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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. I once read that the “road” meant the shipping route and that it all makes sense somehow. There is now a huge Chinese-built tollway between Rangoon and Mandalay but it is too expensive so no one uses it.
  2. Get your neck vertebrae fused. You will never look back.
  3. Then after you are 70, they seem to disappear.
  4. pmccarthy

    Tax Cuts

    Ernst & Young was engaged by the Minerals Council of Australia to provide a report calculating the royalty and company tax payments for the minerals sector in 2020-21. Royalties were $16.7 billion in 2020-21, while net company taxes were expected to reach $26.5 billion in the same year. In total, mining company tax payments plus royalty payments were estimated at $43.2 billion in 2020-21, a 26.5 per cent increase from the $34.2 billion recorded in 2018-19. Likely to fall this year and beyond due to fall in price of green energy minerals including nickel and lithium, with closure of mines and smelters.
  5. The power has just been out in much of Vic. Did cash registers work? Could shops still operate with cash? We didn’t lose power here.
  6. Poo Tin = Shit can
  7. Haven't you heard of Taylor Swift concerts?
  8. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

  9. That would be fun if the drone could not hit back.
  10. The first electric locomotives were used underground in Australia in 1902. Most of the ore mined underground in Australia was hauled using lead-acid batteries until the 1970s. That technology was very mature. So it can be done.
  11. No rhyming slang in Australia? That is a real kick in the Niagaras.
  12. Both of those measurements use an artificial measurement system developed by humans recently. Any correlation is pure fantasy.
  13. In the late 1950s (I think) the ABC had a radio show “ memories of Mo”. So us oldies might remember that of not the 1930s.
  14. In 1934, Roy Rene starred in the film Strike me lucky, the title of which comes from one of his many catchphrases. Many of Rene’s favorite catchphrases are still part of the Australian vernacular. Other catchphrases included 'Don't come the raw prawn with me' (to tell someone not to try and deceive you or misrepresent the situation) and 'Fair suck of the sav' (to indicate incredulity or to le
  15. Well the nose was pointing up.
  16. My 1949 car has no seatbelts, quite legal.
  17. Wife and dog have gone for a walk.I am sitting comfortably. Weather has been perfect for our three day getaway.
  18. Lots of choughs around our place in central Vic.
  19. The new ones were black, no lubricant supplied.nor mentioned in the Haynes manual.
  20. Welcome to the perpetual maintenance club. Yesterday's effort on the Triumph suspension proved that red is not always better.
  21. Details here https://amatley.com/ ( she is a lot more attractive than I am)
  22. A very positive day. My wife launched a book she has been writing for five years. lots of positive feedback. Now we can relax.
  23. In Victoria, most EVs are charged over night so they run on brown coal. As the power stations are phased out we will have a crisis of blackouts.
  24. Never in my life.
  25. I visit family graves but not plaques for cremated remains.
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