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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. The ERA was a great racing car, in the past as you say.
  2. The Society of Australian Sexologists Ltd represents health and allied health professionals working in the area of sex therapy, sexuality education, sexual health and sexology. We are Australia’s leading peak body for the regulation and accreditation of psychosexual therapists and sexuality educators. As a professional association representing sexologists, our vision is the positive integration and enhancement of sexuality into people's lives. To achieve this vision we support and enhance the practice of professionals working in the area of sexology through educational opportunities and partnerships, influence public policy and promote sexology and sexual rights for the benefit of our members and the communities they serve, and develop and maintain the professional ethics and standards of psychosexual therapists and sexuality educators.
  3. My first job on the mines was surveyor's assistant which involved a lot of drawing but in the first week I did nothing but colouring in with pencils. It was the peak of my career.
  4. New random thought needed.
  5. Agreed there are good bits of the ABC and it would be great to see them kept together and properly funded. Perhaps new leadership could save it.
  6. Yes I have four daughters and six grand daughters so it is important to me. But they all have to learn to deal with oafs and simpletons and to find out what actually matters and what doesn't. I am struggling to find an example to illustrate what I have been trying to say. Perhaps this? Rank the following in seriousness from one (serious) to five (not very serious). punched out your front teeth knocked you off your bike and broke your leg got you pissed and left you in the bush for half a day punched you hard on both shoulders every day until you couldn't carry your schoolbag. touched you once through your trousers. See what I mean? All these things happened to me or my friends at school or afterward (except the touching one as far as I know). I could add a dozen more. Just put it into perspective. Lots of bad shit happens. Usually no-one is arrested or charged for any of it. That is how the world is and always will be. The sooner young people figure that out, the better their life will be. For girls, sooner or later a boyfriend will try to put his hand up her skirt. He will not have a written permission in advance. If she handles it well, they will both have learned something and he will have become a bit smarter. Or she could report him to the police, perhaps a few years later, if he turns out to be someone famous.
  7. Of all the crap things that happen to a person in their life, someone touching you on the tossle through your shorts would have to be number seventy-five thousand. If you can't smile and move on, the problem is you. It is barely different for women - a touch on the tittie or grab on the pussy may be assault, but as we have seen in the USA, it is a considered a very minor one by the highest in the land and should not waste the time of the court system. All falls under the heading of WOKE which fortunately has had its day.
  8. Wielding the pork sword.
  9. Having spent much of my adult life on weight- loss campaigns, I can confirm that you lose it first from your shoulders and arms, then legs, then chest and last from that ring of fat around your gut. It is hard to hold motivation for months while you are losing muscle mass and your waist measurement hasn’t changed. For me, weight loss has been impossible and I have put on more than a half kilo each year for the last forty years. It isn’t for want of trying, including every bullshit diet, Jenny Craig and hypnotism. I don’t disagree with OME about BMI. Perhaps Ozempic is the answer.
  10. As there were only seven dwarfs, does that make Gay the dwarf that cannot speak its name?
  11. I trust the BBC and look up their news app a couple of times each day. I listen to their podcasts like Newscast, Americast, Ukrainecast. And others. They are also biased but provide balanced choice of content.
  12. I had years of communal showers in the boys hostel then decades of the same in mining. Have seen or experienced all sorts of bullshit but no one I ever heard of was harmed by it. I can’t believe these sooks are taken seriously.
  13. Those blokes sooking about Alan Jones should try travelling in an 80-man mine cage every day when you are 17 years old. How does that grab you baby? Get tough or go home.
  14. Besides which, we are a western democracy and a million miles from what the Chinese would have us be. Despite what the current traitors in our parliament are doing.
  15. A big yellow and black goanna is very scary up close, particularly if you are sitting on the ground (fishing) and turn around to see him right behind you stealing bait.
  16. I once had a cat run up me to get onto a veranda but I am told a goanna is worse.
  17. What YEAR is it? I never planned anything after 2020.
  18. Defund it means shut it down. I never thought to say that but here I am. Twenty years ago I relied totally on the ABC for my news, and listened to it for two hours a day during my commute. Ten years ago I relied on the ABC website and TV news. A couple of years ago I watched shows on ABC Iview. Now I do none of those - there is nothing worth listening to, reading or watching. What's more, I don’t trust anything that the ABC provides. Shut it down.
  19. They should stop beating around the bush.
  20. Reagan was great! How could you say otherwise?
  21. Does anyone else find the new ABC news online format impossible to read?
  22. Biden was an ineffectual president who allowed events around the world to spiral out of control as foreign leaders realised what he was. I thought he was at least honest, but now that is gone. He will be remembered as one of the worst presidents ever.
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