the Palestinians, he will say "I offered them the solution and they refused it." Then he will be in a position to back Israel as hard as he likes. He is also rebuilding sanctions on Iran. I predict a popular revolution in Iran within 12 months.
  9. A lot of good music came out of the Civil War. I have the CD.
  10. They would want the $1M each. As most have families, this could be $4-5M for many. And then the benefits of being US citizens. I reckon they would queue up.
  11. Greenland has (I think) 52,000 inhabitants, and they really don't like the Danes. Give them a million dollars each and they could vote for independence, then sign up as a US state. A good deal for $52 billion.
  12. The outcome, if we abandon fossil fuels prematurely, will be devastating for Australia. By prematurely I mean before we can get nuclear up and running.
  13. Panama just announced it will not renew the Belt and Road with China. Will pull out earlier if possible. Stupid Trump again?
  14. And they found....?
  15. We were also traumatised, who had to wait for their marble to be pulled out.
  16. My 5 YO granddaughter had her first day at school this week. I was going to tell her about my first day at school. Then I did some quick mental arithmetic. If my grandpa had been my age on my first day of school, he would have been telling me about him starting school in the year 1890. So I shut up.
  17. Do you see any conflict between your first 3 wishes and the fourth? None at all. For example...there were only two sexes recognised and recoded on birth certificates and toilets were only male and female for at least 200 years in this country until Government started interfering. Men could not play in women's sports and vice versa until Government started interfering. The Government decides which flags are flown by government departments and agencies. Crime rates ... I did not mention them. Trends have been downward for most rates since 1995, with no apparent influence of the political party in power at the time. Except that assault rates in the NT and WA have approximately doubled. In my view, due to woke influences causing lax policing and sentencing based on racial stereotypes. Those creepy photos of Jerries? I would never have picked that boxer as a woman, and without hormone therapy she would not be like that. I haven't been to the Philippines but have heard there can be confusion about the girls. I have found that the women around me can pick a real woman from a bloke pretending to be a woman, and they really don't like it. I think that if they can fool the women then they will probably get into their toilets, but very few of the trans blokes can pull that off. They will be spotted and shamed or kicked out. I had a trans friend (since deceased), and he (she) was deeply unhappy and regretted getting the surgery.
  18. They reported it as a jumper, but it was a cardigan.
  19. This is a scary forum. I agree with GON almost entirely. I suspect other like-thinkers have already fled the forum or are watching from afar with amusement. In the real world, I personally know very few people of my generation who do not have conservative values and who would advocate the continuation of "progressive" Democrat destructive policies, which derive from the hippy movement in California. Instead, we believe for example: only one flag, the flag of Australia, should be flown by government at any level. for official records there are only two sexes and they can't be changed. Men should not be allowed in women's sport or toilets. And vice versa. government should, to the greatest extent possible, get out of our lives. immigrants should be encouraged to integrate, not form enclaves. environmental initiatives should be based on well-researched science, not on feel-good lobbying. And so on, and so on.
  20. When I hear 'king Charles'
  21. My weight has a lot of useless kilograms so perhaps my height makes up for it in smart metres.
  22. Hurricanes Trends in landfalling Atlantic/western Pacific hurricanes have been stable or decreasing since 1950. There is also no global trend in overall hurricane frequency since reliable records began in the 1970s. The apparent increase in the number of hurricanes since the 19th century has been due to changes in observation practices over the years, rather than an actual increase. Data show no long-term trends in US landfalling hurricanes since the mid-19th century, when systematic records began, either in terms of frequency or intensity. Similarly, after allowing for the fact that many storms were not spotted prior to the satellite era, there are no such trends in Atlantic hurricanes either. There is growing evidence that wind speeds of the most powerful hurricanes may now be overestimated in comparison to pre-satellite era ones, because of changing methods of measurement. The increase in Atlantic hurricanes in the last fifty years is not part of a long-term trend but is linked to a recovery from a deep minimum in hurricane activity in the 1970s, associated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation. See The 2024 Hurricane Season (pdf)
  23. So far I believe it has been criminals that they had previously been monitoring and any associates found with them.
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