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Everything posted by pmccarthy

  1. If its there this morning, its a magic roundabout.
  2. Sort of like having hundreds and thousands on your Freckle.
  3. I just looked that series up. It was made in 1964-65 and was called "Decision: the conflicts of Harry S. Truman". It is all available on Youtube.
  4. In about 1966 I watched a series called “ the recollections of Harry S Truman” which was largely based on interviews with him. Very interesting to me as a young bloke. I would watch it again.
  5. The ABC is becoming less and less reliable. I read the Murdoch press and find it just as reliable as the alternatives. They are all full of opinion masquerading as fact.
  6. We will never know what he might have achieved in his first term if he hadn’t been constantly attacked by Pelosi and co. He never really had a chance that time. I wouldn't have voted for him, but now they have him and I wish him well.
  7. Some friends have UFO caps. It stands for United Flying Octogenarians.
  8. Same argument goes against 22 year old flying instructors.
  9. Trump will achieve a lot of things that need to be done and would not have been done otherwise. He might break a few things along the way.
  10. The Story of O was about something else entirely.
  11. I thought it was going to be the CD player, my car has one.
  12. It is with great sadness that I have to mention the loss of a few local businesses as a result of political mismanagement. A local bra manufacturer has gone bust, a submarine company has gone under, a manufacturer of food blenders has gone into liquidation, a dog kennel has had to call in the retrievers and a company supplying paper for origami enthusiasts has folded. Draino has gone down the drain. The saddest one though is the ice cream van man found dead covered in nuts and raspberry sauce. He couldn't take it anymore and topped himself..
  13. I can't stand the cold, I get depression. Grew up in a hot climate.
  14. Way back when, if someone was a victim, a serious respectable photo of them was used in the press. Now they seem to seek out the other sort, but perhaps that is all to be found on social media. The Laos victim photos were not bad like that, but probably still lacking some of the respect that I would appreciate.
  15. I suspect it was all much safer in the 90s than it is now. We joked about the rascals but now I would take it seriously.
  16. Antarctica is closer to Melbourne than Darwin is. Explains a lot about the weather.
  17. Another random thought... often when a young female is assaulted, murdered or falls victim to something else, photos of the person are published which make them look like a victim in search of a tragedy. In other words, these photos taken from Farcebook or other social media do not show young women like my children or grandchildren, but rather show pouting, over made-up girls who seem to be trying to look like hookers. I know it is absolutely forbidden to suggest that they have attracted trouble, but someone should be honest about it.
  18. The Donbass is the richest part. I can see Trump doing a deal with the NATO allies in which they do the training and fighting, host US bases, while he spends dollars in the USA making shells, bombs and advanced weapons to send over in support. In return for mineral and technology deals with Ukraine.
  19. Me too...we have an island bench, quite long, which I circumnavigate while the kettle boils. If I don't do it, it means I'm having a bad day.
  20. Hmmm... they just had a democratic election with a clear outcome. So how is democracy dead?
  21. I rely on the BBC for my news when I get contradictory stories in Australia.
  22. pmccarthy

    Brain Teaser

    Dragging a dead weight.
  23. The more important question is where are they going?
  24. All of that. Frames from local materials, and walls from rolls of plastic carried in by chopper. You could certainly hear the bloke in the next room snoring.
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