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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. Wikipedia says only 119 submarine volcanos erupted in last 11,700 years but I have seen maps with a lot more active ones so will look further. Looks like the difference is whether the volcano is venting or erupting.
  2. in that case old McDonald had a farm iiiio
  3. There are hundreds of undersea volcanoes, erupting all the time. It is how the heat from the earth's mantle is transferred up into the oceans.
  4. Davis Soul's middle name was Richard, which makes him David R. Soul.
  5. Ocean temps drive seasonal weather. There is a strong school of thought that ocean temps derive from undersea volcanic activity. That makes sense to me, as nothing else I know of could change ocean temps on such a time scale. And we know that undersea volcanism is huge and variable. But if I say so I am rubbished and accused of being a denier. I can only conclude that climate alarmism is a religion, not subject to scientific analysis.
  6. Of course climate alarmism is woke! Like all the other BS.
  7. But your wit is acute.
  8. I got excited, thought this post was about a motorbike!
  9. Enjoy! https://www.livescience.com/64605-arctic-glaciers-melt-hidden-landscape.html
  10. Fair point. I was thinking about the so-called threat to polar bears. They live on the ice margins, both on floating ice and on continental margins, eat fish and seals. The more ice margin for them, the better, they don’t care about the size of the ice sheet in total. Shrinkage of the overall ice sheet has enabled navigation on new routes, and exposed ancient archaeology.
  11. Students of history may recall Horatio Bottomley, English politician, fraudster, liar and bankrupt. I have two biographies that I hadn't read for years, dusted off last week. He was Trump before Trump. Everything was a conspiracy, the courts were persecuting him. His gift of the gab swayed judges and juries and got him out of trouble on many occasions in the period 1890-1920. I'm starting to think that Trump may have read one book, after all.
  12. Then I could call him No Muscle.
  13. Here is one example. https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/charctic-interactive-sea-ice-graph/ the National Snow and Ice Data Centre shows extent of arctic sea ice. Situation normal, no alarming trend. Click on any year to compare. there is plenty of information out there contrary to the alarmist headlines.
  14. I'm sorry Octave, but your list is meaningless. A majority have no standing in climate science and some have no standing at all. Pakistan and Zimbabwe are not centres of scientific learning. Most of the web pages on the links are marketing pages for consulting services. Others presuppose imminent global warming and are addressing solutions, not assessing the scientific evidence for climate change. Follow the money.
  15. Its an anagram of Lone Skum
  16. Horses were used underground in Victoria from about 1863 and were used in Broken Hill from early days. We had a bad rat problem in the 1960s-70s caused by rats that had come in with the horse feed decades earlier and now survived on rotting hessian, timber and food scraps. We had all sorts of rat traps and metal lunch boxes (crib tins) to keep the cribs safe.
  17. The horses were difficult to lower down the shaft slung under the cage. Then they grew fat under ground, and couldn't be pulled out again until they were put on a diet.
  18. There is a desperate shortage of GPs in Australia, particularly in rural towns. Most GPs that I know are working two or three locations, a day or two per week at each. Many, like my niece, are training as specialists for the bigger pay packet, reduced hours, and the certainty of a city job. In many towns, newcomers cannot see a doctor as patient lists are closed. They have to travel back to where they came from to see their previous GP.
  19. Big boobies?
  20. If you had a foot you probably would just get it cut down to six inches.
  21. It’s great to see the smiling photo of Albo riding the Cairns Skyrail as his way of helping people impacted by the the NQ floods. He is showing that Cairns residents should ride the Skyrail to Kuranda until the water subsides.
  22. I have been on minus 40 a few times, in the Arctic. My main memory is wanting to be somewhere else.
  23. Positive is I got car painting job done today. Negative is that it turned out crap, I will have to sand it back in a couple of weeks and recoat it.
  24. I am surprised that pilots on both sides in WW1 got to 20,000 feet for periods of 10-15 minutes without oxygen. They usually got quite ill at the end of it and some blacked out, to recover in a spin at lower altitudes. By mid 1918 they were using oxygen and patrolling up to 21,000 feet. At the extreme altitudes, a height advantage of 50 feet would determine whether you could bring your guns to bear on the enemy, or stall and spin as you raised the nose.
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